As you continue your quest to fill your wardrobe infinite goodnessyou want to get duplicates. Whether you get them from the Surprise-O'-Matic machine at Florawish or pull on the same pair of socks for the umpteenth time on your favorite limited edition banner, an extra set of clothes can't do for you. He has already undressed.

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Luckily, you can get rid of those extra clothes in exchange for materials you can actually use! Here's everything you need to know to reduce, reuse, and restyle your old clothes to improve your favorite clothes for good.
Old clothes recycling place in Florwish
Once you Fully shine an outfit to level 10you will receive a message from Dada in the Stylist Forum. A Faewish elf is in the center of town Collect duplicate clothes-And you've certainly collected quite a few by now.
hurry up He passed through the great square of Vishtriin front of Marks Jr. shop and right next to the stuffed animal exhibition. Here, you will find one A sweet elf named Yelubo.
Talk to them to learn about the process: you dress them up And they will Turn them into valuable shiny materials. There are different materials that can be made:
Glitter Bubbles: Beautiful
Glitter Bubbles: Sweet
Glitter Bubbles: Sexy
Glitter Bubbles: Fresh
Glitter Bubbles: Cool
you can Change the type of glitter bubbles at any time By selecting the arrows to change them.
Glitter bubbles can be used Complete the shine process For one dress you will earn money A glitter bubble for each repeat The clothes you offer
Many clothes You need 360 shiny bubbles for full shineso if you want to maximize your wardrobe, you need to stock up on a lot of extras. you can Get more clothes by buyingbut the clothes are just duplicates It is obtained through resonance and the Surprise-O'-Matic machine.

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Anyone else getting Inside Out vibes?