The Best Scary Skins In The Game

Fornite is best known for its unique base-building take on the battle royale formula as well as its legion of awesome skins. Thanks to numerous crossovers with other franchises as well as a steady drip of original skins, there’s always a cool new cosmetic to try on.


6 Disney Villain Skins Perfect for Fortnite

The worst of Disney’s most ghastly foes are set to debut on the Fortnite Battle Royale island, and some definitely deserve a spot as the most cruel.

There are brightly colored, funny skins, and skins ripped straight from cartoons, comic books, and anime for those seeking something lighthearted and playful. There are also dark and creepy Fortnite skins for horror lovers who want their mere presence to inject fear into the competition. Here are some of the most terrifying skins in the game.

Updated on January 30, 2025, by Ashely Claudino: There are hundreds of skins in Fortnite. Some of them are funny, others quirky, and some are downright creepy. Given the large pool of cosmetics available to players, it’s hard to reduce the list of best skins to only a few entries, which is why we’ve updated this article and added more skins. We added the iconic doll head duo, Gnash and Willow, to this list. Keep reading to see why they’re classified as two of the best scary skins in-game.



Part of the Hot Air Set

Fortnite Bendie skin

  • Release date: March 2, 2019
  • Price: 1,200 V-Bucks

Why are inflatable tube men so terrifying? Is it the deranged googly eyes? The weird rubbery texture of their bodies? Or the way they flop bonelessly about? It’s probably all of that and more. Players will want to make sure they can see enemy footsteps in Fortnite so Bendie doesn’t creep up on them.

The Bendie skin combines everything that’s terrifying about tube men into one upsetting cosmetic. Sure, it’s not covered in skulls or dripping with gore but it doesn’t need to be. Bendie is colorful but unsettling. With a facial expression like a concussed crash test dummy and movements like a frenzied ballerina, Bendie is unnerving on just about every level.


Undying Sorrow

Part of the Restless Dead Set

Undying Sorrow Fortnite skin

  • Release date: October 16, 2022
  • Price: 1,200 V-Bucks

Undying Sorrow is a Concept Royale winner; this skin won the contest in 2022 alongside Sinister Glare. Community member Kitsu is the one who came up with Undying Sorrow but this wasn’t her first rodeo. Kitsu has already created two Fortnite skins: Marigold and Charlotte. She continues to publish new ideas and concepts every day on social media.


7 Best Midas Skins in Fortnite

Midas has quickly become a fan-favorite character in Fortnite, and this golden villain has seen multiple variants over many different chapters.

When it comes to Fortnite skins suited for Halloween season, Undying Sorrow has become a fan favorite. Not only does the skin look extremely creepy with its big horns and threatening posture but it also includes a wing-back bling that’s hard to pass on. According to its creator, the objective when making this skin was to make it look as possessed as possible. Nobody really knows the exact background behind it but its claw-like hands and the massive chains around its wrists have a lot to tell.



Part of the Ultimate Reckoning Set

Gnash Fortnite skin

  • Release date: October 14, 2020
  • Price: 2,000 V-Bucks (included in the Ultimate Reckoning Pack)

Players who purchase the Ultimate Reckoning Pack in Fortnite will receive three skins – the creepiest of them being Gnash. His default style already gives off a strange vibe with its discolored skin, the webbed shoulder pads, the eerie smile, and the broken heart sewn onto his suit coat.

However, the Cursed Gnash alternative style has a creepy doll head, which makes it even more scary. The doll’s head features a mouth that’s been sewed shut, a button eye, and a damaged eye that’s been bandaged up.


Chaos Agent

Part of the Final Reckoning Set

Chaos Agent Fortnite skin

  • Release date: October 25, 2019
  • Price: 1,500 V-Bucks

The Chaos Agent is more subtle than many of the other creepy skins in Fortnite, but if anything that only makes things worse, letting the unsettling details sneak up on players. The black suit and slim, blood-red tie are striking, but it’s the leather-clad, three-fingered hands that really tell the player something is wrong.

That’s before even touching on the face, hidden behind a metallic gas mask with blank, insectile eyes. The Chaos Agent could be planning anything behind a mask like that, and with “Chaos” right in its name, it’s a pretty safe bet that the plans aren’t good. The unmasked Goopy style shows just how bad things can be under the surface.


Sinister Glare

Part of the Hand of Malice Set

Sinister Glare Fortnite skin

  • Release date: October 16, 2022
  • Price: 1,200 V-Bucks

Sinister Glare was added during the annual Fortnitemares event in 2022. Epic Games held a contest called Concept Royale back in March of that same year during which creative fans had to draw skin concepts that they thought would be worthy of becoming Fortnite skins.

The combination of Sinister Glare’s entire set looks great together. The eerie finger-filled back bling on the skin’s back is a truly frightening piece to stare at and yet it’s just so fitting for the scariest time of year, making it the perfect skin for Fortnitemares. Epic Games turned Sinister Glare into a real skin based on community member Dreowings’s concept and the result was better than anyone could’ve predicted.


