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Arriving at Azimuth Station
Giving Strider access to the Azimuth system
Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl It can have some grueling missions even at the beginning of the game. After getting the Inductor and talking to Strider, you need to go to Azimuth Station. However, it is not an easy task as you have to face thousands of enemies.

Stalker 2: Heart Of Chornobyl – Complete guide and walkthrough
Stalker 2: Heart Of Chornobyl is a huge game with a bunch of secrets and side missions, and here's everything you need to know about it.
The ward will be at Azimuth Station, so you'll need to deal with them first before tracking down those who took the artifacts and unusual skiff scanner. This mission is called Chasing Ghosts and even starting it can be a bit difficult.
Arriving at Azimuth Station
After you're done talking to Strider, he'll give you a sniper rifle, which will come in handy later. Equip the weapon and move to the azimuth station. Now, you're looking for a key and you don't have to fight anyone. The soldiers were already dead, simple as that Find Major Harihorchenko And loot the dead body to get the key.
While you can go directly to the body that contains the key, it's better Take your time and explore the location of the loot. The fight will be tough, so the more resources you have, the better you will perform.
The corpse will be right next to the stairs, so after getting the key, go down and unlock the door. Open the other door and go down the stairs. now, First the left headbecause there might be some loot around. After completing the looting, Move in the opposite direction and go right. This is when you will hear the first dialog, That means the fight will start.
Crouching to enter stealth mode before engaging in combat is recommended Use a grenade to start a fightthen finish it off with melee weapons.
Head right and to your left, you'll see a bunch of enemies. It will be a close range fight, therefore Using your shotgun or AR would be ideal. There will be six enemies in this room, so don't let your guard down and try to get a few stealth kills at first.
You can use A knife or a silent weapon For that, but due to the proximity of the enemies, they may warn on the spot. After killing everyone, Make sure to loot their bodiesbecause the fight is not over yet.
After that, go north, go left and right in front of you It will be another enemyso kill him quickly now go left and he is in front of you The body you were looking for. Seek the body, and you shall find it Azimuth access keyso retrieve it and go up.
You don't have to go back where you came from There will be stairs right next to the fuselage. Climb them, loot the body, and then head up.
Giving Strider access to the Azimuth system
Now that you have the key, You must give access to Strider to continue the mission. However, as soon as you leave, Fuma will be there to finish you off. This will be a troublesome opponent as he uses a sniper from a tower.
Do not try to fight him head on Unless you plan on using the sniper that Strider gave you before you started the quest. If you want to use a sniper, then take cover and Wait for an opportunity to blow his head. However, if you want a close range fight, then Run straight ahead And go inside the building.
If you plan to fight in close quarters, then be careful around you, because there are traps around.
Quickly grab the loot from the left and make your way in the opposite direction. The building will have traps, so be aware of your surroundings and make sure to set them off. Move, and You will notice a computer with a blue screen. Approach it and use the keycard.
You will now notice a door to your left, enter it and there will be another trap. Bend and disarm it and then To beat Zuma head on. You'll be shot several times as you climb the stairs, so make sure Skif's health is full and once you get to where Zoma is, Do a quick 180 and shoot him.
You will now be given two choices: to Kill or injure him immediately. It doesn't matter what choice you make, because he will die either way. after that, Simply install InductorAnd Strider will call you.
After the dialogues are over, Do not go downbecause there is only one more thing to do before the mission is over. Head up using the stairs outside and turn on the device. By doing this you will hear dialogues. After activating the device, the mission endsand you will be one step closer to finding the people who stole your artifacts and scanner.

Stalker 2: Heart Of Chornobyl – The Poppy Field Walkthrough
Here's how to navigate Poppy Field and find the Root Cellar to get the religious symbol for Mityay in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl!