Realm Royale Reforged is shutting down

Key foods

  • Realm Royale Reforged will close on February 17th, 2025 at 12pm EDT.
  • The announcement came less than three weeks after Hi-Rez Studios confirmed the layoffs.
  • Divine Knockout will also shut down its servers on February 17th.

Hi-Rez Studio has announced Realm Royale Reforgedthe studio's Battle Royale game, will close on February 17, 2025. Realm Royale ReforgedThe company's shutdown comes less than three weeks after Hi-Rez CEO Stuart Chisam revealed that the studio would be laying off team members as part of an internal reorganization.

According to an X post from Chisam, Hi-Rez's layoffs were the product of a “comprehensive review” of the studio's “strategy and operations.” This review informed Hi-Rez's decision to focus its efforts almost entirely on it Hitting 2the latest third-person MOBA from Chisam Studio and Post showed it Hitting 1 and Paladins are the only other titles that receive ongoing support.


Do not shake your head with dismissal

Head over heels, the French developer known for the Life is Strange series, has been laid off due to issues with recent releases.

So it's not particularly surprising to see support for other Hi-Rez live service games end. Realm Royale Reforged It will be among the first offline. This is scheduled to occur on February 17th, 2025 at 12pm EDT, at which time the game will be removed from digital storefronts.

Digital Knockout is also shutting down

Realm Royale Reforged Hi-Rez Studios isn't the only game shutting down Divine knockout It will also shut down its servers on February 17, 2025 at 12pm EDT. While this title, a 3D platformer, never had as many players Royal realmHowever, it is disappointing to see the game offline. As with Royal realm, Divine knockout In addition to shutting down its servers, it will be removed from the showcase of digital stores and the game will not be available for download.

With support for Realm Royale Reforged and Divine knockout Ending Hi-Rez Studios is left with four live titles: hit, Hitting 2, Paladinsand rogue company. While Chisam's aforementioned post confirmed that the first three titles will continue to receive varying degrees of updates, something about rogue company. This seems to indicate that the studio intends to do so as well rogue company It is offline, although it is currently unconfirmed.

who said rogue company It seems that a slightly larger playerbase is retained on Steam than the titles that are going offline. in fact, rogue company 24 hour peak has more than 500 players, while Realm Royale Reforged It has a 24-hour peak of just over 300 players and Divine knockout 24 hour peak has below 50 players. While these extra players may not be enough to justify it in the end rogue companyGoing forward, they could encourage Hi-Rez to keep the tactical shooter servers going beyond February.

Hi-Rez Studios

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