Hay Man

Part of the Straw Stuffed Set

Hay Man Fortnite skin

  • Release date: October 7, 2018
  • Price: 1,500 V-Bucks

Horror overflows with scary characters that look like humans but aren’t. Dolls, mannequins, statues, and scarecrows appear in scary games and movies for a reason. There’s something frankly unnerving about something that comes so close to life only to fall short. Hay Man is part of the Straw Stuffed set which has its own themed wraps, back blings, harvesting tool, glider, and even a counterpart female skin, Straw Ops.

Hay Man embodies so much of what makes scarecrows scary. Stitches bind his mouth shut and hold his limbs together, and a tiny skull hangs from his necklace. His glowing eyes clearly show that something is awake and alert within that straw-stuffed head but it isn’t quite human.



Part of the Final Reckoning Set

Willow fortnite skin

  • Release date: October 24, 2019
  • Price: $17.25 (included in the Final Reckoning Pack)

Although Willow is similar to Gnash, one of the skins mentioned above, they’re not part of the same set. While the latter is included in the Ultimate Reckoning Pack, which costs 2,000 V-Bucks, gamers will have to spend real money to get the Final Reckoning Pack and add Willow to their in-game lockers.

Just like Gnash, Willow has mascara running down her face, a strange ooze emits from her dark hands, and she has an alternative Doll Head style, which makes the skin extra creepy.



Part of the Final Reckoning Set

Teef Fortnite skin

  • Release date: October 24, 2019
  • Price: 1,500 V-Bucks

Teef and Chaos Agent are both part of the Final Reckoning set. Just like Chaos Agent, it seems like an experiment went terribly wrong and created Teef. This creature has a disproportionate figure and its skin is made out of a strange gum-like goo that drips endlessly. There is something unsettling about Teef and it’s hard to pinpoint what it is, as so much of this character seems to be inexplicably out of place.



Part of the Party Parade Set

Peekaboo Fortnite skin

  • Release date: September 23, 2018
  • Price: 1,500 V-Bucks

Clowns. For many players, there’s not much more of an argument needed. These terrifying creatures can simply exist and they’re already frightening enough. Peekaboo’s bright colors and a blend of high-contrast patterns shouldn’t distract the player from exactly how creepy every style of this cosmetic is.

But what makes these take the cake as one of Fortnite‘s scariest skins is the alternative styles that come with the skin. The face-painted versions of Peekaboo are creepy enough as it is, but the big-headed mascot versions are much, much worse. Nightcaps, hair frozen into horns, and protruding teeth and the eyes just seal the deal. With terrifying swirls instead of pupils, there’s no question that these clowns aren’t quite human. There are instances in gaming in which clowns aren’t evil but this might not be the case.



Part of the Baker’s Nightmare Set

Mincemeat Fortnite skin

  • Release date: November 25, 2020
  • Price: 1,500 V-Bucks

Sometimes it feels like the creative team behind Fortnite is just pushing itself to see what harmless thing they can make scary next. Certainly, there’s no way they could make pie scary, right?


Fortnite: All Peely Skins, Ranked

Peely has become one of the most iconic mascots in Fortnite, and his library of incredible banana skins speaks for themselves.

The meat in this mincemeat pie must be old and rotten because flies have already begun to swarm around his head. With the carved expression of a Jack-o’-lantern and numerous cuts all over the crust of his body, everything about the Mincemeat skin feels tailored toward ruining a delicious treat and making everyone uncomfortable in the process. With the Mincemeat skin, Fortnite even managed to make food unappetizing.


Big Mouth

Part of the Fearsome Freaks Set

Big Mouth Fortnite skin

  • Release date: October 28, 2019
  • Price: 1,500 V-Bucks

The Big Mouth skin is perfectly named since the entire face of this creature is devoted to exactly that. Massive teeth, pink gums, and a huge lolling tongue take up the majority of this creature’s head. Players love to speculate about franchises that could still join Fortnite’s universe, but with original skins this good, other additions can wait.

While it might not be entirely clear what this creature is, it’s definitely not something that players want creeping up on them with an SMG in hand. The dark purples and blues of the Big Mouth’s wardrobe help it blend into dark areas, making an already scary Fortnite cosmetic even scarier. For some horror fans, playing a human with scary face paint simply isn’t going far enough. Big Mouth is ideal for players who want their monstrous skins to be actual monsters.



Part of the Nitehare Set

Nitehare Fortnite skin

  • Release date: April 20, 2019
  • Price: 1,500 V-Bucks

One of the most sinister bunnies anyone could imagine, the Nitehare is without question one of the most frightening skins in the game. Black leather, white stitches, hooks, and chains tie together an upsetting ensemble that completes this horrifying look.

Its head is almost bald, and its ears have notches in them as if they’ve been chewed on, but it’s the creature’s skin that’s most terrifying. The design team somehow managed to get the perfect, off-white color and texture so that the creature looks too soft as if one would leave a hand print in its flesh by touching it. Its blank white eyes and contorted facial expression leave no doubt: Nitehare wants everyone dead, and it’s prepared to make that happen.

Fortnite Tag Page Cover Art

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