Minecraft blooms should be a milestone for the game's goals

Across different biomes and expansive landscapes and blocks minecraftseveral different types of plants can be found. From common oak trees and weeds to sweet berry bushes and relatively elusive melons, all types of vegetation can be used to benefit players with building materials, food, decor and more. However, flowers are one type of plant that has little use. While flowers can be used to add color and attract bees to honey farms, many players simply use flowers as decoration or ignore them. Despite these uses, a new flower may be a turning point for blooming plants minecraft: Eye bloom


Minecraft's love of new types of wood needs a spiritual successor

Over the years, several new types of wood have been added to Minecraft, but one more type of block deserves to be in the spotlight with updates.

The pale garden blossoms explained

In late 2024, Mojang announced the addition of a new bio called the Pale Garden, which was first revealed in Minecraft LIVE 2024. This dense forest biome is full of dark gray pale oak trees, overgrown leaves and hanging moss. It's a desolate place where no animal groups—only monsters—spawn, including tree-like guardians of the forest, the Creaking, who can only attack players if they're not looking at mobs and otherwise remain frozen in place. While there are many new blocks and objects to be found in this biome, such as breaking hearts and resin piles, one of the more interesting features of this biome is the eye blossom flower.

Grown exclusively in the pale garden, eye blossoms are small, dark gray flowers that can be easily camouflaged among pale oak trees and hanging mosses. During the day, the eye blossoms may just look like gray flowers, but at night, the eye blossoms open in an “x” shape, revealing a bright orange core. Mojang designed the eye blossoms to mimic Creaking's orange eyes to keep players on edge. Additionally, the eyebloom can make slight noises whenever it lands on moss blocks. Eye blossoms also react to other nearby blossoms, so if one opens, the others will too. It can also be used to create orange and gray colors, poisonous bees, and in questionable stew recipes.

New update of minecraft flowers

There are currently 20 different types of flowers that can be picked and planted minecraftincluding:

  • Alliums

  • Azure Bluets

  • blue orchid

  • corn flower

  • Dandelions

  • Eye blossoms

  • Lilac

  • Lilies of the valley

  • Orange tulips

  • Oxy daisies

  • Peony flower

  • Pink tulips

  • Pitcher plants

  • Poppy

  • Red tulips

  • Rose bushes

  • sunflower

  • Torch flowers

  • White tulips

  • withered rose

Based on the versatile uses and abilities of blossoms, Mojang should try to introduce more flowers with similar features or old flowers with new abilities. to update Two particular plants in particular need an eye-bloom update: torch flower seeds and pitcher plants. These two plants are among the rarest and hardest plants minecraft Because they can only be found by sniffers, whose eggs can only be found in the dubious sands of warm ocean ruins. When the sniffers hatch and grow to adulthood, they can smell the seeds of the torch flower and the pods of the pitcher plant, which can grow into the torch flower and pitcher plants. However, both torch and pitcher plants have little use despite being rare.

Pitcher plants can be used to create a turquoise color, increase the likelihood of beehives growing with beehives, and serve as an interesting decoration with a little optical illusion. Torch flowers can be used to create an orange dye, a dubious stew that creates a night vision effect for five seconds, and to breed Sniffers. Many players were disappointed by the lack of features associated with torch flowers and pitcher plants due to how difficult they are to obtain. Mojang can solve this problem by giving two plants unique abilities, such as the pitcher plant that can collect rainwater and act as a natural bucket, and the torch flower that can light up a small area and act as a natural torch. act

Potentially new flowers have been added to Minecraft

Mojang can also add new flowering plants minecraft which have unique abilities similar to eye blossoms. One flowering plant that can stand out among other dormant flowers is the Venus flytrap. While known for its insect-trap jaws, the Venus flytrap produces small white flowers and is naturally found in pine savannas in North and South Carolina. Accordingly, Mojang could add them to old pine taigas or dark forests, and have flytraps act as static obstacles that can try to bite mobs if they get too close. Unique flowering plants such as eye blossom or Venus flytrap can help with exploration. minecraftIts diverse biomes are much more attractive.

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