Doflamingo believes in the brutal nature of humanity and sees strength as the key to survival.
His hatred of weakness stems from his own loss of power and rejection of the weak.
Despite his complicated sense of family, Doflamingo values his crew and their loyalty.
Donquixote Doflamingo So far, he is one of the toughest villains each piece. Like many big bad guys, he has a lust for power, but his history as a deposed global noble, and his constant desire to exact revenge on the group, add a layer of intrigue and complexity that makes him a unique antagonist. It turns into a person.

One Piece: 5 Pirates Who Hate Their Fathers
Usually, these pirates have negative relationships with their fathers due to a clash of ideals.
He is also somewhat distinguished by a level of genuine affection and respect for some of his companions, a trait not usually associated with many of the show's main villains. Even now, as he rots in a cell at Impel Down, he seems confident that his time is not up yet, and excited about the direction the outside world will take. Here are some Best Donquixote Doflamingo Quotes That really feels like her personality type.
“Every human being… even the most pious saint, harbors a hidden streak of barbarism that emerges at the sight of blood!”
This is entertainment
- context: Doflamingo talks about the Colosseum and how he escapes unscathed which is not particularly popular with his audience.
- Full quote: “Who would be glad to see you safe and sound, after running like cowards? If you can't kill your enemy, strike and bleed for yourself! A hidden streak of savagery that appears at the sight of blood and death.” It will be!
Doflamingo's logic and penchant for full throats in the Corrida Colosseum also reflects his general mentality. While he is right about the Colosseum's popularity, it also reflects his belief that the worst of nature is a man's truest essence.
As a truly despicable individual, Doflamingo believes that every creature like him is evil and self-serving, and that his wild nature is a virtue rather than a vice. His penchant for uttering absolutes, especially when it comes to how awful people are, says a lot more about his condition as a person than it does about any grand indictment of humanity.
“The weak must flee while they still can or be swept away by the tides of time as they return to herald a new era of heroes!”
survival of the fittest
- context: Doflamingo brings back Bellamy, who despite his efforts to join the Doflamingo family sees him as a constant failure.
- Full quote: “The beginning is ahead of us. We are approaching a new world where only real pirates can survive. The weak must run while they still can or be swept away by the tides of time as they turn back to reveal a new era of heroes!”
Doflamingo's theatrical surprise is rooted in his hatred of those who cannot fight their way to power. He hates Bellamy for his weakness and repeated failures, but perhaps it runs a little deeper than one might think. Bellamy and his crew came from a privileged background and only turned to piracy out of boredom. His failures make him look like the nobles of the world who are also weaklings from wealthy backgrounds.

One Piece: 10 Obscure Species
Many obscure races in One Piece have yet to be explained. Some may play bigger roles in the future, while others will remain a mystery.
Having lost his power as a child and subsequently actively trying to regain it by any means necessary, Doflamingo despises weaklings whose eyes cannot “earn” whatever claim they have to power and privilege. slow Therefore, his ideal world places those who can work for their power upwards, and he is probably in charge of everything.
“Power doesn't last long, it decays faster than anyone thinks!”
A threat with a thin veil
- context: After being locked in solitary confinement, Doflamingo questions the reason for such an intense effort on his part.
- Full quote: “I'd better watch my loose tongue. What a mess I could make. Just think, what if I told the whole world the secret that Mary Joyce is hiding? Why does it matter that it should be revealed now? Too much power It doesn't last. It rots faster than anyone thinks!”
Doflamingo is obsessed with his former power as a Universal Noble. It is widely believed to be the reason why the World Government holds him in such a strange respect, even compared to other warlords. Through intermittent laughter, even while bound and gagged in solitary confinement, he revels in the thought of other nobles of the world losing their livelihoods, just as he lost his life.
Here he hints at a secret known only to the world's elite, which he has kept ever since after his dismissal. Ever since he parted ways with the Bosses, he's become even more disillusioned with power. Despite being wrongly enthroned for several years, he was quickly dethroned thanks to Luffy and his allies. This encounter, along with his sensitive knowledge, which he seems willing to reveal, has him fully convinced that the hierarchy is about to change. The quote also suggests that now, and as a disgraced prisoner possibly on death row, he has nothing to lose, and would willingly share this sensitive information if he had the chance. put in public
“I will not forgive anyone who laughs at my family. Do you understand?”
Duffy's thoughts on family
- context: Doflamingo reacts to Pica making fun of his voice after a soldier laughs at his loud voice.
- Full quote: “I lost my mother when I was 8 years old… and I killed my father when I was 10. Those who hold the title of 'Executive' or above are my 'family' with whom I have shared my joys and sorrows. “The only thing I don't forgive is someone who laughs at my family?”
Doflamingo's family problems are well documented in the series. His father, Humming, saw him as too invested in the lavish lifestyle of the world's gentry and realized that his son was becoming a spoiled brat. He tried to change his son into a kinder man by leaving the organization, but the situation they were in broke their family forever. Doflamingo's younger brother Rocinante, the only close relative to survive into adulthood, dissuaded from his older brother's actions and no longer felt remorse for using the family's pretense to betray him to the Marines.
As a result, Doflamingo's family formed as a small gang that activated his desire for power after seeing his conqueror Hawkeye. The leader of the gang, Treble, who later became one of Doflamingo's underlings, gave him the devil fruit and the gun he used to kill his father. After this action, they formed the Donquixote Pirates, a crew that gave preferential treatment to its strongest members, those who arrived as “enforcers”.

