Pokemon is publishing new nanobluks with Palda theme


  • Pokemon releases new Nanoblock models, including Pawmi, Tandemaus and Clodsire from the Paldea area.

  • Nanoblocks Micro -building blocks are as popular as Lego and fans.

  • Kavada toys sell nanotechnology collections for 2420 JPY ($ 15.60) in Japan and international transport is not available.

Pit And Japanese retailers Kawada Toys released three new pocket monsters on the Nanoblocks line, including Pawmi, Tandemaus and Clodsire from the Paldean area. Nanoblocks is similar to Lego brick, but they are manufactured as micro -building blocks in Japan and are distributed by Ohio Art Company in the United States. First released in 2013, Nanoblocks has been converted into main parts collected inside Pit Randomly, with three other items to join the list.

Pit For the series of video games, including the future of symbolic Pokemon Legends: ZAPopular business card game now in honor of it Prismatic evolution Expansion and anime, which is currently played Pokemon Horizons: This seriesMankind. However, Pit IP goes beyond games and television because the presence of goods is diverse and profitable. In addition to the nanobooks, Pit Diving to Funko's pop faces, dresses, lifestyle accessories and more, including newly announced Gardevoir Gardevoir muffins.


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Toys Kawada announced that Pawmi, Tandemaus and Clodsire, Nanoblocks were new on February 1, 2025, and these models are currently only in Japan without international transportation option. Each nanoblock collection consists of 400 pieces on average, depending on the design of the pokemon, the difficulty level and the details available in a Pit Groudon Nanoblock Fan's. Each Nanoblock 2420 JPY ($ 15.60) costs and is available only through the Kavada toy website for Japanese residents. For fans outside Japan, it is recommended to visit local entertainment stores that import these.

Pokemon Nanoblock Line welcomes Pawmi, Tandemaus and Clodsire

Pit Fans have previously destroyed their Nanoblock collections, proven this entertainment among fans and collectors. In response to the new trilogy, Twitter users were never wasting, and the newcomers were tempted to showcase them, and another fan demanded that one Wuper Paldin was added to the next wave. In addition, Nanoblock enthusiasts were affected by the manufacturer's ability to reproduce the features of each pokemon in the various blocks provided.

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the voting in 2021, Pit The unveiling of a stack of nanobloos with OG monsters from the Canto area, and so far has been added to the Series 13 of the brand. The line currently includes three start -up of popular Game Boy, Charmander, Bulbasau and Squirtle, along with Pikachu poster monsters, several eevee developments and legendary birds including Moltres, Articuno and Zapdos.

Game series


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Satoshi Tajiri

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