Investigation of madness

As far as tactical hidden games are played in real time, Madness A creature is artistic, unique but loyal to mechanical players may expect to find in the genre. The players are in an eighteenth -century monastery in Pyrenees, and their players find both in the house of God and asylum for people with mental problems. But not everything as it seems, and while looking for a way to escape, the truth begins to clarify behind the strange structure and the inhabitants less than its hell.

Combining the use of riddles and mechanics in past horror games with an artistic style inspired by famous 18th -century Spanish painters and modern caricatures, trying to pin Madness It is not easy for its religious themes and settings to be memorable quickly, as designing its characters and incorporating it from a meter of reason, though specific aspects of the gameplay and its story have made me incomplete and hungry for more information. Be.

Developers in the kitchen game in creating dark titles that are overflowed by religious symbolism, called Metroidvania 2019 Clamps And the sequence of 2023 it Kafir 2 Find admiration for their visual style and war. Players control the character while they are in these games. MadnessAs Alfredo, a devoted priest imprisoned by a corrupt query, is eager to discover what ambushes in his sudden prison area.

Stone of Madness has an incredibly unique art style

It is estimated that more than 15,000 video games were released in 2024. Every year the creators make more and more their hat into the proverb and create a title that is prominent – and it will be difficult to argue. Madness It failed to do so. Its cinematic scenes are smooth and smooth, the monastery's arrangement with the color of realism and its characters is far from cutting the cookie.

These are not young and noisy characters who may expect to find in a modern title. Agnes is an old woman who thinks she has seen too much, while Eduardo is a middle -aged man who is silent with his torture on the walls of asylum. With the progress of the players, they eventually find themselves enthusiastic at a five -party party, all of which bring their skills, expandable abilities and phobia to the group. The second is of particular importance, and where Madness It shines because fear can be more harmful than any prison guard. Disappointing, most of the game's interaction between characters lack sound. While this is not a huge issue, there may be more dramatic flames and writing moments.

Leonora is the only party member that can directly harm the guards, but he is afraid of fire, something that is very common throughout the monastery as the main source of his light. If there is a fire near his goal, he is unable to attack, and if he stays near the flames for a long time, he slowly begins to deceive. Amolia, a young pickup truck, is so frightened of the gargles, while Alfredo is afraid of dead bodies and Eduardo is afraid of darkness. Trying to avoid the fear of personality while trying to steal past guards and solve complex and complex puzzles is a balanced act, but it is certainly the same as that Madness Going for later in the game, sometimes I felt like I was starting to get crazy.

Madness can cause anxiety

Play Madness Quickly brings roguelike based on turn Darkest dungeon And the title of Gamecube 2002 Eternal darkness To the mind, both strictly put the phobia and reason in their gameplay. Since more worrying details about the monastery begin to reveal, it seems less like a discomfort and death sentence, and this increase in an increased anxiety to seemingly continuous continuous anxiety that during a session of a session MadnessHuman beings I have to rest a few rest to calm my nerves.

The main story of the Stone of Madness took about 15 hours to complete, but the complement can expect up to 30 hours of gameplay.

After successful collection of all five parties to the game, players can return to their cell every night to update each character's abilities, discuss strategy, and arrange any material collected throughout the day. This game also allows you to select the party members you want to discover with. It is tempting to choose the violent and powerful Eduardo every time, but they are not always the best choice, especially in a game that is important. When choosing specific actions, Madness It shows images, not words, and sometimes, decides what photos on the screen try to portray. In addition, it takes some more time than others, although this is sometimes not too late, and a guard has taken care of your time to finish what you do or run away . The latter may be more than one problem, and adds to the challenge, although it can be disappointing for people.

Madness The game is not for everyone, but it's not hard to try even the smarter player. The artistic style of the game is still an important point, and even those who are not real -time tactical strategy titles may find the story of the game and find sufficiently convincing enough to attach it to the end. In spite of some delicate controls, it is clear that the team poured its heart and soul behind the game, and each frame was packaged with incredible detail and care. Madness There is a way to turn the player's despair into despair, though each step is closer to the truth and does not increase adrenaline and desire to surrender. The monastery is hiding something really evil, and the mystery alone is worth playing in the latest version of the kitchen.


Checking on the computer


January 28 2025

Developer (s)

Game kitchen

Breaks and negative

  • Unique artistic style and adjustment
  • The unique fears of each character cause the puzzle to make
  • The varied difficulty level makes the game accessible for each player level
  • Controls can be subtle in some cases
  • The shortage of acting is far from more emotional conversations

Madness January 28, 2025 versions for PCs, PlayStation 5, Switch and Xbox Series X. Game Rant are provided for this PC code review.

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