The most sad match of the squid

Hundreds of people die each season Composite Fish PlayHowever, some of these deaths are much more sad than others. Whether because of the conditions that lead to the competition of characters in games or moments leading to their timely death, the death of special characters can really be stuck on the hearts of the viewer.


The worst players of the composite fish play, ranked

Some people are made for squash games. Others, like the players mentioned here, are not simply suitable for this challenge.

The most tragic death in Composite Fish Play It usually belongs to the favorite characters of the fans, but there are one or two minor characters whose mortality almost hardly hit. Some people close to them are betrayed, while others spend their lives so that others can survive a little more. As a result, many tears have been shed as a result of their passage.


Player 069

Player 069 (33 Games of Sound Fish)

Game of composite-69

Almost all the most sad Composite Fish Play Deaths include strongly developed characters, but there is a great exception in this chapter. Viewers can never even learn the name Player 069, and not really know much about him except the fact that he and his wife are competing in trying to erase their debt.

The couple are successfully able to move together in the first three games, but their decision to do so is again in the fourth game, leading to their death. The 069 player multiply his wife during the marble, but by doing so, he loses his will to live. The 069 player, who is used by his sin and the pain of losing, ends his life, so it helps emphasize the devastating emotional effects that a game like marbles can have on players.



240 player

Composite Fish Play

Like the wife of the 069 player and many more, the 240 player met with the end of the game instead of competing and losing the game, but Jay. Although the second death of several parts later makes this sacrifice somewhat meaningless, it does not make it less sad.

The most popular Composite Fish Play The characters are developed throughout the different parts, but almost all the characters of the Ji-Yong character can be found in Part 1 of the GGANBU. His conversation with Sae-Byeok does a lot of work to explain his personality and is almost like a dying confession. As a result, when he thanks to Sae-Byeok for playing with him, tears cannot be shed.


Oh property

Mother Gi-Hun

Composite Fish Play

The most saddest deaths in Composite Fish Play Hold on titles. However, there are one or two tough deaths that occur in the outside world, one of which belongs to the elderly mother of Gi-Hun, OH Mal-Soon. Viewers cannot actually see him, though his death occurs outside the page, which probably affects it.

Malta worked on the bone to survive and support a profane boy who regularly stole money from him, causing his constant suffering. When he was eventually ill because of the complications of diabetes, the Gi Hun was found no room, and as a result, Oh Mali died alone and had no idea of ​​what happened to his son.


Kim Jeong Ross

Gi Hun Loan Shark

Composite Fish Play

In addition to hurting those who are closer to him, Gi-Hun's addiction to gamblers sees him borrowing a lot of money from a loan shark called Mr. Kim, and ultimately the debt that leads to his participation in Games become. As a loan shark, the audience assumes that Mr. Kim is a terrible person, but it may be somewhat honest, but he is not beyond redemption.

In Chapter 2 Composite Fish PlayGi Hun has been shown to work with Mr. Kim in the hope of a recruitment trace. The latter is finally successful, although it will soon be captured by Ddakji Playing Psychopath and is forced to participate in a deadly two -person game with one of his infrastructure, Choi Woo Suk. After the horror, Wu Suk ends in a loss position, but Mr Kim decides to sacrifice his disqualification and shows that there is good things in all of him.


Jung Bae Park

Player 390 (Game of Composite 2024)

Jung Bae looks at Gi-Hun, where the man shows a gun in his face in the squad.

Because of the faster stroll and two fewer parts, season 2 Composite Fish Play As much as the characters before, they didn't have much memorable characters. Technically, one of its best was not even a Chapter 2 character, because the first appearance of Jung Bae Park actually occurred in the experimental part of the show, red light, green lights, where Jung-BAE is one of the GI-Hun. Gambling friends.


The best characters of the season 2 of the composite fish game

Season 2 of the Squid Game brought together the attractive characters of the characters, and that was the most interesting watching on the screen.

This friendship is mostly examined during the second chapter of the play and is shown to be much more than a mutual addiction. In many ways, Jung Baye is the final winged that is willing to follow Gi-Hun at the end of the earth if necessary. Unfortunately, it is as if he ends his manufacturer's meeting, while Jung Bae is one of the many people who is shot and killed during the failed Gi-Hun rebellion.


Kang Saeen-Bok

Player 067 (33 Games of Sound Fish)

Squid-SAE-Byk game

Most players in Composite Fish Play Is there because of the poor choice of their lives, but this is not always the case. After escaping from North Korea, Sae-Byeok decided to participate in the games to bring his younger brother to the border safely. Technically, this can be seen as a weak choice on his behalf, but fewer can argue that this is not a sacrifice.

Although Gi Hun ends in respect of his promise and helps the brother of Sae-Byeok, he does not know if he is honest or even survived in the final game. This is sad in itself, but the biggest bowel comes in the dying moments of Sae-Byeok, during which the audience sees a young girl who tells Gi Hun that she wants to go home.


Oh Il-Nam

Player 001 (33 Games of Sound Fish)

Oh Il-NAM (O yeong-su) on his death bed in Season 1 Game of Fish Fish

It is awarded, the old man ended with one of the bad people and in fact died at the end of Guganbo, but the moment the audience came to believe that he has done it is frustrated, he says the least. Although the building was based on lies, his bond with Gi-Hun was a strong character at the surface and turned him to that point into a favorite character.

The 001 player was basically a figure that Gi-Hun never needed and always needed it, which made his decision harder for the marbles. Then this Gi Hun tried to deceive the name to give him all his marbles, showing that everyone was in the dark, even if the old man later found to allow Gi-Hun to win. The audience learns a lot about Gi Hun through this encounter, just as he learns a lot about himself.


Abdul Ali

Player of 199 (33 Games of Sound Fish)

Composite Fish Play

No Ali, Gi Hun in the same part of the first part of Composite Fish PlayAfter rescuing his life, a gentle giant man forms a unity with the main character of the series and a number of other players that will ultimately help them alive in the next few games. Unfortunately, however, it is the alliance that leads to Ali's pairing with Sang Woo during marbles.

Ali is one of the most kind characters Composite Fish PlayHowever, his reliable nature turns him into a goal of deceit Sang Woo. After fair loses, the latter exchanges Ali's marbles for pebbles to save his skin in what is probably one of the greatest television betrayals of all time. Looking at Ali's face When he realizes his mistake is enough to break the hearts of many viewers and help Sang Woo's cement as one of the most coward Composite Fish Play Characters to date.


Composite Fish Play

Date of Publishing

2021 – 2024



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