The best chaos models in Warhammer 40,000


  • The chaos faction in the Warhammer 40K reflects human nature in twisting, with the chaos gods formed by emotions.

  • Unique sculptures for chaos marines such as Abaddon and Typhus are symbolic.

  • Characters like Mortarion and Angron represent the powerful chaos.

The chaos faction of one of the 40,000 Warhammer Most The unique basic foundations, depicting a coexistence relationship between human nature and its hellish reflection in twist. The chaos gods of the Eldritch in Warp were formed as a response to mortal emotions, not just as a force of nature. The worshipers and their hearts reflect this by consuming their own aspects that are mostly reflected by their supporters. These aspects, from anger and bloodshed, to the pride and deviation of Slanesh, to a combination of hatred and selfishness in chaos have not been separated.

This unique plays in ancient “Dark Army” and allows the game workshop with many concepts and aesthetics, while keeping everything in a single chaos tone. While loyal Marines Have a lot of brilliant models, even darker reflections should not be out when discussing VermammerThe best sculptures


10 Warhammer characters still don't appear in games

Among all the Warhammer games released over the years, these characters still do not enjoy any virtual media.


Excellent wizards

The change of meat is obvious

David Galagar Workshop Thousands of Great Boys
David Galagar, Game Workshop.

One of the best sculptures presented by a thousand boys with esoteric themes, these are recently displayed Space Marine 2The wizards of the wizards are a unit of three thousand boys who are lucky enough to save the curse that they have made their less mental talented brothers into dust in their armor.

Instead, what concluded was the three very powerful and powerful warriors who clearly created the energy of chaos. Warpflame jets out of his body because they only garbage with Tzeentch enemies with their minds.


Hell trophies

Terrible hartist

Infernal Enripturess Igor Sid Games Workshop
Igor Sid Game Workshop

Salash is certainly the least valuable god of chaos, part of which is due to the themes of the taboo about their worship. The god/goddess pleasure and pain, the dark princess is one Vermammer The darkest characters. And no model makes its horror quite similar to the trophies of Hell.


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ORks are some of the most powerful Warhammer 40K units and these are some of the best ranks they are selected.

A herald of his slaves is a terrible landscape using the metal skin of some unfortunate men. Probably, they sing a kind of Dymune to accompany the male screams. This model with part of the pleasure of Slanesh, that is, the peaceful fork, with twisted horrors of Vermammer The world



Renegades and heresy

Louis Jones Workshop
Louis Jones, Game Workshop

The elite forces of the damn forces, the chaos marines, the spine are any chaos attacks. While there are several varieties in the kit, such as the Legionner Murder Team, the ruined and selected, these are the main. Each space player will have at least a few units of the army in his army.


Warhammer factions that have not yet appeared in games

These Warhammer factions still do not have the original look of video games and they deserve their time to shine.

As a model, chaos marines are a loyal and accurate update for their classic counterparts. They change a little about the aesthetics of the old chaos, but reinforce the evil and growing look. It is important to note that in Lor, several of these fighters are at war with their minimum support from their days.



Tzeentch reluctant champion

Dan Watson Games Workshop
Dan Watson Games Workshop

Probably the greatest mortal wizard, Ahiman is a complex character in Lor, full of regret over the transformation of the vast majority of his brothers into ghosts in his armor in a disappointing attempt to prevent the change of meat that destroyed his legion. He is now seeking Arcane's knowledge to reverse his mistake and throw the emperor of the body of Wille and his rotten empire to the heel.

As a model, Ahman is an imposed view of the table, floating on the Tzeentch disc, and as he goes out, he pulls Warpflame out of motion. His helmet is twisted with the evil of three eyes and his clothes come out behind him. Ahman is unaware of threats and confidence in equal measurement.


The fence

The hive hive hive

Typhus Games Workshop
Workshop on Johann Garnier Games

Typhus is the first captain of their death and the architect of their fall. Dedicated to the worship of Norrel before the start of the heresy, Tyhpus now hosts Hive Destroyer. The crowd of plague flies living in his body is able to destroy his enemies without even moving the muscle.

As a model, Typhus is impressive, in the middle of his walk through his move on some reckless enemies, in the middle of the road. The cracked and cracked armor replaces the bone growth and collars, which is chosen by a single, clinging to the trunk. He is really a disgusting and vague servant of Nurgent grandfather.


Abaddon the Despoiler


Jaime Martinez Games Workshop
Jaime Martinez Games Workshop

The successor of Horus is the warmer Abadon of the traitor. Abaddon is the veteran of the long war against Imperium by attending the Isstvan cruelty. He defeated heroes like Sigismund and even a clone of his Primarch. Abbadon is one of the strongest characters available.

His model represents his power. As he arrives at the stars with Talun Horus, he almost throws him up to the false emperor. On the other hand, he writes the sword of murder, with shouting faces. With different options and optional capes, players can even customize their disappointing.


Master of Property

The master of the owner

Catherine Master-OF-POSSESS-1 Catherine Workshop
Workshop on Catherine O'Connor

The traitor Astartes is sometimes dedicated to the body to allow their body to host Denizens of the Warp. And sometimes they were punished for some failures. Regardless of how this happens, there are masters of the ownership of the Marines who monitor this chaos.

No marriage model records Daemonic and SCI-Fi themes Warhammer 40'000's The design is quite similar to Possession Master. The flames erupted from the skulls that adorned his backpack and one in his hand. A sinister and designated expression on his skull hat, reflects the best helmet covered by faithful Astartes churches.



Daemon Primarch NURGLE

Igor Sid Games Mortarion
Igor Sid Game Workshop

Mortarion Primarch is the guardian of death and Daemon Primarch Nurgent. The mortar is a force that must be counted, and both Jagata Khan killed white wounds and killed Gilman in a single Robute Guilliman of Ultramarines, though they were both later alive.



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The Warhammer series is very wide, including both Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000.

The Mortarion model is a Reaper image, which goes up at the top of the battlefield created by Wings Rotten Moth Bings. His Visage Dreptit is hidden by a hood and mask, but it is visible enough to show the taste of the mysterious things enclosed in that armor.



The first princess of Damon

Mike Lim's wizards from Blakor Beach Games Workshop
Mike Lim, Beach Wizards, Games Workshop

Appear in both Warhammer 40,000 Vat Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, Be'lakor finds more love in the latter but he is still a great miniature in which Warhammer 40,000Human beings once, he was the first mortal to be granted by the chaos gods, only when he realized that he was playing them all for power. Be'lakor wishes to return to their previous position as the choice of gods.

Standing at the top of the chaos, Be'lakor is as much as any elementary. His wings are adorned with chains and skulls. His sword is unclear. He roars under his base with a crown of broken horns, with the option of a marine warrior or chaos at his base. Be'lakor is the final model in Daemons and chaos.



Angel of red

Angron Jaime Martinez Workshop
Jaime Martinez Games Workshop

The powerful servant of Karen is his most sad brothers. Angron was denied his choice to die alongside his colleague's gladiatorial rebellion, who failed to release his home from Nuciria. Instead, his emperor and only saved him. Angron was planted with butcher nails, planting brain that causes pain whenever the unwanted user is actively angry. This made him and his legion an easy goal for the blood god.

Angron is now a Primarch Daemon and she looks like. The butcher nails go back from his head like metal dreadlocks. Using a wicked chain ax in one hand and a giant sword on the other side, Angron as Daemonic Berserker, Visage from his skull sponsor, goes to war.

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