Ninja Gaiden 2 Black has a strange problem with game pass


  • Play Pc Play games with Ninja Gaiden 2 Black face the controller and have a better chance with a DualSense controller.

  • Some solutions include disabling Steam input or preventing DS4Windows when using Xbox series controllers.

  • The game supports DualSense despite the Xbox series release, and presents unique controller compatibility issues.

Ninja Gaden 2 Black PC players are experiencing controller issues when it comes to Pass Pass, but those using DualSense seem to be doing just fine, regardless of hardware. Many gamers were excited to see this Ninja Gaden 2 Black Shadow dropped after January's Xbox Developer Direct presentation. While many enjoy the title on their favorite systems, Game Pass users are dealing with issues that will likely require patching over time.

In 2024, Microsoft showed gamers that almost any device could be an Xbox outside of the Nintendo Switch and PS5. Although the PlayStation 5 lacks a lot of Xbox exclusives, that doesn't necessarily mean it or its peripherals aren't better at working with games via Xbox Services. Ninja Gaden 2 Black It seems to be a case in point that the DualSense controller is saving the day for some Game Pass players.


2025 is going to be a big year for Ninja Gaiden fans

This year is already full of original releases, but Ninja Gaiden fans could be one of the luckiest fans of all in 2025.

Some users report passing the game on PC Ninja Gaden 2 Black Is experiencing controller issues, and so far it seems like the best fix might be a DualSense controller, oddly enough. On Reddit, several players have shared that their Xbox series controllers don't seem to work well with their PCs and are experiencing various issues, including misfiring or not being able to recognize the device at all. However, one such user plugged in his DualSense PS5 controller and it worked fine. The controller issues do not appear to affect players running the title on an Xbox series or PS5 console.

Players are reporting game controller issues on PC with Ninja Gaiden 2 Black

A different player shares that disabling Steam login fixes the issue for Pass users, which seems to be a good general problem for many, but not all. Ninja Gaden 2 Black player in the passing game. The issue here seems to be that Ninja Gaden 2 Black It doesn't click with many emulated controllers and natively supports PlayStation 5's DualSense, but given that the title was also released natively on Xbox series systems, that doesn't explain all aspects of MISHAP.

Other gamers note that their problems are caused by using DS4Windows, an open-source virtual controller emulator for using DualShock and DualSense controllers on various versions of Windows. These players should ensure that DS4Windows is not running and that they are completely shut down from steam, as having either or both programs running seems to mess with their settings. While this title may be one of the most interesting results from Xbox developer Direction, PlayStation's DualSense seems to be coming for some.

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