Key foods
- The introduction of the characters in One Piece is epic and strange and captures the tone of the series.
- Kizaro's arrival with a cannonball, Blackbeard's food comment, and Kaido's failed methods of dying.
- Introductions should be unique, personable, and well timed for effective storytelling.
each piece It has always been a series with some of the most interesting characters of all time. With tons of world building and references promoting a character before they're even introduced, it's always a treat to see a major new character enter the series. one piece The best moments of finally seeing a character after years of hearing about them are sure to be a great introduction to the story.
When that happens, since fans are sure to be in for a treat each piece It has some amazing character introductions. If the pre-reveal build-up and development weren't enough, each character's physical appearance is usually equal parts weird and wonderful. From musical numbers to flying through the air with cannonballs, the best each piece Characters know how to achieve style.
One Piece: Explained why time may flow differently in Elbaf
Louis Arnott warned against staying in Elbauf. Time can move differently in Elbuff One Piece.
What makes a great introduction to One Piece?
Style and substance
To be considered the best series introduction, the character must be fully revealed for the first time. If the character has already appeared briefly in the story each piece Silhouetted or otherwise incomplete, without a formal introduction, the moment of their full introduction is considered their actual introduction. This means that Big Mom's song will not be considered her introduction, as the character was almost completely revealed with a title card earlier in the series.
I have arrived – Kizaro landing at Sabaudi
In general, this introduction to the story of each piece Need to do a few things first, they need to catch one piece The tone, which is equal parts whimsical and epic. Next, these moments should help flesh out the character from the moment the audience first sees them. Finally, the introduction should have a unique and creative factor that helps it stand out from the crowd.
Kizaro and Blackbeard enter in style in one piece
The approach of two villains
First off, one of the best introductions to the show has to be Kizaru's ball riding. one piece The arc of the Asbodi Archipelago. This moment perfectly captures Kizaru's character, who is so lazy and apathetic that he rides a cannon instead of walking to the island. In addition to helping flesh out her character, this moment also does something very unexpected, but admittedly interesting, that no other character in the series has done before. While there are better moments than this, Kizaro's introduction definitely deserves a mention.

One Piece magazine introduced a new crossover
One Piece magazine has a new crossover.
Next should be this each piece Villain, Blackbeard, introduction to the story. Although Blackbeard is more tame than Kizaru, he is shown to directly oppose Luffy and voice his opinion on the food they eat. While simple, this moment immediately establishes Blackbeard as someone who shares ideals with Luffy, but differs from him in fundamental ways. In addition, for a villain, this is a very unique introduction that brings interesting perspectives that each piece It takes on its own characters.
Kaido truly captures the essence of a one piece intro
A legendary pirate arrives
Ultimately, though, arguably the best introduction to the series has to be Bates' pirate captain, Kaido. From the moment you see him, you know Kaido is tough. Due to his hobby it is explained that he likes to find different ways of possible death, and none of them have worked so far. It's as epic as it is weird, and it's the best moment as the character finally emerges fully after falling off the ground. each piece Introduction
I survived again Old Whitebeard did it right. – Kaido
In the end, the other introductions, like Corazon and the former empress of the sea, Big Mom, definitely deserve credit. Plus, overall, it's hard to think of introducing a completely bad character in it each piece. In general, the characters appear with style and elegance, but most importantly, they appear in interesting and impressive moments of the story. The characters themselves don't appear when they're at their most interesting, but when the story naturally allows them to, making for more interesting character introductions in the long run.