in Pokemon GoThe various Raid Bosses that Trainers can encounter tend to rotate every time a new chapter appears or thematic events come into play. There are a number of different Raid levels available to players, including 1-Star Raids which usually feature the first/Basic Pokemon, 2- 4-Star Raids offering evolved forms and rarer specimens, 5-Stars It is unique. Legendary and Legendary Pokemon then special Max Battles, Shadow Attacks and Mega Raids for Boss Dynamax/Gigantamax Pokemon, Shadow Pokemon and Mega Evolution.
During the double fate season in Pokemon GoRaid Boss Pokemon variations have been made through several key rotations, many of which take place during various in-game events that are part of the live service format that the game follows. Mega Gallade is one of the key Pokemon to return to Mega Raids during Dual Destiny, with many players seeking out and battling this boss, potentially even adding one to their collection. They attract themselves. In order to achieve success and prepare accordingly for such raids, key information detailing Mega Galad's main weaknesses and resistances, as well as the best Pokémon to deal with this boss, is included in the guide below.

Pokemon GO: Shadow Registeel Raid Guide – Weaknesses, Counters & More
Pokemon GO Trainers should prepare for Shadow Registeel Raids by checking their main weaknesses and resistances to assemble a team of counters.
Pokemon GO: Weaknesses and Strengths of Mega Galad
in Pokemon GoMega Gallade is a dual-type psychic monster with a stat expansion of 326 ATK, 230 DEF, and 169 STAand also Maximum CP 5112 – Makes it a very powerful fighter. Due to the Mega Gauld Type composition, this Pokemon is resistant to Fighting and Rock Types monsters and moves, so Trainers should avoid implementing such examples or strategies in their team for these fights.
Instead, players should prioritize building a successful team of counters that take advantage of Galad's main weaknesses, which include Fairy, Ghost, and Flying Types. Finally, Mega Gallade gets extra power when fighting in cloudy and windy weather thanks to the Weather Boost mechanism. For this reason, players may try and avoid Raids under these conditions if possible.

Pokemon GO: How to Get Shiny Palkia
You can easily get a Pokemon GO Shiny Palkia by following this detailed guide.
The best Mega Galade counters in Pokemon GO
In Pokemon GO, the best counters for Mega Galade use Pokemon that have both strong stats, as well as a type that Mega Galade is weak to – or at least, strong moves of one of those types. Players may also want to consider STAB – Same-Type Attack Bonus, which deals more damage when a Pokemon uses a move that shares a Type with itself. Below is a list of Mega Galad's most powerful counters as well as optimized move combos. However, if players do not have access to these specific monsters, they can simply use this list as inspiration to build their team from what is available.
pokemon |
fast movement |
Charged move |
Mega Rayquaza |
Air Slash |
Ascent of the Dragon |
mega hello |
Dragon's tail |
fly away |
Mega Fighter |
licking |
shadow ball |
Mega Gardover |
attractiveness |
Dazzling shine |
Eveltal |
guest |
Wings of Oblivion |
Dawn Wings Necrozma |
Mental cut |
Moongeist Beam |
Meowth's Shadow |
Mental cut |
shadow ball |
Mega Al-Kazem |
Mental cut |
shadow ball |
Enamorus Incarnate |
full of wind |
fly away |
Lunala |
Air Slash |
shadow ball |