There is more work left to do infinite goodness After completing Chapter 8. The Fifteen Year Quest, Echoes of Wishes will unlock a new Interlude chapter for you, and you'll also get a good ending by rescuing all the stylists.

Infinity Nikki: How to get and use shiny bubbles
Bubbles! Bubbles everywhere!
This quest involves visiting Avicinda and learning more about her story, which adds more depth to this interesting character. You also need to find a special key to rescue styles from their jailed state. Completing the quest also allows you to finally craft Silvergale's beautiful outfit by collecting its designs in the new season.
How to start Infinity Nikki: Fifteen years, echo of wishes
To begin the effort, you must Complete chapter 8 of the main story. After the events of the story, Giroda is the new Wish Master, and to start the quest, he must Meet him in the Temple of Wishes Using your little outfit, your goal is to rescue the stylists lost in the cage.
Fifteen years of searching, the echo of dreams
Your task is to get information about Key from Avicinda, He is currently in the dungeon because he was the main accomplice of Giruda. therefore, Go to Coon Prison It is to interrogate him Located southwest of the Desperation Orb Warehouseso you can Teleport in the Warp Spire To get there quickly
The prison is a cave The same place where you saved Giroda Before that he faced false accusations.
After talking to him, Avicinda will tell you his backstory and guide you on finding the key. He will point out that you can Find it near the Research Institutebut it is It is hidden in a pile of leaves.
How to find the key near the research institute
If you go West of the research instituteyou will see some piles of leaves near the rocks. you can Use your cleaning cloth to blow away the leaves. Eventually, you'll find the key in one of them.
If you get the wrong candle, you will be attacked with Esselings.
Now you need to give the key to the cage to the guards standing in the research institute and the stylists will be saved. you need Talk to all the rescued stylists to complete the quest.
Fifteen years, the echo of wishes, efforts, rewards
After completing the quest, you can Access Interlude Chapter: Call of Beginning, that you need Craft the Silvergale Aria outfit. You can also unlock designs for Wishful Aurosa's outfit set in Hearts of Infinity. You will also receive the following as a bonus.
40 diamonds
10,000 bling
30 strings of purity

Infinity Nikki: How To Craft The Refined Grace Outfit
Nothing is more professional than refined grease.