How to get the Stand Amber servant

Dynevron upper is the third territory in which players explore in Eternal fieldsFace new types of enemies that are much stronger. This place has more ship units than previous territories and is located in a variety of melee and diverse that is capable of basic damage to Brian.

Similar to previous territories, there is also a new epic collision in the upper dynevron that challenges players with a new type of ARK boss. This time around, the players have to deal with the Flame Living wrestling, a heat -based boss who sends flaming projections, but even before the defeat, they also reward the player with more valuable drops.


6 Beginner Tips for Eternal Fields

Eternal Strands is a new off RPG that can be difficult to achieve. Fortunately, these are beginner tips to help here.

Eternal Strips Returning Tamarkind Bascinet

Before engaging in the battle, remember that this boss only causes heat damage, meaning that the player is advised to reuse his armor parts with heavy heat materials to resist heat up Increase possible limit.

When it comes to damage, both melee and diverse weapons can be useful. Since the boss is heavy heat, shooting with flash arrows increases damage, although the remaining flames on the body may be minimal. But overall, the use of raw arrows is very good.

Both Sword & Shield or Frost Sword & Shield will also work well (if you have already obtained the plan). The program is to climb the boss's body and cause melancholy damage, so using elementary frost damage will not be very important.


Eternal Fields: How to defeat Ashpeak Drake

Ashpeak Drake is an intimidating monster in eternal strands, but it can be easily eliminated.

Special spots of the live flame ship

Similar to the Ark of the Grity Earth, the Flame Living type also has certain points in its body, but these points do not show vulnerable parts of the boss. In fact, the vulnerable parts of the Flame body are now visible and the player can damage them and ignore specific points. However, the specific points on the live flame ship offer high valuable drops, including the injected flax injected (5 stars) and refined serenity (4 stars).

Flame Living has five specific points: two on top of the wrist, two knees on the knee and the other on the chest. It is easy to hit the chest using a bow, but other things are easier to use with sword. Keep in mind that after removing the shell at these specific points, a red muscle comes out that must also be eliminated to release high -value materials.


Eternal strings

After taking the material droplets, you can focus your fire on the vulnerable spots of the flame of life. These include the abdomen, arms and the end of the legs. Vulnerable muscles in the flame of life takes more for immunity. The player can evacuate half of the HP boss by shooting at his belly before his immunity. But in general, the legs with the sword are very easy.

But note that Flame Living will try to pick you up with your hand and get you away from the wounded ground sooner. So, when you see the hand looking for you, just come down and run away.

After defeating the live flame ship, Stand leaves the servant of Amber. By delivering the field to Dahm in the camp, Brian accesss the ability of the new fire, allowing him to summon a companion.

Eternal Strands Tag Page Cover Art


PlayStation -1 Xbox-1


January 28 2025

Developer (s)

Yellow brick games

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