What are the features in Marvel Rivals training mode?

Back in the day, you would go to your local game, pop in a quarter and jump into a game and absolutely wing it. After all, who has time to practice while other players are waiting their turn behind you? Finally, due to the advent of home console gaming, practice modes became popular. We can't imagine many of our favorite games without them, including Marvel rivals.


Marvel Rivals: Beginner's Tips

Here's everything you need to know about Marvel Rivals to get the most out of its many systems, mechanics, and rewards!

The practice suite in Marvel Rivals has many features that will improve your game. You can learn the basics in training mode, hone your skills in the practice range, and test your strength in practice versus practice. AI or Doom Match. We recommend that you check out these educational options for yourself. You will probably find them perfectly Marvel– Wes!

Updated on January 20, 2025 by Jack Filsinger: With the full release of Marvel Rivals and the start of the first season, there are many variations on the Marvel Rivals training range and training modes to try out! We've updated this guide with additional practice and tutorial modes, as well as tips and tricks on how to use the practice range so you can master the controls and more.

What training modes are there in Marvel Rivals?

The Punisher takes down Galacta's robots with his Final Judgment attack in Marvel Rivals.

there is There are four modes of exercise In Marvel Rivals: Education, Scope of practice, doom raceand Training vs. Artificial Intelligence. Each mode serves a unique purpose in teaching you the tips and tricks of the game.

Training mode

The training mode is one Playable crash course From the basics of Marvel Rivals. There are four tutorials It teaches you everything from the basic controls to the details of each character's role in the game to master it.

  • Training: In this step you will play as The Punisher while learning Basic game controls
  • Hero training: At this point, You will play as different heroes and Learn the characteristics of each character roleincluding Duelist, Vanguard and Strategist.
  • Mastery training: In this case, you will learn How to play Domination maps.
  • Caravan training: In this case, you will learn How to play convoy missions

Scope of practice

UI screen for Marvel Rivals training range.

The practice range is where you can Study your hero's abilities in depth.

you can Participate in different types of training In practice By going to different places We will discuss each of these in more detail.

  • Target training area

  • Support training area

  • Team training area

  • Range practice area

  • Building demolition area

  • Champion's Target Training Area

  • Timed practice range

doom race

UI selection screen for Doom Match mode in Marvel Rivals.

Doom Match mode lets you do just that to face rival players In an endless space that can be rebuilt Where your only goal is to get the most kills.

you can Play as any champion in this modeAnd after every death it grows again without fail.

This is A great way to test the hero's abilities against other players No worries about the target.

Training vs. Artificial Intelligence

UI selection screen for Marvel Rivals training mode vs AI mode.

Practice versus artificial intelligence A multiplayer mode where you and your online teammates face AI opponents In Quick Race you can choose between three difficulty levels: ⭐ (Easy), ⭐⭐ (Medium) and ⭐⭐⭐ (Hard).


Marvel Rivals: Doom Match Mode, explained

Here's how to play Doom Match in Marvel Rivals!

How to use the practice range

Training Mode, Doom Match, and Training Mode vs. AI are all simple to use.

However, The exercise range has several options and features In this section, we will explain how to access them according to your educational goals.

Scope of practice included Several areas you can approach to try different styles of training.

Training area


What does it do?

Target practice

From the spawn room, go left and down the stairs.

Practice attacking enemy galacta bots. There are several of these across the range of practice.

Training support

Go right from the spawn room.

Train Galacta's allied robots.

Team practice

Go right from the spawn and go up the stairs. Or go left and down the stairs.

Practice different team abilities. There are a number of these kiosks throughout the practice range, including one in the practice area of ​​the range.

Scope of practice

Go left from the spawn and go down the stairs.

Practice ranged attacks and team abilities with the help of a measured guide on the ground.

Building demolition practice

Go left from the spawn and go down the stairs and go right.

Practice scanning and destroying buildings.

Hero simulation

Direct spawning outside.

Practice attacking enemy heroes.

Timed practice

Go to the building demolition training area, turn around and go down the stairs.

Customize a timed training session against Galacta bots or enemy heroes.

Practice range settings

Marvel Rivals training settings include the ability to remove ability cooldowns or enable friendly fire.

When you pause your game, You can set certain parameters Enter according to your training needs Practice settings from the pause menu. Then, turn the features you want on or off.

  • Without cooling: Turn this option on to use your abilities simultaneously without any cooldown period.
  • Friendly fire mode: Turn this option on to activate Friendly Fire (you can damage friendly heroes).

Timely practice range settings

Scheduled practice range settings page for Marvel Rivals practice range.

If towards Timed practice area in the basement, you Find a kiosk That allows you To create a custom timed workout session.

you can Change any of the following parameters.

  • Champion spawn selection

  • Target distance

  • Fixed or dynamic distance

  • Target movement and speed

  • duration

  • music

This is a great area to get to Practice all your hero abilities and team abilities In a short burst Play with these settings To test different types of attacks

Bright spaces

Bright spaces Power up your hero when you walk on them. Some of these spaces appear in regular Marvel Rivals gameplay. There are several of these within the scope of practice.

Power to space



Final charging space

A circular space with a purple edge that emits yellow energy.

Instantly charges your Ultimate Attack.

Health space

Small green cube space with a green cross on top.

Restores some of your health.

High jump space

Purple round space with upward arrows rising from it.

The hero catapults himself into the air to reach high places.

How can I learn more about my hero?

Hero profile menu from Marvel Rivals.

PvP shooters, such as Marvel Rivals, are similar to fighting games in that each genre includes an extensive roster of characters, each with unique abilities.

So, we can't cover training in Marvel Rivals without going into it How to learn character specific skills and techniques.

You can learn more by reading a hero's profile. each one Hero profile It includes the following sections:

  • Overview: This section briefly describes your hero, their difficulty level, and displays their character model.
  • Cosmetics: This section allows you to change the hero's outfit, MVP animation, Emote and Spray.
  • Abilities: This section contains your hero's move list and useful techniques.
  • History: This section covers your hero's backstory.
  • Skill: This section tracks specific hero achievements that you can complete to earn cosmetics.

For this guide, we're going to focus on the Abilities section of your hero profile.

How to use the list of abilities

A UI screen feature for the Invisible Woman in Marvel Rivals that shows off her skills and abilities.

List of abilities of your hero A great resource to learn about their skills and how to use them In addition, you can see your hero's abilities and the controls of each one! Here's how it works:

  1. this The left side of the screen lists all of your hero's skills. These skills include Normal attacks, Abilitiesand Team building abilities.

  2. Click on the skill you want to learn More about disclosure a Demo video on the right side of the screen.
  3. At the bottom of your hero's list of abilities are theirs Suggested composition. This section shows A You can combine bread and butter by combining different skills of your hero.


Marvel Rivals: Team-Up Abilities, explained

We'll admit it. Every time we activate the gamma ray team ability, we shout “Avengers assemble”. Don't you know what that is? Then, keep reading.

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