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All achievements / trophies in control
control Has a wide range of achievements/trophies for players to collect. Some of them progress naturally in the main story of the game. This includes players completing main story missions, gaining special powers, and receiving service weapons. other Achievements / Trophies It will take more effort.
Players must initiate early warnings and countermeasures to avoid becoming a big game. Players also want to mark the game's hidden locations so that they don't have to go through the entire map after finishing the game. For anyone who asks,do Accessibility features Block achievements/trophies? Take comfort in knowing they won't.

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All achievements / trophies in control
Here's a guide on how to get all achievements/trophies in the original Control game experience.
Director of FBC
Unlock all other trophies
This is a platinum bonus for PlayStation players. Once all other trophies are earned, it will be unlocked automatically.
Welcome to the oldest house
Complete mission 1
This trophy/achievement is unlocked by advancing the main story.
Unknown caller
Complete mission 2
This trophy/achievement is unlocked by advancing the main story.
Ignore the direction
Complete mission 3
This trophy/achievement is unlocked by advancing the main story.
The old boys club
Complete mission 4
This trophy/achievement is unlocked by advancing the main story.
Complete mission 5
This trophy/achievement is unlocked by advancing the main story.
my brother's keeper
Complete mission 6
This trophy/achievement is unlocked by advancing the main story.
face of the enemy
Complete mission 7
This trophy/achievement is unlocked by advancing the main story.
Finnish tango
Complete mission 8
This trophy/achievement is unlocked by advancing the main story.
Complete mission 9
This trophy/achievement is unlocked by advancing the main story.
Take control
Complete mission 10
This trophy/achievement is unlocked by advancing the main story.
Choose to be chosen
Get the service weapon
This trophy/achievement is unlocked by advancing the main story.
Supernatural power plant
Get the launch feature
This trophy/achievement is unlocked by advancing the main story.
The thought is increasing
Gain the Levitate ability
This trophy/achievement is unlocked by advancing the main story.
Astral construction
Create a weapon form or mod
As players progress through the game, they find many checkpoints. Players can use these control points to craft. Players need enough materials to craft, but once they have enough, they can unlock it by crafting a new weapon form or a mod.
Non-standard issue
Upgrade any weapon form to level 3
Players collect different types of resources during the game. These can be used to upgrade your weapons. Collect these resources and then use Control Points to upgrade each weapon in the game to level 3.
Career development
Unlock all 3 Personal Mod slots
As players progress through the game by completing missions, they earn ability points. Players can spend these ability points at checkpoints. Once they have invested enough, their 3rd person slot mode will be available – this achievement / reward will be unlocked.
The importance of synergy
Complete 5 side missions
There are 18 side missions in the main game experience. To unlock, players must complete 5 of these missions.
Interdepartmental cooperation
Complete 10 side missions
There are 18 side missions in the main game experience. To unlock, players must complete 10 of these missions.
FBC Crisis Resolution Task Force
Complete 15 side missions
There are 18 side missions in the main game experience. To unlock, players must complete 15 of these missions.
Supernatural collection
Collect over 100,000 resources
A resource is a resource dropped by defeated enemies. Players simply unlock it by defeating enemies and collecting resources. Players can speed this up by deconstructing mods they don't want for extra resources.
Interdimensional defender
He killed 1000 Hayes
He does this every time a player draws hiss. Players encounter Hess by moving around the game world. So walking instead of fast travel will mean encountering more enemies.
Unlock 1 upgrade ability
Players will earn ability points by completing missions and discovering hidden locations throughout the game. Spend every ability point to unlock.
Parafissian specialist
Unlock 50% of ability upgrades
This is unlocked by progressing through the game and spending earned ability points. There are many different abilities and players become much more powerful by investing their points.
Master Parafshani
Unlock 100% Abilities Upgrades
Players who only own the original version of the game must discover every secret location and complete every mission to earn enough points. However, the game's DLC packs offer more ability points, allowing players to earn enough of them without having to find all the main hidden locations in the game or complete every side mission.
Insular telekinesis
Gain the Shield ability
This power is obtained by completing the side mission called A Good Defense. Jess gains new abilities by interacting with mysterious objects of power.
Moving positions
Gain the ability to escape
This power is obtained by completing a side mission called A Merry Chase. One thing players may not know about controls is that some abilities can be completely ignored. Evade is very useful and players will want to add it sooner.
mental job
Get the ability to record
This power is obtained by completing the side mission called A Captive Audience.
Ritual thinking
Clear 5 control points
As players explore new areas, they will also discover new checkpoints. These are where players spend their resources and fast travel between them. Clear 5 of these to unlock it.
Ritual intuition
Clear 10 control points
Clear 10 checkpoints to unlock.
Pattern recognition
Clear 25 control points
Clear 25 checkpoints to unlock.
A strange collection
Collect 40 sets
There are a staggering 250 collectibles to find. This includes Case Files, Multimedia and more. Players will find these scattered throughout the game. Collect 40 of these collectibles to unlock.
record holder
Collect 80 sets
Collect 80 sets to unlock.
Office archive
Collect 120 sets
Collect 120 sets to unlock. As mentioned earlier, there are 250 collectibles and most players will find them simply by playing through the game and exploring the corners.
Altered manifestations may occur
beat esseJ
It is unlocked after completing the side mission, Self-Reflection.
Aggressive growth
Defeat Form-1
This is unlocked after completing the side mission, Old Growth.
Head of Communications Department
Defeat Mr. Tomasi
This will unlock after completing the side mission, Mr. Tomasi.
Living archetypes
Defeat the anchor
This is unlocked after completing the side mission, The Enemy Within.
Astral phenomena
Beat the former
It is unlocked after completing the side mission, Fridge Duty.
Cognitive disturbance
Force 10 enemies with the Seize ability
Successfully use Seize on 10 low health enemies.
Unstable substance
Kill 50 enemies with Launch
Use Launch to kill 50 enemies to unlock.
Volatile waste
Kill 10 enemies with Shield Burst
Use ability points to unlock the “Shield Barrage” upgrade. This allows Jess to hurl collected debris at enemies to damage and kill them. Kill 10 enemies with this upgrade.
Appropriate handling procedures
Use Launch to launch grenades or rockets
Players must unlock the “Launch Explosives” upgrade to launch explosives at enemies. When you see an enemy that can use a grenade or rocket, wait for them to do so, then use Launch to grab it and send it straight at them.
War games
Complete 5 board countermeasures
You can have 3 countermeasures active at any time. Players can obtain them at checkpoints. Complete their conditions and choose new conditions until you complete 5 of them.
Astral tactician
Complete 25 board countermeasures
Complete a total of 25 counter actions from checkpoints. Control as it is can be a long game. Putting off countermeasures until the end makes things a real problem.
First in the scene
1 Complete the office alert
Players receive alerts that appear randomly on the screen. Go to the area the alert is coming from and complete it to unlock it. There is a limited time to respond and complete each alert.
Crisis management
Complete the 5 office alerts
Complete a total of 5 alerts.

Third person shooter
- was published
August 27, 2019
- OpenCritic rating