The world Star Wars It is massive and includes many good characters that are ignored, especially if not included in the films. Knights Star Wars of the Old Republic 2: The Site Lords It had one of the coldest versions of its time and was mainly unfinished, with hours of cutting content and broken lines. Despite these important defects, Knights Star Wars of the Old Republic 2: The Site Lords Is welcomed today as one of the best Star Wars Games thanks to the quality of its writings, the world building and its characters.
One of the main characters in Knights Star Wars of the Old Republic 2: The Site Lords Kria is the first member of the player's personality party to meet, Kreia filling the role of the old and wise Jedi master. He teaches the player, recommends them about the ways of force, and often presents his views on the positions and results of the game throughout the game. This even improves the personality of the player's personality with Kreia and allows them to share their thoughts, feelings, and deaths.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 – Each Prestige Class is ranked
Whether a light or dark student, Star Wars: Kotor 2 players need to choose a prestigious class. Which one is the best?
Star Wars: SITH Lords delegates the role of wise coach in unexpected ways
Kreia's role as a clear coach, but he both serves this role and overthrows it because he is one of them City Lords“The main antagonists, who were intentionally sought to exile seriously to die for the force. The overthrow of the coach is deeper than the failure of the students, and his teachings are to blame for the fall of many serious people, including cookieRevan, even if he was not a Sith Lord at the time.
Instead of a complete denial of the Lor that has come before, City Lords Gets in exchange for Star Wars'Lor and it checks it. At the end City LordsThe result is not the rejection of serious philosophies and SITH, but rather a delicate understanding of Lor Star Wars Movie and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Introduced. This type of review of Star Wars Lor has been done since City Lords“Launch, but certainly these efforts have not been effective, saving Clone wars'TV series.
Kreia's relationship with serious exile in Kotor 2
This cutting and examination of force is primarily done through the arc and goals of Kreia. In his arc, a combination of narrative mechanics and video games is placed, where Kreia teaches the player to come in new ways and become more powerful as a user, but by doing so, also in KREIA. Playing the power of force. Human
It creates an interesting dynamics between KREIA and Exile Jedi, because in most cases, serious exile is very aware that Kreia is manipulating, but accepts him for any reason, from empathy to care.
Kreia is truly a character not previously seen Star Wars And since then it has been rarely seen. While Jolee Bindo of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic He was also something of the overthrow of the wise coach as a gray force user and a former serious seriousness, he still encouraged one -way actions. Instead of encouraging serious exile in the path of light or darkness, Kreia really wishes to be a serious deportation and take action that is completely good or cartoon evil.
It has been attempted to repeat Kreia's view with various Jaded Jedi masters, but always by changing the heart and accepting serious teachings at the end of their stories, they make them less attractive than KREIA. Kreia's experiences informed her vision, and her unique relationship with the player turns into a personality, which many remember even two decades later.