Weapons The ultimate imagination The series has long been a sign of the creative power of the serial. Just as its characters' designs can reflect the worlds in which they live, so their weapons symbolize the history of most of their stories. Some, like the Tidus brother's sword, are standing as a reminder of Spira's sinful tragedy while joining the oceanic aesthetics of their environment, while others, like the Scale gun, play on the edges of their time and from They overthrow their concept. Through careful designs. However, when taking into account the range of weapons that this series produced, it can be claimed that none are symbolic Final Fantasy 7Buster sword, whose effect can be felt alike in IP and in more pop culture lenses.
Now, the Buster sword was not exactly breaking the new land from a design point of view FF7 First published in 1997 with other IPs like Kento Miura Happiness Manga already similar designs. However, Buster sword succeeded in increasing popularity because of any small portion of its design effectiveness, with its simplicity of its blade. FF7More aesthetics; The industrial nature of Midgar is apparently woven, while the Materia slots say trust in Maku energy to have magic, a source that is both evacuated and abused by Shinra. The glow of Ors Materia alongside the steel of the Buce Sword blade is not only a major contrast between natural and handmade but also speaks with sacrifices that also speak. FF7The characters are confronted with the history of weapons.

Keyblade & 9 of the best Final Fantasy weapons, ranked
Keyblade is a symbolic weapon, and the right to vote Final Fantasy is full of attractive and powerful weapons.
Buster Final Fantasy's sword is symbolic design and history
History of Buster Sword
While the BUSTER sword is recognizable with the cloud as its wielder, but larger than that FF7 Intends to what extent the sword has traveled in relation to its past owners. Those who are familiar with CrisisEvents know that the sword begins with Angel's father, whose tragic conditions have been expressed in a few short, yet exciting dialogue.
Angel's mother tells Zac that the cost of having a sword made, a gift to Angeal to join Shina was a heavy price for her father, which was later lost to her debt. “To fight pride” Mantra Angel is kept as a promise approved by her father using the sword only for emergencies, fearing “abrasion, rupture and rust.”
Shinara's disaster
The esteemed aspirations of Angel became Zak itself when he took over the blade, and from there, the symbol of the Buster sword was woven into his identity. End Crisis And that Unity Contpart emphasizes how much beyond its usability and design is not only a weapon, but also a greater symbol of honor that he gives a respect for Angel and Zac.
Of course, Birthday again FF7 Rotate Crisis On their head through the scenarios of their alternating timeline, although the importance of the weapon is still in it, talk to the larger damage caused by Shina and their effect in many cases FF7The world and the characters, the cloud is just one example.
The most influence of the sword of the Buster
With FF7 Reconstruction Vat Birthday again Shine of a modern light FF7The source material, the sword of the Buster has become even more symbolic. This weapon is pierced by the famous cloud movement, where movements such as brave are equally synonymous with personality as a synonymous weapon. Although the inheritance of the cloud, at least somewhat reflects his incompatible identity, it can be said that this weapon is just as he is Zac or angle. Because of the cloud status as one, if not the most recognizable The ultimate imagination The main characters, the sword of the Buster, stand by him on representing the strengths of the series, and the following is also referred to in and out. FF7Personal titles
The sword of the Buster is displayed in many of them FFTitles, with some of their shows directly in character games in games such as DearHuman beings include its prevalence in DLC. FF16 The Clive allows them to own the symbolic blade, with its explanations an important reminder of what their past assets have faced, because “the gap along its blade speaks of hardships.” Next to the appearance of the cloud in pop culture and crossover such as Bros Super SmashHe and Buster's sword have symbolically symbolized themselves not only within the framework of the series, but also within the scope of the history of the game.

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29 February 2024
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