Earthen are the newest allied race WoW: War WithinAnd after unlocking them by completing a series of quests and a max-level campaign, you'll be faced with a choice: Which Earthen class should I choose?
WoW: The War In – How to unlock Earthen
A new allied race has joined the roster of playable races in World of Warcraft, and here's how to unlock Earthen.
Although each class is perfectly playable as an Earthen, their racial bonuses benefit tank classes more than other roles, and some classes just make more sense for Earthen than others in terms of lore. Two classes in particular stand out because they don't really match what the grounders are made of, but that doesn't mean they're necessarily bad choices.
Updated on December 3, 2024 by Eric Petrovich: When choosing one of these best classes for Earthen, World of Warcraft players should consider two things: Class strength depends on the Earthen racial abilities, and how well the class matches established Earthen culture. The latter isn't a big deal, all things considered, but summoning demons from the Twisting Nether as an earth warrior, or stealthing as a stone earth rogue, feels a bit odd. This guide has been updated to include more details for each class that Earthen WoW characters can choose, specifically Warrior, Paladin, Rogue, and Warlock. This guide has also been updated to provide a little information on all Earthen classes and the four classes that are not available for this new The War Within race.
All earth classes available in war within
Although there are thirteen playable classes in it World of Warcraftonly 9 are available on earth. These include the Hunter class, the Monk class, the Mage class, the Priest class, the Paladin class, the Rogue class, the Shaman class, the Warlock class, and the Warrior class.
The Warrior, Priest, Monk and Mage classes can be chosen in any race
World of Warcraft
soil is included.
The missing classes (Death Knights, Demon Hunters, Droids, and Evokers) are unavailable for scientific reasons, while each of the above classes have in-game reasons why lands can pick them. For example, Paladins and Priests could be Earthen who became interested in light from the Arati on the Isle of Dorne, while an Earthen Mage would make sense given their origins.
S-Tier dirt classes
Paladin, warrior
Terrain racial abilities are, for the most part, ineffective for most late-game activities. Well Fed bounties have recently been more relevant than Ingest Materials and the Titan-Wrought Frame breed, with Tanks benefiting the most from the latter. Increases your base Armor value by 10%, which is about the same as an Ironfur cast for Guardian Druids.
WoW The War Within: Earthen Allied Race Overview: Races, classes and more
The newest Allied Race, the Earthen, can be unlocked for play in WoW: The War Within – but not until September 3, 2024.
10% is not supposed to cause or break you during dungeon leveling wow You will notice this bonus even less. But while consumables can be useful for all classes, dirt tanks will be popular due to their Titan-Wrought Frame race.
- Paladin Arten: On the island of Dorne, we see that a character named Lief becomes interested in The Light and eventually becomes a Lamplighter. The lightsabers are basically paladins that feed on the holy flame, and since at least one of the Earths seems to have taken on such a mantle, it stands to reason that the others will as well. Paladin Earthen makes great tanks alongside Warriors.
- earth warrior: There is little scientific justification needed for the existence of earth warriors. All races in World of Warcraft They can become warriors, and judging by the number of khaki guards and soldiers roaming around Dornogal, khaki have plenty of room for warrior archetypes in their society.
The best non-tank ground classes
Mage, shaman, hunter, priest, monk
When it comes to the rest of the classes available for Earthen, it's harder to rank them from best to worst, as the differences are relatively minor. Instead, A-Tier Earthen classes are the classes that make the most sense for Earthen.
- Mage Earthen: Arcane magic comes from the Well of Eternity, which is essentially a font of Azeroth's power – and the universal soul of Azeroth is imbued in the land. Earthen have almost as much arcane power as the spells Mages cast.
- Shaman Arten: Khaki is basically an element infused with the arcane power of Azerite. It makes sense because they themselves are connected to Azeroth and its elemental forces, even though they may not communicate with the elemental lords like other shamans.
- Hunter Orton: On the Isle of Dorne, players can follow a quest where a new generation of Earthen learn to tame and bond with the Storm Gryphons. It is easy to see how this could lead to further exploration of the links between terrestrial and fauna.
- earth priest: In a quest on the Isle of Dorne, players will see an Earth investigating Iman Arathi, and perhaps other Earths following in his footsteps in their wide-eyed exploration of the world's possibilities. This also works for Paladin Earthen – although Earthen isn't the only Titanforged that summons light.
- Earth monk: In Dornogal we can see a group of Earthen under the tutelage of a monk, which is really enough to enter them as a class. Additionally, the only Monk trait that doesn't feel quite at home with Earthen is Mistweaver – they even make their own Mead, fitting the Brewmaster spec, which benefits from 10% armor buff.
WoW: All The War Within Season One Dungeons
There are eight dungeons in the list of WoW TWW dungeons for the first season, including four new ones and four returning ones.
Soil classes that are not quite suitable
Rogue, Warlock
In general, you can make up any reason for an Orthon to be a special class. They once adhered to their traditions and orders, and now they forge their own paths, so there's no reason why you shouldn't be a rebel or a warrior.
Of the two, Warlocks arguably make the least sense as they are tied to the Burning Legion, which as far as we know has had no impact on Earthen.
You could argue that they were tempted by the Void, which always seems to be present in Elgar's fur. TWWbut this is still technically different from the Twisting Nether powers in the Warlock class. In any case, the presence of Void powers in war within There is a scientific reason for the existence of Earth Shadow Priests, not Warlocks.
Earthen Rogues, like Tauren Rogues, are just a weird combination of Race and Class. If you're completely made of stone, you can't sneak around, stepping in the shadows is a surefire way to get caught. But there are some smugglers that you can deal with war withinand other types of rogue characters, so they are not unheard of. It's just a bit weird to think about, and a bit of an odd fit with Earthen racial bonuses.
Rogues are also one of the most underplayed classes in the game right now for a few reasons, so there's a reason beyond flavor to avoid rolling Rogue Earthen. But if you really want to break the mold and pick a class/race combination that doesn't make sense, Rogue Earthen might be what you're looking for.