When you level up Animal Crossing: The Complete Pocket Campsometimes you unlock multiple animals that can potentially be invited to your camp or cabin. Agnes is one of the 12 pigs you can meet in the game. If you've been consistent with leveling, then you should unlock Agnes in no time. However, like any other animal in The pocket camp is completeBefore he joins your camp/hut, you need to build the requested furniture and have the right friendship level.
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How to unlock Agnes in Pocket Camp is complete
How to level up quickly
To enter Agnes The pocket camp is completeyou need Reach level 45. From there, he can be opened from anywhere Level 45 -71. From levels 45-52, you will unlock 2 animals. From levels 53-71, you will unlock 1 animal.
When you get Agnes if you hit level 45 is completely random. If you didn't unlock him in the first milestones, just keep farming experience until you do.
Once you've unlocked him, you can find him on the map, or you can call his destination using a Phone card.
To do this, open yourself up Contacts (select the icon at the top of your planner), and find the Agnes icon in the Pig tab.
Select Agnes, then select call.
How to invite Agnes to Camp in Pocket Camp is complete
Agnes invitation requirements
Agnes can be invited to your camp when your friendship level with her is 7 and you can make the furniture she wants. The fastest way to level up an animal's friendship level is to give them snacks, but you have to complete every request he makes of you while he's on the map.
The theme is Agnes coolso you will get more friendship points if you give him the following:
Plain chocolate bar
Delicious chocolate bar
Delicious chocolates
Snacks can be collected by visiting islands via Gulliver's ship. You can get chocolate bars by going to Desert Island, Carpet Island, and Lush Island.
Agnes also wants the following furniture built before joining your campsite/hut:
bells |
Material |
craft time |
Stylish chair |
340 bells |
Steel x6 |
3 minutes |
Friend powder x3 |
lovely chair (lovely pink) |
930 bells |
x1 lovely chair (basic) |
3 hours |
Steel x10 |
Lovely Armoire (Lovely Pink) |
1430 bells |
x1 Lovely Armoire (base) |
5 hours |
Wood x10 |
lovely table (black and pink) |
Bell 1870 |
x1 lovely desk (original) |
11 hours |
x1 Cute Essence |
x20 wood |
Steel x20 |
Stylish sofa |
2480 bells |
x3 Cool Essence |
7 hours |
Steel x60 |
x60 cotton |
When Agnes is at your campsite/hut, she can give you gifts. Most of these are bells, but sometimes you get crafting materials, but the type of materials you get depends on the animal species. They give you cotton for the pigs. Which means if you're running low on cotton, you should have animals like Agnes in your camper or cabin.
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How to complete Agnes' special request
How to get kaiski food in full pocket camp
If you level Agnes to 15, she will have a special request for you. Accepting it unlocks the Kaiseki recipe. To level up Agnes, you can have her in your camp and keep completing quests or giving her snacks. Making him your camp caretaker is another way to earn 5-20 friendship points per day.
X10 Gold Treats increases the animal's level from 1 to 15.
Kaiski takes food 23 hours to crafts and expenses 9980 bells To craft you will also need these crafting materials:
x150 holder
x2 Glowing Gems
Once you have this, you can complete Agnes' special request to receive Bells, Phone Card x1, and Request Card x1. Kaiseki food can be served at the campsite or in your cabin. Currently, it is not used in any Happy Homeroom classes or challenges.
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December 3, 2024
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