How to unlock every trophy in Infinity Nikki

The styling adventure never ends


Win all trophies listed below

As with all platinum awards, this one is infinite goodnessFinal Bonus To unlock this trophy, you must first unlock every other trophy in the game.

what a new day


Collect 50 “new” clothes

“Fresh” is one of the various clothing stats. Be sure to check out any clothes before buying or making them. It doesn't matter how you get the 50 items. You can buy them from many clothing stores infinite goodness has provided Or, you can build them as you unlock designs. You'll unlock a lot of outfits just by playing the game, so you can probably wait until late game to make up for the deficit. Later in the game, if you have a lot of it bling, try from His surprise is Matic To collect pieces of clothing of all kinds. This will help with all category based trophies.

Be your own princess


Collect 50 “beautiful” dresses

Just like “fresh”, “elegant” is also one of the main categories of clothing. Follow the same instructions as above.

Yar Naz, brilliant first appearance!


Collect 50 “sweet” clothes

As mentioned above, Nikki collects a large amount of clothing simply by exploring Miraland and completing quests. We unlocked this trophy at the start of season 3 with no effort. “Sweet” clothes come to you relatively early. If you reach the end of the game without unlocking this trophy, you can easily make up for the deficit by purchasing items from the shops.

How do you define sexy?


Collect 50 “sexy” outfits

Again, follow the same strategies for the previously mentioned clothing types.

I look cool today


Collect 50 “cool” clothes

See above.

My dress is amazing


Collect 10 ability suits

Ability clothing Costumes are the key to allowing Nikki to perform various gameplay mechanics. If you beat Chapter 2, you'll unlock six: Purification, floating, cleaning animals, catching insects, fishing, and electrician To get 10 outfits, you need to pull all kinds of original Ability outfits from Gacha Resonance sections. particle for direct object far sea The department offers several alternative outfits, such as crystal poems (purification) Breeze tea time (animal make-up), and Shark mirage (fishing).

A collection of design plans


Collect 100 designs

Plans There are designs that Nikki receives for each dress or outfit. At the end of the game, we easily collect enough designs. You want to make sure you take the time to explore the world. We found at least 20 designs through chests, and about the same through side missions. You don't have to make the items to count, you just have to collect the designs themselves.

I swear, this is the last time

hidden gold

Try your luck at Surpise-o-Matic 1000 times

particle for direct object Surprise and Matic It is a special device that allows you to spend Bling And get a random piece of clothing. It is located in front of Style Forum in Florawish. You can start early with this trophy, but don't waste too much Bling. Later in the game, you'll find yourself with mountains of Bling that you can spend on this trophy.

A heart full of wonders

hidden gold

Collect 100 Rainbow Orica

To get Rainbow Eureka, you need to get a Eureka and upgrade it to the maximum level (10). You will see that the color will change during the upgrade process. There is always a chance to catch a rainbow, but it is very rare. For now, it's simply a matter of investing time. You can get Eurekas through the Realm of Eureka challenge in the Warp Spires, then use low and repeat levels to upgrade.

Walking in Wishful Lanes


Activate 50 Warp Spiers

It is exactly what it sounds like. You must activate 50 of Warp Spire's 85 fast travel points infinite goodness

Are your hands not tired yet?


The groom of 100 animals

This trophy is simple, you simply have to roam the world of Miraland with it Animal grooming clothes It is active and uses the ability to breed 100 animals. Chances are, you'll probably get this trophy – and others like it – by the end of the game. Compared to other numbered requirements, these trophies are a marching ability.

Hello future entomologist


Catch 100 bugs

Once you unlock the Bug-Catching outfit, simply use it to collect 100 bugs.

Every month counts


Catch 100 fish

Once you unlock the fishing outfit, simply catch 100 fish in Miraland's rivers and lakes.

Collect as you go!


Collect 100 herbs

This will be one of the easiest trophies in the game, because you don't need any special abilities to collect the plants. Just make sure you collect as many plants as possible until the bonus is unlocked.

Infinite heartbeat


Collect 250 Vimstars

Whimstars are similar to Ability Points infinite goodnessbecause of them to unlock various abilities and upgrades infinite heart. Each area has a large number of Whimstars, which are easy to find using Momo's View. Always keep an eye out for Momo to let you know Whimstar is nearby, then press the D-Pad.

Miracle treasure hunter


Open 100 chests

the breasts They are in large numbers throughout MIraland, in almost every nook and cranny of the game. There are many breasts in it infinite goodness It would be a huge task to try to list them. Exploration is simply much easier. One of the best ways to catch bream is to look for small schools of fish. While not always the case, these groups often protect a locked chest. The next best option seems obvious, but in a world this big, it has to be said: Do not rush in areas Take time to look around corners, behind boxes, under stairs. Breasts are almost everywhere was able in infinite goodness

Sling Destroyer


Refine 500 Slings

Considering how big it is infinite goodness It's hard to imagine anyone who takes the time to beat the game not unlocking this trophy by the end. There are several upgrades in Infinity Heart that require more than 500 battle insight, so defeating 500 esseling is much more useful than this trophy. If you're early game and it's hard to imagine 500 enemies, keep playing. As the game gets deeper, the encounters become much more frequent. Also, defeating esselings in Realm Challenges at Warp Spiers also counts towards this count.

Aim for the shine


Defeat Boldy in the main quest

bold A main boss encountered during the main mission “Secret Ledger” in Chapter 2. While talking to the Emissary of Wishes, he mentions the Hillside Cavern in Breezy Meadow, where the fight takes place. You'll find the cave right by the spire of Relic Hill. Once you defeat Boldi, the Realm of Darkness will open.

Faster than flash


Clear the Well of Fortune within 80 seconds (hard) in Orca Realm.

After your first Stylist challenge, you'll unlock the Eureka Realm. However, you won't be able to enter hard tests until much later in the game. Harder difficulties are unlocked at levels 27 and 37 respectively.

See, I can teleport!


Clear the Dream Waregouse Trial (hard) in Eureka Realm within 120 seconds.

Like the previous trophy, you can only complete this challenge in the Eureka Realm when you unlock the hard challenge level at level 27 Mira.

Inspirational teacher


Reach level 24 on Kilo the Cadenceborn

Kilo the Cadenceborn offers rewards for leveling him in the Memorial Mountains. To level up with kilos, you have to bring him increasing amounts Dew of inspiration. These upgraded materials are found throughout Miraland and often float outside of your normal line of sight. Whenever you see a trampoline or green leaf launch pad, use them. You will usually see some dew. In the upper right corner, under the Whimstar counter, you can see how much is left in each area.

master photographer


Take 100 photos

After unlocking the camera, you can open the radial menu and press the D-Pad to open the camera. It's literally just about taking 100 photos. The issue is not important.

Immerse yourself in the sea of ​​Aurora


Collect all Wishful Aurosa dress designs.

Wishful Aurosa's designs are automatically unlocked as you progress through the main quest through Chapter 8.

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