How to get scarf cream

Miraland world in infinite goodness It's absolutely full of exciting and adorable things that Nikki discovers during her adventures, and since its release, the game has been praised for its depth of exploration and ingenuity with its costume crafting system. As you make your way through each area, it's important for players to keep their eyes open for unique items that can help create the next piece in Nikki's amazing wardrobe, and it's not just Whimstars and Bling that help in the process. Many of the cute creatures you encounter provide important resources for clothing and accessories, and some are harder to find than others.

One such elusive creature in Infinity Nikki is the scarfworm, which, as the name suggests, is a special bug that you won't necessarily find while jumping or flying through the air. If you want to find one or more of these bugs, knowing where to look is half the challenge.


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How to get Scarf Cream in Infinity Nikki


The scarf worm is another adorable little bug infinite goodness which is shaped like a worm while its actual body looks like a brown and white scarf with a knot tied in the front. Two small pearls are placed on its head like a crown, and this feature surprisingly helps to make it easier to identify in its native environment.

When it comes to finding these specific bugs infinite goodnessit is important to first understand that not all of them are found in every part of the game. While some may be more common, others may only live in one or two specific areas altogether. As for the scarfworm, you'll only find it in Stoneville and the nearby abandoned area, which are the areas you visit in Chapters 3, 4, and 5 of the main story. So if you haven't reached that point yet, you should focus on completing the story quests necessary to get there.

Once you've at least reached Stoneville in the main story, you can start exploring the environment for new resources, including the scarfworm, which Louise casually mentions is her favorite creature. As you would expect from a worm creature, you need to look down on the ground, not up, for the scarf worm. They are marked by a series of obvious holes in the ground through which they poke their heads and then dive underground.


This whack-a-mole game they play means you have to prepare your bug network for the opportune moment they back up. Make sure you equip your afternoon hunter outfit on your ability wheel and hold down the appropriate button while you wait for the Scarecrow to appear. They change between each hole, but it's best to just stay in one hole until it comes out and catch it with your net.

Some scarfworm “knots” have more holes, meaning there is more than one scarfworm you can catch. So make sure you clear the knot completely before moving on. You can usually find this group of holes anywhere there is contaminated soil in Stoneville or an abandoned area. You can also find them in the purple flower fields of Lavenfringe in Stoneville, where several florist sheep often graze.

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