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What is mouse acceleration?
How to disable mouse acceleration in Marvel Rivals
If you feel your purpose in Marvel rivals It's a bit dull compared to other games, maybe not your fault. Not completely, at least. Hero Shooter from NetEase has a built-in function that, while sometimes helpful, can be generally detrimental to this particular game.
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Mouse Acceleration has always been somewhat of a controversial feature in games, but not being able to disable it while playing as your favorite comic book heroes is a bummer for some. Fortunately, there's an easy way to get around these restrictions if you really feel the need to.
What is mouse acceleration?
usually an optional feature, Mouse Acceleration makes your mouse move faster than your current sensitivity setting depending on how fast it is moving. If you slide it normally but suddenly make a sudden movement, your cursor will move more than intended.
As you can imagine, this is likely to cause you to lose control of your movement at times. Rotate your camera more than you intended. This can cause you to miss some skill shots or even get killed in an important fight if you're unlucky.
Players have noticed its presence in Marvel Rivals, But I didn't find any way to disable it directlyforces them to do some extreme actions.
How to disable mouse acceleration in Marvel Rivals
Disable mouse acceleration is possible but It requires a little messing with the game files. The whole process is very simple and takes less than a minute to complete.
The developers have advised not to change the game files on the official Discord server of the game. While they have not mentioned any punishment, Changing game files is still against the terms of serviceso proceed at your own risk.
Close the game, then go to it C:\Users\'Username'\AppData\Local\Marvel\Saved\Config\Windows.
Once you get there, open it GameUserSettings.ini File with Notepad skip all the text (below right [CareerHighLight] options), and paste the following:
Save and close the file. When you do, Right-click the GameUserSettings.ini file, go to Properties, and mark it as “read-only”.. Open the game again and it should be done.
However, some players have claimed that the game doesn't have mouse acceleration at all, but Windows itself has enabled it by default. If you want to be sure, Go to Settings > Devices > Mouse > Additional mouse options and disable “Enhance Pointer Precision” in the Pointer Options tab.. This removes the feature from Windows itself and affects your entire computer as well.
You can open a quick practice match to see if it makes a difference, or you can skip straight to your next match to see the effects in action. One of them will surely work in your favorso there is no reason not to try both methods.
Simply disabling the Windows option may be enough to save you from an unfortunate fate during teamfights. If you are not sure about the risks of changing game files, it is the best choice.
But if you still feel like the system change isn't enough, a recent announcement on the game's Discord server claimed that the team is “actively working on optimizing this feature for future updates.” It suggests that disabling mouse acceleration may become an actual in-game option later on. Just not for now
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