How to solve the mystery of the stormy parting (chapter 7)

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The Torrential Parting is the seventh season of Ustwo Memorial Valley 3. The story follows Noor as she lives without her mentor as she struggles to light the lighthouse for everyone. In this season, Noor decides to rescue the townspeople who are lost in the ocean after the perimeter around the lighthouse collapses.

Level seven of Memorial Valley 3 It has five puzzles that are both difficult and fun to work on. To break them, you have to bend the rules of the world a little and make impossible moves. This guide will show you how to solve The Torrential Parting puzzle Memorial Valley 3.


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How to solve the mystery of the torrential parting in Memorial Valley 3

Here's how to complete all six episodes in Chapter VII Memorial Valley 3.

First part: The portal

How to solve the puzzle of Haft Dareh Bana 3 level

In the first part of level seven, you will encounter a complex puzzle that aims to Launch a massive door to rise from the ocean and enter it. Follow the steps below to solve this puzzle:

  • Go forward and go up the upside down wall until you reach the end.

  • Drag the movable window Three orange circles to the right

  • Jump on the ledge, roll the moving wall back, go forward, wall to the right and enter the upside down door.

  • Your character will appear outside the front gate. Go to the other side, turn the moving block to the left and press the button floor button.

  • A cutscene shows a structure rising from the ocean and revealing it to me (or totem boat).

  • Go to the moving block, change it to the right, go down the stairs and go to Boatem.

  • Take the boat to the right and enter the giant gate.

Second part: saving the child

Level 7 puzzle, part 2 of Dareh Banai 3

In this section, you will find yourself on the other side of the ocean. The goal is to save one child and go through another big door. Here's what to do:

  1. Turn the boat south and dock at a Underwater building.

  2. Turn the gear to the right, stand on the moving block with two red circles, pull it to the right, go forward and wait for the child to reach the other side of the milestone.

  3. Once done, return the gear to its original position and enter dark door.

  4. On the other side, go up the stairs and activate the floor button. When the child enters the top door, a large splash gate is created.

  5. Return to Boatem and go through the gate.

The third part: saving the citizens

Level 7 puzzle, part 3 of Dare Banai 3

In the third part, Noor needs to unite the child and his sister and get them out of the danger zone. Here's how to do it:

  1. Put the boat in South building Where the child is standing

  2. Pull the movable wall down, then pull the other wall up with the floor button. Stand on the moving ledge and pull it up. This will make the child press the button First floor button On the right, it blocks his way back.

  3. Lower the second movable wall to align it with the lower platform. stand on Second floor buttonmove the wall up and activate it The third button at the top

  4. This opens the way for the baby sister. Return to Boatem, dive to where the sister is and take her to the starting building.

  5. The sister reunites with the child and they both follow you. Take them back to the boat, dock at the nearby structure and activate all the buttons on the floor.

  6. In this way, a great gate will rise from the ocean. Stand on the boat and enter the gate.


Monument Valley 3: How To Solve The Sub Rosa Puzzle (Chapter 10)

The Sub Rosa is the tenth chapter of Monument Valley 3, featuring four complex puzzles. Here's how to solve them.

Part 4: Giant fish

    The level of seven valleys, building 3

After the Light saves the citizens of the city and passes through the portal, a cutscene will play. It shows Noor and two citizens crossing the ocean in Botham. The boat starts to collapse and the environment becomes darker. Suddenly, a huge fish jumps out of the water and swallows them whole.

The fifth part: Inside the stomach

The seven level puzzle of Dareh Bana 3

After the events of the previous episode, the light inside the belly of the fish wakes up. Here, you will encounter a tricky puzzle about rejoining the sister. Follow these steps:

  1. Walk to the end of the path and pull the ledge with it three circles Down you will appear on the other side of the monument. Go forward and pull the ledge back once to meet the sister.

  2. Lower the block again and walk to the end of the upside down wall.

  3. Pull the wall up, step on the moving ledge with the sister, then pull the wall down.

  4. Stand on the ground buttons and enter the dark door with the sister.

Part 6: Escape

The seven level puzzle of Dareh Bana 3

In the last puzzle of level seven, you have to fight your way out of the fish's belly. Here's how to do it:

  1. Turn the gear to the right so that the ledge goes through the doorway and aligns with the platform you and the two sisters are standing on to the right. Step on it together.

  2. Block with Small circles Go up and turn the gear to make a path to the structure above. Take a step on a new path and Activate all three buttons.

  3. A door opens on the left – enter with the sisters.

  4. Finally, you have a point Movable cubic block Center it until it forms a complete path. Go to the boat with the citizens to finish The Torrential Parting puzzle Memorial Valley 3.

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