The difference between curse users and wizards in JJK


  • Jujutsu wizards protect non-wizards, while users intentionally curse others.
  • Jujutsu magic began as a way to control cursed energy and kill curses in early human history.
  • The Jujutsu Council can label magicians as cursers for criminal acts, resulting in severe punishment.

Jujutsu Kaisen It uses the term “curse user” a lot. Often, the term is derogatory. But don't jujutsu wizards technically curse users? The short answer is no. in the world of Jujutsu Kaisenthe difference between curse users and wizards comes down to intention.

Professional jujutsu wizardry has thousands of years of experience behind it. Its main principle is that those who can curse must protect those who cannot. When a person with cursed abilities uses their power to commit carnage, jujutsu authorities label them “curse users” and sentence them to death.


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Jujutsu magic is a profession that has been practiced for thousands of years

Jujutsu wizards were organized throughout Japan during the Heian period

Satoru Gojo merges Red and Blue Limitless to form Hollow Purple in Jujutsu Kaisen.

Cursed as long as humanity has existed. They are born from the negative emotions that humans experience. Since normal humans can't control their cursed energy, it spills out of them and gives birth to cursed spirits.

In early human history, cursed spirits caused great destruction and devastation. Those who could control the cursed energy became responsible for killing the curses. Eventually, these hunters systematized their knowledge of curses and their killing techniques into the art of jujutsu. Jujutsu fans became known as “jujutsu wizards”.

Jujutsu wizards were not as organized as they are today. In the early days of jujutsu wizardry, its practitioners worked within their own communities and apart from the wider network. However, as the cursed spirits were produced exponentially, so did the responsibility of the jujutsu wizards. Thus, the jujutsu wizards of Japan, led by the three great families, formed a united front.

From that moment on, jujutsu wizardry became an institution. Wizards teamed up with the Japanese government to defend the people against the curse and train a new generation of wizards to do the same. For example, Jujutsu High receives funding from the Tokyo government and allows its students to attend tuition-free.

Above all, the main tenet of jujutsu wizards is that jujutsu wizards must protect non-jujutsu wizards. When wizards intentionally break this covenant, they are stripped of this title.

Curse users are cold-blooded killers

This command comes directly from the jujutsu regulations

Blood splatters when Jiro Awasaka hits a victim in Kaisen Jujutsu.

After breaking down the principles of jujutsu wizardry, the definition of “curse user” in JJK culture becomes clear. In addition, Gege Akotami directly defined the Council's provisions in this law Kaisen Jujutsu Official Character Guide:

“Regulations currently available to the public Jujutsu Regulations Article 9 (excerpt)”

“Any jujutsu magician who commits an act of carnage through the intentional activation of a curse technique is considered a curse user and is subject to execution.”

The Official Guide to Kaizen Jujutsu CharactersChapter 2, page 126

Curse users are the criminals of the jujutsu world who use various motives to justify their actions. Some are opportunists who kill for money, like Jiro Awazaka. Others, like Suguro Geto, are driven by idealism. Finally, youths who have inherited cursed techniques without the guidance or training provided by jujutsu, such as Junpei Yoshino, are more prone to crime.

Speaking of Junpei Yoshino, the founder of Jujutsu High directly responded to the rising rate of the cursed technique from youth to the criminal underworld. Those who are born with cursed talents, but have no connection to the world of jujutsu or its prominent families, are more vulnerable to this radicalization, and Yoshino is a prime example.


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Can the Jujutsu Council turn the term “Curse User” into a weapon?

Shibuya incident ends with armed justice

Yuta addresses the Jujutsu Shadow Council at the Jujutsu Kaisen.

Warning: The following section contains spoilers for Season 2, Episode 47, “The Shibuya Incident – The Gate Is Closed.”The end of the story “The Shibuya Incident” shows the terrible consequences of the events that took place on the evening of October 31, 2018. After using his idle form-shifting technique to create Jujutsu wizards, Pseudo-Ghetto unleashed millions of curses on the world. A scene for a massive conflict

The Jujutsu Council's reaction to the Shibuya incident is even more terrifying. Their first warrant calls for the death of Pseudo-Zheto – an expected move. Unfortunately, the council also accuses Masamichi Yaga, Yuji Itadori, and Satoru Gojo of being co-conspirators, sentencing the first two to death and the latter to permanent concealment in the prison realm.

Akutami chronicled the ongoing feud between Satoru Goju and the jujutsu greats. It is clear that Gojo became a teacher to create a group of magicians to reform the management of jujutsu and remove the elders from power.

However, one can imagine that the Jujutsu Council is only advocating the saving of Goju to deal with pseudo-ghetto terrorism. Throwing Yaga under the bus is equally counter-intuitive despite her efforts to prevent the will of the pseudo-ghetto. These statements prove without a shadow of a doubt that the top brass of the jujutsu world is compromised.

More importantly, if the Jujutsu Council can strip wizards of their titles for no reason or probable cause, what's to stop them from doing the same to any wizard who opposes them? The state of the jujutsu world after Shibuya makes the name “Curse User” even more ambiguous.

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