Times Kraven The Hunter defeated Spider-Man

Sergei Kravinov, known as Crayon the Huntsman, is the ultimate hunter in the Marvel Universe and often goes toe-to-toe with Spider-Man in his quest to prove himself as the ultimate hunter and warrior. Craven is one of Spider-Man's most cunning villains.

Adopt a more tactical and strategic approach when fighting the wall crawling hero.

Kraven's way of learning, tracking, and stalking his prey has been proven for Spider-Man over the years, with him often succeeding at the webslinger during random encounters in New York City. Although, in true comic book fashion, the good guy (in this case Spider-Man) often comes out on top, the Crown has defeated Spider-Man many times.


Spider-Man: The 6 Best Kraven Stories, Ranked

Kraven the Hunter has been introduced for Spider-Man 2, and fans are excited to remember his best stories from Marvel Comics.


Hunted – Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 5) #16 – #22

Cravens final design

Kraven the Hunter trophy room

  • subject – The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 5) #16–#22
  • let go – 2019
  • the author – Nick Spencer

In a direct successor to Horrible Hunt, readers see the newly revived hunter Crayon set out to defeat and collect a large number.

Animal themed heroes and villains
In an attempt to teach them respect and prove that he is the ultimate hunter. During this story, Crowe hopes to cause enough damage and destruction to Spider-Man's life. His hope is that Spider-Man will tie him up and kill him, giving Crown the death he desires.

Throughout the story, Crowe captures and tortures Spider-Man, pushing him back to his physical and mental edges. Trapped with former enemy and friend Curt Connors (The Lizard), Peter must watch as Billy Connors (a 12-year-old boy) and the Black Cat are tortured. This alone breaks Spider-Man's spirit and leads him to enlist the help of Curt Connors in freeing The Lizard. Craven then appears as the Lizard launches a fatal attack, leaving Spider-Man incapacitated and feeling responsible for the Lizard's actions.


Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Crowe easily destroys Spider-Man

Spider-Man 2 Kraven'

Marvel's Spider-Man 2


PlayStation-1 PC-1

was published

October 20, 2023

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Introducing one of the most powerful versions of Kraven The Hunter to fans. in the game, Crown manages to kill most of Spider-Man's toughest villains with relative ease. This has a direct impact on Spider-Man, as he prefers to recreate and capture his villains. Craven then stabs Peter, nearly killing him and seriously injuring him.


Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Every Villain Killed by Kraven

Here's what other villains the infamous Crown has killed from Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

As with most interactions between Spider-Man and the Crown, the wall-crawling hero comes out on top. However, Craven defeats Spider-Man in numerous battles and upon reaching his original plan. Crown's entire mission throughout the story was to basically prove himself as the ultimate hunter before his inevitable demise, and he succeeded. He defeated Peter Parker easily.

causing widespread chaos throughout the city that Peter swore to protect
And led Peter down a darker path.


The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 6) #33

The hunter is hunted

The Amazing Spider-Man Vol.6 Issue 33 - Spider-Man Shoots Crown

  • subject – The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 6) #33
  • let go – 2023
  • the author – Zeb Wells

in The Amazing Spider-Man Vol.6Sergei Kravinov (Crayon the Hunter) returns to wreak more havoc in Peter Parker's life. His clone inadvertently infects Spider-Man with Norman Osborn's evil, causing

Spider-Man becomes darker and more evil than ever
. Although Kraven The Hunter doesn't physically defeat Spider-Man, he essentially turns Peter Parker into everything that goes against what it means to be Spider-Man.

in Issue 33, Spider-Man hunts down the clone Kraven and plans to bury him with nothing but a live gun, hoping that the clone Kraven will end his own life, just like the original Kraven did in the events of The Last Kraven Hunt. This whole plan that Peter came up with can only be described as horrifying and was a real turning point for the Spider-Man character.


Graeme Hunt – The Amazing Spider-Man #634 – #637

The Crown family takes revenge on Spider-Man

Spider-Man Grim Hunt - Spider-Man VS Kraven

  • subject – The Amazing Spider-Man #634 – #637
  • let go – 2010
  • the author – Joe Kelly

this Grim Hunt In the story, the Craven family seeks revenge on Spider-Man, blaming him for the death of Sergei Kravinov. Crown's ex-wife, Sasha, plans to resurrect her late husband

Hunting characters with a spider theme
and use their blood in a dark magic ritual. Throughout the story, Peter's close allies are friends

Kane, Spider-Woman, and Madame Web
They are hunted down and killed by the Kravinov family, driving Peter to the brink of madness.


7 Best Spider-Man Horror Stories, Ranked

Spider-Man's sunny disposition doesn't suggest that the character terrorizes himself, but these comics waste no time proving that wrong.

Even though Crown is dead for a significant portion of the storyline, he and his family manage to defeat Spider-Man by driving him to levels of aggression and violence never seen before, even driving him to kill. they gave At one point in the final battle, Peter goes so far as to rip off Sasha Kravinov's face as revenge for killing Kane. Just like the other works on this list, although Crown and his family didn't defeat Spider-Man in battle, they did defeat him mentally, driving him wild and almost unrecognizable.


Crayon's Last Hunt – Spider-Man's Web #31

One of the best Spider-Man stories of all time


  • subject – Spider-Man's Web #31
  • let go – 1987
  • the author – JMD Mathis

In one of the most iconic Spider-Man stories, Crayon the Huntsman finally achieves his goal, defeating Spider-Man both physically and mentally. Believing himself to be on his way to his death, Sergei Kravinov is determined to finally achieve his lifelong goal of defeating Spider-Man, the nemesis that has continually eluded him. in The Last Crown HuntCrown manages to ambush the wall-crawling hero, subdue him with a tranquilizer dart, and bury him alive for two weeks.

During those two weeks, Crown took up the mantle of Spider-Man to prove that he could be a better Spider-Man than Peter Parker. However, he only managed to tarnish the public perception of Spider-Man. Although Peter was ultimately victorious, the physiological torture he endured during his two weeks in the coffin left a lasting impression on the normally friendly hero, sending him down a darker path for a time.


Marvel: The 8 Best Spider-Man Multiverse Events, Ranked

The character of Spider-Man has become synonymous with the multiverse. Here are some of the best examples of his multifaceted antics.

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