Professor Herman is a senior scientist working for SIRCAA and was introduced at the beginning of the year Stalker 2 As he helped Skiff into the area. Although things went south and the initial plan to charge the artifact skiff failed, Herman's fate remained unclear. However, this soon changes when Skiff reunites with Professor Herman during the main mission “Wishful Thinking” and must determine his own destiny.

Stalker 2: How To Enter Pripyat Early (updated method)
Pripyat is one of the late game areas players will visit in Stalker 2, but here's a quick way to get there early in the game.
Should you kill or skip Professor Herman in Stalker 2?
in the late The main mission of “wishful thinking”.Players find Professor Hermann tied to a chair and a new character named Agatha joins the conversation. He explains how Herman had planned with Fawcett to steal the scanner from SIRCAA and kill the last witness, including Skiff. After the conversation ends, Agatha gives Skiff a gun and lets him kill Professor Hermann or let him go.
What happens if you kill Professor Herman?
If the players choose “He must die” option.Skiff takes the gun from Agatha and shoots Professor Herman in the head. Doing so will have no immediate consequences and the rest of the mission will continue unchanged. There's also no reward for killing Professor Herman, just a load of hatred lifted off Skiff's shoulders.
However, this choice will affect the end game, but only if you choose to go with the end of the section. Stalker 2.
What happens if you let go of Professor Herman?
If the players choose Select the “Let Him Go” optionAgatha puts the gun away and frees Professor Hermann from his shackles. Herman jumps up to thank his savior, but is stopped by the lingering resentment in the skiff. After he leaves the office, the mission proceeds as normal without any immediate changes. As with the previous choice, there is no reward for dropping Herman.
However, it's possible that players will encounter Herman down the line, and he may even lend a helping hand during a tough mission (similar to the tough soldier pick).
There is also an additional choice with Agatha where Skiff has the option to either inform her of Spark's attack on SIRCAA or withhold the information. Choosing either option would result in Agatha already knowing about the attack and only asking Skyf about it to test her loyalty to Ward's cause.

- was published
November 20, 2024
- OpenCritic rating