Joy-Con Nintendo Switch 2 controllers may predict player movements based on patent formation.
The patent describes a system for tracking finger motion to predict player inputs.
Switch 2 receives the right unveiling in April, and potentially reveals the features of the new controller.
Joy-Con controllers used by the future of Nintendo Switch 2 The console can have technology that predicts the next player's move. This information comes from a Nintendo patent file published on January 23, referring to the potential technology that can be incorporated into the Nintendo Switch 2 interface.
Nintendo Switch has done well. Launched more than seven years ago, the Hybrid Nintendo Handmade/Desktop is the leading generation console. In fact, the switch recently became the best -selling console in the United States and surpassed the Lifetime PlayStation 2 sales number. Now, Nintendo is preparing to move the torch to a new generation of hardware, properly called Nintendo Switch 2. After months of leakage and rumors, the company officially unveiled a short trailer for a switch 2. More questions about console capabilities remain, which may be answered in a direct set of Nintendo Direct for April 2.

What does the Nintendo Switch 2 Direct expect in April
The Nintendo Switch 2 in April will be the issue of Nintendo Direct and the main switch may hold the content of this presentation.
Some of these questions are undoubtedly related to console controllers, which appear to have a number of new features including Joy-Con features originally intended for the first Nintendo switch, such as magnetic attachment in Considered. One of these features can be a system for predicting future player inputs. A patent application, registered by Nintendo on August 2024, released on January 23, shows a system that follows the player's finger position and direction near the buttons, with the possibility that it can hold the next player entrance. Forecast.
Nintendo Patent Registration System for tracking and predicting player inputs
According to the patent program, which has a little more than a system chart that describes the details of the mechanism logic, Nintendo describes a system that tracks the player's finger because it calls the controller buttons. When the player's finger moves to press the other buttons, the system can automatically perform future inputs based on the arrangement of the buttons that the player has contacted or pressed. In other words, the system, as explained, can record the players' finger patterns on the controller, then take action based on their subsequent input forecast. This can straighten the operation for specific items, such as choosing a menu or even in -game actions such as attack sequences. Forecasting systems have been working in games for years, and similar efforts to use the logic of the game to “guess” a player's input systems such as Rollback Netcode in war games.
It should be noted that a patent program is merely an attempt to patent an idea or mechanism, not an indicator of creating this technology or even based. Therefore, Nintendo's absent confirmation, no one can tell if the system registered in Switch 2 has built Nintendo's main switch or any real hardware. Patent programs are said to show that Nintendo engineers and designers are at least thinking about, such as how newspapers work in the future Animal crossings Play. Whether or not these systems turn it into real products is a different issue.

Nintendo Switch 2
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- Original release date