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How to accept the Fortnite Og S2 attempt at Discord
How to claim the decoration of the Avotar Bomb Bomb
The first item of Blades OG Season 1 Season 2 takes players in a memory line and moves them to the second season BladesHumans who are being released can discover a wide range of symbolic places such as tilting towers and obtain a variety of classic weapons that have not been seen in the game for a long time. But that's not everything.
With freedom Blades OG Chapter 1 Chapter 2 is a set of cosmetic rewards. While many of these rewards are included in Season 1 of Og Pass, a special bonus is available for free – a Discord Avatar decoration that allows players to equip the symbolic boogy bomb on their profile. Here How to unlock Blades Boogie Bomb Avatar on Discord.

Fortnite Og: 10 Best Weapons in Season 1 Season 2
Fortnite Og has a familiar weapon list. Here are the best items for Chapter 1 Season 2.
How to accept the Fortnite Og S2 attempt at Discord
Before the players can hold their hands on Avotar Boogie Bomb for a discord, first must Accept Blades OG S2 Quest on Discord. For many, this effort may be precisely higher than their user specifications at the bottom left of the screen after opening the disc. However, if this is not the case, players can accept the effort by following these steps:
Move to Discovery tab Next to the user's profile.
Find the QUESTS tab below. Blades OG S2 Quest and select “Accept the effort.”
Choose Which bed To complete the effort in.
In Blades OG S2 Quest can be accepted in both desktops and consoles by following the above steps. However, mobile players will not be able to view or accept efforts. After acceptance, players can move toward completing this job Blades OG S2 attempt to claim your reward, which is a simple process.
How to claim the decoration of the Avotar Bomb Bomb
When the players accepted Blades Effort OG S2, they need Play Blades OG for 15 minutes To open the Avotar Boogie Bomb. While the attempt determines that players should play Blades Og mode, Any mode in Blades Will be reckoned towards progress– With the players even able to stay AFK in the lobby to complete the effort.
After the game Blades For 15 minutes after accepting the effort, players can claim the Avotar Bomb decoration. To do this, simply again to Blades OG S2 Quest in Discord and Choose the “claim reward”. After the claim, players can use the avatar immediately Select “Use now”, That adds Boogie Bomb avatar decoration to their user specifications.
In Blades OG S2 Quest will be available in Discord by February 7225. Boogie Bomb avatar can only be claimed for free for 2 months after unlocking and used for free. After that time, players should buy it from the Discord Store if they want to use it permanently

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July 25, 2017
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