If the One Bold Assassin's Creed idea works, Far Cry could follow suit.

Key foods

  • Assassin's Creed introduces a live service platform called the Animus Hub, which will act as a central portal for future games.
  • Ubisoft's ambitious plans for the Animus Hub aim to revive the series, but there are potential risks that require careful navigation.
  • If Assassin's Creed's hub strategy is successful, Far Cry may follow suit with a hub-based experience.

Ubisoft Assassin's Creed The franchise has been going through a transition period for several years. After the “RPG era” that started with it AC: Roots and with Valhalla, last year Assassin's Creed: Mirage Through its relatively smaller scale and design, it represented a further return to the form of previous titles. The developer is committed to continuing to innovate Assassin's CreedAnd one of the most important ways it has announced it will do this is through a future live services platform that will host future games and experiences through a central hub portal.

Revealed in 2021 and later confirmed by the studio, this launcher is supposed to be a gateway for everyone. AC Related versions in the future are originally known as Assassin's Creed InfinityIt was announced earlier this year by executive producer Marc-Alexis Côté that it would be called Animus Hub. Although it remains to be seen how this new direction will play out, if it pays off, it could be fruitful for other studio series. Far Cryprobably go the same way.

Next main title
Assassin's Creed Shadows


It was originally supposed to be released this fall, but was pushed back
February 14, 2025
. The Animus Hub is currently slated to launch at the same time
the shadows


Assassin's Creed multiplayer will be the best companion for infinity

There is currently pressure on the Assassin's Creed Infinity hub and this service should be launched with the IP's upcoming multiplayer release to alleviate this problem.

If Assassin's Creed's hub-based strategy succeeds, Far Cry could follow suit

Assassin's Creed Animus Hub has a lot of promise, but also some risks

While there are many salient details about the Animus Hub that are currently unclear, it's an idea that could theoretically increase support for the series and fundamentally change the way fans interact with and access future games. Apparently the purpose of this hub is to continue Assassin's CreedModern Story while serving as the entry point for all future games, which seems like a big deal given the franchise's vast reach along with Ubisoft's known plans for other titles such as a multiplayer spinoff. AC Hexeand jade.

This proposed approach is certainly attractive and could potentially revive and reinvent IP. But this is also one of the things that Ubisoft needs to pay close attention to to make sure Assassin's CreedAnimus Hub avoids some of the pitfalls that can befall such an ambitious project. The hub should work well and provide a convenient and reliable way for fans to access content. However, if it can do that, it could serve as a blueprint for doing the same Far Cry.

It should be noted that 2024 has been a challenging year for this studio, with numerous failures and some titles apparently performing poorly. It was also recently reported that Ubisoft is in talks about an acquisition, which may or may not affect the hub's plans or launch.

How well Far Cry can take on Assassin's Creed's Hub-Based experience if it goes away

unlike Assassin's Creed, Far Cry Since the release of the sixth original in 2021, it has largely flown under the radar. This has been the longest gap between entries yet, and Ubisoft has barely given any information on the next title. Meanwhile, rumors about the next Far Cry It continues, not all of which have been well received by fans. There's a general feeling that the series needs to change things up significantly for whatever's to come.

Far Cry He has already experimented with similar methods ACbranching out with various spin-offs and popular DLCs. depending on success Assassin's CreedAnimus Hub, a big way Far Cry May continue to take symptoms AC While it will continue to evolve, it seeks to do so with its unique service hub that connects and unites all of its titles under a single launcher. It only seems natural that if the Animus Hub can deliver and maintain its vision, the same can be done for Far Cry. This, in turn, could give Ubisoft the opportunity to inject a new direction into the franchise that plays to its strengths. ACThe strategy is based on the hub and helps it enter the next stage.

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