Omens of Tyranny faction explanation from Helldivers 2

After months of fan speculation and more than a few leaks, the Omens of Tyranny update finally brought Illuminate. Helldivers 2. The update was dropped last Thursday with little notice, likely due to Arrowhead developers hoping to mimic the surprise attack nature of the Illuminate attack. Although the patch also brought a slew of balance changes, new vehicles, a new Warbond, and a new biome in the form of Super Earth's urban colonies, the arrival of a third faction is the biggest improvement the patch offers.

Although they were a major player in the first game, Illuminate were conspicuously absent Helldivers 2Their launch and inevitable return will be seen on the in-game narrative and the community at large. Now that the third faction is finally here, there's a lot of ground to cover. Far from hordes of Terminids or Skynet-flavored automated militarism, Illuminati introduces a whole new roster of enemies and threats that will require a whole new set of strategies if the Helldivers are to send them to whatever planet they choose. . from


Helldivers 2 is getting a huge player count

Helldivers 2 is currently experiencing a massive increase in player count, making the game more popular than it has been in months.

What is Illuminate?

The Illuminate are a squid-like alien species founded on the other side of the galaxy. Their advanced society predates humanity by several thousand years, giving them a huge head start in the technological arms race. They are said to be cannibalizing each other's brains to transfer knowledge, though this may just be creepy Super Earth propaganda. They were originally a huge threat Helldiversas the third faction during the events of the First Galactic War.

The Illuminati, or Squiths as they call themselves, were completely defeated at the end of the First War when Super Earth reached their birthplace, the Scooby Temple. And although Super Earth told its citizens that the last of the Illuminate had been destroyed here, they were actually only forced out of the galaxy for a hundred years.

It has been noted by Arrowhead developers that the current Illuminate force represents only a small portion of their entire army. What's happening in Calypso right now is just the sides of the scouts making themselves known, and the full force of the Illuminate's vengeance has yet to be unleashed. Only time will tell how much more destructive this faction becomes over time and how much more firepower the Helldivers will need to stop them.

The Illuminate Faction explained and how it dealt with them

no vote

The most common enemy type players encounter on Illuminate planets are Voteless-Super Earth colonies that have been kidnapped and turned into mindless zombies for the Illuminate. And with so many of these things, it's clear that Illuminate has been busy. Beyrai are in the purest sense of the word. They die easily, but the danger comes from their forces. They attack in numbers that even terminals can't match and can easily overwhelm or route players who aren't paying attention. At that point, they begin to act as a tar pit for larger enemies to capitalize on or just kill the player via a kill-per-thousand offense.

It's pretty easy to send a “no vote” if a hell diver is aware of them and doesn't overrun them. Almost any weapon or contraption can do this, but shotguns may be a last resort, as staying in effective range opens the door to easier ambushes. Ideally, weapons with a medium range and a high rate of fire. Helldivers 2Assault rifles, SMGs, and especially strategic machine guns excel at quick dispatch and at the safe confines of Voteless. Flame-based weapons are useful for their unbeatable DPS, as long as players are careful not to outmaneuver.


These burly aliens are the vanguard of Illuminate invasion forces across the galaxy. These tank squid are like elites that Master Chief dispatches with ease, these squid meow like no-votes, but unlike their zombified underlings, these savages can make short work of any hellbent miserable enough to end up on their end. They can quickly close the distance with energy shields and a powerful energy blast.

Obviously, the best way to deal with them is to stay away from them to avoid using those personnel. The energy blast attack moves slowly and is heavily telegraphed, which makes dodging simple enough, but overcoming the energy shield requires smart thinking and a quick trigger finger. Helldivers 2Stun guns and lasers are great at draining shields, and follow-up attacks to the head keep them wobbly enough to take them down. All-way strategies work equally well, though these enemies are faster than they look, so players need to make sure to aim the lights accordingly to make sure the Eagle 1 doesn't miss its mark.

supreme supervisor

These units are similar to other observers, but their main difference is in their flight power. High Watchers have jetpacks that can quickly move across the battlefield and rain down death from above with energy blasts and grenades.

Since these Watchers are traded for mobility and range, they lack the energy shield of their Earth counterparts, making them easier to damage directly. The same rules apply as the main supervisors: aim for the head and fire. Their jetpacks can make them a bit of a pain, but shock-based weapons like the ARC Launcher and ARC Blitzer can alleviate targeting problems.


The Overseers that populate the most enemies are drone units that bathe players in otherworldly purple light. Creepy as it may be, this light has a practical function outside of psychological warfare.

Beholder lights are signal lights for Illuminate ships to drop more enemies on the damaged player. And if not dealt with quickly, the Overseers themselves can begin to launch devastating slow attacks that allow them to launch a number of deadly projectiles. Fortunately, they are very weak to sustained fire, especially in their central eye area.

the reapers

Like HG Wells' iconic and terrifying tripods war of the worldsthese reapers are currently the most imposing threat on the Illuminate front. These powerful juggernauts are easily recognized by their towering stature and massive blue energy shields that protect them against the strongest tricks. These shields must be focused and torn apart to damage the tripod itself. All weapons work, but the more powerful the better. Lasers and quasar cannons seem to be particularly effective at this. Stepping inside the shield while it's active comes with a nasty surprise: the shield delivers a lethal jolt of electricity, similar to the effects of the Tesla Tower.

When the shield is down, fire must remain focused on the main body of the harvester. Similar to the Watchers, its weak point is its central “eye” from which its laser attack comes. The main body is covered in medium armor, meaning that a number of weapons can penetrate it and deal light damage while other teammates hit it. Neglecting to damage the reaper for too long will cause its shields to regenerate. As the biggest enemy currently in the Illuminate roster, these are huge threats that must be dealt with as soon as possible.

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