One Piece: 5 strangest weapons of the series
One Piece has some weird choices when it comes to weapons…
Doflamingo's love for his family was twisted by his obvious lust for power. “Family” must not only be valuable to him through their power, but something he can control. However, as an olive branch to his “family”, he gives them a level of authority and respect. In this context, he is harassed by a man who mocked Pika, another early ally, for his loud voice. Being both a powerful warrior and wanting to activate Doflamingo, Pica looks upon Doflamingo with much more warmth than her father, a relatively “weak” man who stripped him of his power out of love.
To his credit, he has been shown to genuinely value his subordinates and is a fairly symbiotic relationship. When Vargo died in Punk Hazard, Doflamingo thanked him sincerely for his many years of service and Vargo passed away with a smile. His quote, and these similar interactions, suggest that not only does Doflamingo love being in charge of people, but most of his superiors actually believe in him and enjoy being his servant.
“You say justice will prevail? But surely it will! Whoever wins this war, justice will!”
The truth about world government
- context: Doflamingo's thoughts on justice are the prelude to one of the few actions he takes directly to aid the World Government: the war at Marineford.
- Full quote: Are pirates evil? Are the Marines righteous? These terms have always changed throughout history! Children who have never seen peace and children who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what is wrong and what is right! This place is neutral ground! You say justice will prevail? But surely it will! Whoever wins this war, justice will be done!
This quote is perhaps one of the best lines in the series. It points out that the law, and to some extent, the public understanding of “justice,” is not dictated by what is actually just, but by whoever is in control at any given moment. Doflamingo himself was once a child who “never saw war” and grew up as a worldly noble blessed to have been taught that he was a god and everything else was his plaything. However, when he was separated from the power that privileged him, he and his family were targeted by lynch mobs made up of those who had suffered much at the hands of the world's nobles. It was when he “never saw peace.”
These two different aspects of his childhood gave him an appreciation for how the backgrounds people grow up in shape their views on concepts like “justice.” Although he never grew out of the belief that he deserved to be in control of everything, he acquired the pragmatism to understand that there were people more powerful than he was, and that these people—noble or common—would do whatever they could wherever they had power. They dictated that it was “fair”. . It's probably this mindset that allows him to deal with stronger pirates like Kaido and even be employed by the World Government as one of the Seven Sea Warlords.
The Marines and the World Government, and obviously the World Nobles who serve their interests, are certainly not “just” in their actions. That said, they can maintain the image of existence through the means at their disposal. It was his indifference to the Marines' justice that allowed Doflamingo to remain uninvested during the Summit War and participate in it more for his own enjoyment than anything else. Everyone knows that history is decided by the victors, but as a power-hungry villain, Doflamingo can only see any kind of justice as just another tool for authority.