The best healing spells in Dragon Quest 3 Remake HD-2D


  • Prioritize effective healing spells like Fullheal and Omniheal
    HD-2D remake of Dragon Quest 3
    To ensure survival
  • Midheal and Multiheal are effective mid to late game options for healing all allies in battle.
  • Avoid spells like Shine and Cook-a-Doodle-Doo as they have limited use and there are better alternatives.

When strategizing team composition in a JRPG, access to healing is very important. Dragon Quest 3,Like many other RPGs from that era, it requires the player to think long and hard about which classes they want to prioritize in their team composition.


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Effective healing is non-negotiable and in HD-2D remake of Dragon Quest 3 There are 11 Healing spells To choose when you are in a combat situation. Some spells are much better than others, and while the player may have access to the entire list, some spells should be prioritized.

11 Shane

Breaks a curse on an ally

The absolute worst healing spell in HD-2D remake of Dragon Quest 3 is Shane. Just because it's on the lowest level in terms of power, it's still useful in certain scenarios.

However, most of the time it is not worth it. Curse is a very rare status ailment to begin with, and Shin's high mana cost makes it only useful for a short portion of the game. Other spells are simply more widely used.

10 Cock-A-Doodle-Doo

Wakes up all allies

Cock-a-Doodle-Doo It is similar to Shin in that it is only useful in specific use cases. However, sleep can be managed with other strategies and better things.

The best healing spells are useful in many different scenarios. The only reason a player would use Cock-a-Doodle-Doo is if they don't have Rousing Rings equipped or their team's compact can't deal enough damage to wake up naturally.

9 tingling

Cure paralysis for an ally

While sickness paralysis is worse than sleep and curse, it still isn't enough tingling Considered a “good” spell.

Paralysis is much more damaging than putting to sleep, but the fact that this spell only targets one ally isn't worth the 6 MP cost. As with other ailment spells in the game, there are plenty of ways to deal with ailments without using up MP.

8 Squelch

Cures poison for an ally

Poison is the worst condition of the disease Dragon Quest 3 2D-HD Remake game Because this is a much more common occurrence than any curse, sleep or paralysis.

As mentioned, this disease falls into the same traps that other status diseases easily fall into. Antidotes are readily available and affordable. While the cost of Squelch It's only 3 MP, which 3 MP can be used for any of the better healing spell options.

7 heal

Heals 30 HP for an ally

heal A great early game spell. It's cheap and efficient, and reliably restores 30 HP to each party member.


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Instead of wasting mana on healing status ailments, it makes much more sense for the player to just use Heal. Spending 3MP a few times might give the player enough time to get back to town and recover more fully.

6 Zing

50% chance to revive an ally at half HP

The ability to revive an ally is very important. Reviving party members is a tedious task that usually requires retreating to a town and spending gold.

Sometimes it's worth gambling on success zing, which has a 50% chance of reviving a downed party member. However, with that horrible 10MP cost, most players will find this spell too dangerous, especially in situations where they need it to succeed.

5 Midheal

Heals 80 HP to all allies

Midheal A solid mid-game healing spell. Once learned, the weaker Heal spell will likely never be used again, mostly because it heals all party members instead of just one, and for more HP than the Heal ability.

Despite the few spells it has surpassed, Midheal will still have its uses. This is a very cheap and massive heal that can carry players through the mid and late game.

4 Casing

Revives a fallen ally

A reliable resurrection is a game changer, especially in the harder encounters of the game. CasingLike other spells in the game, it will replace its lesser counterpart. Once players learn Kazing, there is no reason to use Zing. But one downside is that Kazing has a high mana cost.


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When players have access to the best spells in the game, it makes more sense to spend that MP on keeping allies alive instead of using it to revive them. However, if needed, Kazing is guaranteed to revive a downed ally rather than a coin toss.

3 Multiheal

Heals 80 HP to all allies

Multiheal It's the best of both worlds compared to other healing spells HD-2D remake of Dragon Quest 3.

This spell is incredibly efficient as it heals all allies for 80 HP and the mana cost isn't too bad either. Once learned, it will take over most of the uses of Midheal and Heal, and will still be useful in the late game.

2 Complete healing

Full recovery HP For One Ally

Complete healing Undoubtedly the best healing spell in the game. It has everything. This is a low mana cost spell that completely restores an ally's HP without any extra mechanics or gimmicks.

This spell is extremely valuable in single-target scenarios, and players can even dedicate their healer to using this spell every turn, as it has very few negative repeat uses. It simply doesn't get better than Fullheal.

1 Omniheal

Restores all HP for all allies

The only healing spell that can be argued as the best healing spell HD-2D remake of Dragon Quest 3 is Omniheal. This is a full party heal and restores each party member's HP.

Omniheal is a savior in the hardest fights of the game. Full party healing guarantees survivability, so even though this spell costs a whopping 62 MP, it's often valuable in certain situations. However, a dedicated healer spamming Fullheal will be better more often than not, but when things go bad with haste, Omniheal can save the day.

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was published
November 14, 2024

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