Like any Soulslike worth its salt, The lies of P It stands out for many reasons, but the most important of them is the wide spread of enemies and exciting boss designs. Absolutely strong, bold and loose in every feature it brings to the table Adventures of Pinocchio The adaptation achieves an eerie whimsy that draws initial attention due to its striking resemblance to bloody And it gained curiosity for the unique lying system, charming and quirky NPCs, and combat with dynamic structures that revolve around an array of weapon handles and blades.
very similar Sekiro: Shadows Die Twiceand even bloody to some extentThe lies of P It's ruthless in testing whether players are skilled enough to dodge consistently. Indeed, while a Motivity-leaning or Tech-leaning build favors one over the other, they are fairies and dodgers. The lies of PMad Donkey's bread and butter and the skill check that Steel makes for tempering players comes early on. However, as learned by successively dismantling even the first puppets players encounter upon stepping out onto the Kraut Central Station train platform, there's usually a surprising motivation to deal with humanoid enemies wielding their melee weapons. have

A rumored lie of the P 2 feature could reinforce its FromSoftware similarities
New rumors have surfaced suggesting that the sequel to Lies of P could be multiplayer, making it look even more like its obvious inspirations.
Breaking guns are Perfect Guard Lies of P's Secret Sauce
Players will simply block the attack if their full guard isn't timed, and such a mistake is devastating because blocks can't deal the damage anyway. This encourages fully trained and learned guards as well as calculated evasion maneuvers with both mechanics helping to manage players' stamina, as some lines of attack are more effective or efficient than parries and vice versa. That being said, dodging can be far more valuable than avoiding damage or even dealing status damage to an enemy whose attack is fully guarded.
In cases where a humanoid enemy uses a weapon, such as a knife-wielding Walker of Illusions, an ax-wielding weasel, or a broadsword elder brother, many of these weapons can be broken through Perfect after dealing enough damage to them. Guards Breaking enemy weapons is attractive for several reasons: most importantly, a weapon broken by Perfect Guards deals less damage and has a smaller hitbox. A broken gun is a valuable sign that the players full guard skill is exceptional. And connecting a full guard and seeing the enemy's weapon permanently break for the remainder of the fight along with an audible cue is simply satisfying.
Lies of P's DLC should continue Splinter Enemy Steel
Enemies in The lies of P It's still possible to be very powerful with broken weapons, but there's a lot of satisfaction in knowing that Perfect Guards have been valuable players, and even P's own ability to regularly repair weapons on the Grinder before they too become woefully useless. reflects Enemies do not have such a Grinder, and so players who have mastered Perfect Guards against humanoid attacks can exploit this weakness with impunity.
Allowing a weapon to be completely destroyed The lies of P It leads to the need to fix it by referring to Stargazer, which cleverly encourages the conscious use of a Grinder at the right moments in battle.
It's important to know which enemies have weapons that can break and which don't, and The lies of PHopefully, future DLC will introduce a variety of threats that use such weapons. Sure, there are a handful of goofy monsters like the Fallen Archbishop Andrews or the Green Swamp Monster, but it would be great to have a bunch of stalker mini-bosses like the Owl Doctor or the Atoned because it can increase the number of enemies it helps. identify Weapons are breakable, the mechanic itself will surely be replaced again The lies of PThe DLC if mirrored the same gameplay as the base game, and is definitely a performance in combat that future Soulslike games could use to their advantage.