How to use Vengeful Mirage in Black Legend: Wukong

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Black Myth: Wukong It puts a lot of focus on evasion, because there is a problem but it's tied to a specific spell. While most dodges are a basic dodge to get out of lane, players can throw in a great dodge that sets you up a lot for a counter attack.

There are a number of additional upgrades that players can unlock to make their perfect dodges more effective, one of which is Vengeful mirage upgrade While this upgrade may take some time to unlock, it's worth the effort for those who have mastered the perfect dodge.

Updated on December 19, 2024:
Dodging is the primary way players avoid enemy attacks regardless of what stance or playstyle you use. Mirage the Avenger takes the mechanic you already do so often and helps you out by dealing damage to enemies every time you get it right. This article has been updated to include more details on how to use Vengeful Mirage to its fullest potential and additional skills to focus on to help get the most out of this ability.


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How to use Vengeful Mirage in Black Legend: Wukong

  • The ultimate upgrade in the Stamina skill tree.
  • It costs 2 sparks to unlock.
  • Only activated on full dodges.

A spirit that avenges itself Illusion after landing a perfect dodge that explodes after a second. The mirage will be placed wherever you first start dodging the animation and will explode after about a second without any trigger from the player. While the in-game description for this ability calls it an explosion, it might not be as big and spectacular as you think.

The explosion explodes from the mirage, but visually it's more than just a few sparks shooting out of the mirage in every direction, and Sometimes it will not be noticeable to the player While it may not look visually amazing depending on the distance and background, Vengeful Mirage can take a little dodge to boost evasion and there is no limit to the number of enemies.

The only trick to using this skill effectively is that you need it Land a great dodge to create a mirageand this requires dodging at the last second before attacking you. You'll realize you've pulled off a great dodge as time slows down for a moment, just like Evanescence Landing. Landing a perfect dodge takes practice every time, and is easiest against large enemies with slow attack animations, and players should practice the perfect dodge as much as possible.

A useful tip for dodging is to always dodge an enemy attack, which will make you and the hitbox hit faster and when you want.


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Avenging Mirage in Black Legend: How Good Wukong Is

Enemies taking damage from Vengeful Mirage

Vengeful mirage It's a great skill that players need to unlock immediately, as it can be unlocked and forgotten. In general, players should always be looking for great dodges, and this upgrade only adds a bonus for when they land. While the damage done to a boss may not be a lot, landing several great dodges over the course of a fight adds up slowly and They don't need extra effort outside of their normal play style.

This skill does Be superior when fighting multiple smaller enemiesas your constant dodging will help increase your chances of even accidentally landing a perfect dodge. Against major enemies, Vengeful Mirage can deal significant damage as well as help them prepare more powerful skills to use.

Good bases to unlock to help Mirage Avenger

While there is a skill that allows you to avoid it as much as possible, to get the most out of Avenger's Mirage, you need to focus solely on dodging, so it's best to place your sparks on as many different bases as possible. Spend that will help you dodge as much as possible. Below are the base upgrades you can spend your sparks on to help make Vengeful Mirage more productive:

  • Simian's agility – Reduces the stamina used to dodge, allowing you to dodge more often without stopping and create more mirages.
  • Eternal joy – Makes your stamina recover much faster.
  • coolness – Dodges or full dodges will not interrupt your light attack combos.
  • fleeting shadow – Reduces your damage after taking a successful perfect dodge, which you're already looking for.

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