Street Fighter 6 Year 3 DLC Wish List

While the unveiling of Street Fighter 6Character Pass Year 2 isn't set to end until this summer, with speculation about the season of DLC coming after that due to the reveal of all the fighters in the current pass months ago. Although its roster represents a strong mix of new generation and classic fighters, Street Fighter 6 It still has enough familiar faces left to create several years worth of content at its current release rate. With several episodes from the series and Capcom as a whole to envision, Year 3 has the potential to deliver one of the strongest DLC seasons of fighting games in recent years.

Looking for support after launching becomes a lifeline Street Fighter 5The subsequent success and redefining of multiple versions SF4DLC characters are now an important part of a title in the series and maintain long-term interest. is in progress deadly rage crossed with Street Fighter 6 Half of the second year is filled with impressive guest appearances, but there are plenty of unused fighters that fans are missing from the original franchise itself.


What to expect from Street Fighter 6?

Now that her presence in Street Fighter 6 has been fully revealed, Mai Shiranui looks set to keep the game's Fatal Fury energy going.

Old old choices

With how many people pleasers are left out of it SF6 By now, it would be more ideal for Capcom to go back to five characters per season and focus entirely on its core cast. This is very unlikely to be commented on Street Fighter 6The producer of the guest characters will still play an important role, so there will be an inevitable compromise between these fan favorites.

Makoto and Dudley represent two ends of the lovable spectrum as a martial artist and stylish boxer, and their absence in Street Fighter 3: Third StrikeMetro City always seemed strange. Sean has that distinction, but he was once an overshadowed face of a new generation, putting him in a unique place to explore his pitching gimmick. Series mainstays Sakura, Sagat, and Vega all got more opportunities to shine. SF5And staying true to matching those visuals will likely resonate with the Drive system.

  • Makoto

  • Dudley

  • Sakura

  • Sagat

  • Vega

  • Sean

Newer collections added

While not as old and popular, some fighters have still attracted a healthy following in their short tours so far. Street Fighter 4Sea Viper may seem like a welcome return after the long hiatus since his introduction, but the unique mechanics associated with Menat or G could make them equally valuable despite their long absence.

Several natural fits are first person

The inclusion of more guests is unlikely to be unanimously welcomed by longtime fans, but Capcom seems to respect it. However, if the company is willing to go through the trouble of importing guests into the RE engine, it could be a smart move if Capcom-owned characters are used. By returning from Darkstalkers The franchise has been teased and speculated about for years, letting cast members in. SF6 could test the waters for a full release in Luke's original DLC appearance. The succubus Morrigan, her counterpart Lilith, and the catwoman Felicia all stand as popular representatives of the series that don't clash too much with the show's tone. street fighter.

Strider and Cyclops, on the other hand, have a lot of history in the company's crossover series, which could allow their movesets to be built almost as nods to the past while also showing faith in the future for the titles. Keeping that theme outside of the genre, the titular character is violent Asura's Wrathif it fades, it can still have meaning and predict a new title of itself. With Kimberly returning to Guy Street Fighter 6 Unlikely, fully committing to Strider on Zeku could be the most important of all these routes.

Darkstalkers Guests

  • Morrigan Ainsland

  • Felicia

  • Lilith

Other Capcom guests

  • Asura (Asura's Wrath)

  • Strider Hero (Strider)

  • Cyclops (X-Men vs. Street Fighter)


Street Fighter 6 fans should know about Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves

Street Fighter 6 released crossover characters as DLC, and fans should watch out for Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves' attempt to return the favor.

Street Fighter 6's Metro City setting could use more agents

Continuing the cast of Arcs of Final Fight

Originally appeared on Capcom The final fight These characters have since become a collection of arcade side scrollers. street fighter Cosmos when players first see that Metro City is a place SF6 set, it was naturally expected that they would all receive new iterations. Faces FF After 2 years of DLC they are still clearly being left out, which makes them seem more needed than ever.

Guy may need a new perspective to feel original in his ninja gimmick, but welcoming updates to Cody and Hagar's stories, and the politics of Metro City could potentially outpace their gameplay evolution. Poison and Hugo are the two complements of the acrobatic and lumbering styles, while Rolando's military baton usage can be powerful enough to change the entire meta. The faster speeds of the Maki and Lucia styles are suitable for aggressive models and heavy gauge drives. Street Fighter 6And bulky Abigail achieves the exact opposite result. Sodom remains a wild card that has been absent since the alpha, so there's no telling how his weapon-based approach might have evolved in that time.

  • Cody

  • son

  • Hager

  • poison

  • Hugo

  • Rolando

  • Maki

  • Lucia

  • Sodom

  • Abigail

Ultimate wishlist for Street Fighter 6 Year 3

There's no telling how far Capcom can go between their guest numbers and the core fighters they're working on, but being optimistic about their adherence to fan feedback means limiting Year 3 to a single, first-person guest. If the pass contains only four characters like Street Fighter 6Again, the second year of the pass is best used to represent a different era of the franchise with each fighter. Including the following lineup would do justice to the series while maintaining Capcom's vision:

  1. Makoto or Dudley (third strike representative)

  2. Sakura or Sagat (old school/alpha representative of the series)

  3. Cody or Sam (resident of Metro City)

  4. Guest Character (Capcom Representative)

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