Fabric island in Palworld With the game's biggest update since its successful launch in January 2024, it's much to the delight of players who have stuck with Pocketpair's creature-hunting IP ever since. Not only is Feybreak geographically large compared to its predecessor Sakurajima, but it's practically full of new items that players can find and use to enhance their adventurers and creative bases.
One of the new items you'll likely come across early in your exploration of Palworld's Feybreak is the Hexolite Quartz. This incredibly shiny mineral is one of the key resources you need to craft the latest technology in the game, especially weapons and armor. However, depending on where you first landed on the island, you still need to know where to look.
Palworld released a massive Feybreak update
Palworld releases the eagerly awaited Feybreak update, which adds a lot of new content to the survival game, including items, an island, and more.
How to get Hexolite Quartz in Palworld
exploring PalworldFeybreak can seem a bit overwhelming for new resources at first, especially since some items are hidden deep in caves and other areas full of high-level friends. However, Hexolite quartz It's probably one of the first things you come across on the island because of its obvious brilliance and open air setting. It is much easier to collect compared to other game items such as Crude Oil.
Quartz hexolite one Colored holographic mineral which is found in large and tall nodes like the one shown in the image above. The nodes themselves are often easily spotted anywhere, day or night, even if they are far on the horizon. They are spread across the island in large numbers, Often around pastures and coastal areas. Like other resources in the game, nodes respawn after a certain amount of time, so you don't have to worry about running out of places to find them.
Similar to other mineral nodes in Palworld As with Ore and Coal, you need enough Pickaxe tools to mine Hexolite Quartz from these nodes. a top Metal pickaxe It works wonders, but a Refined metal pickaxe It can also do the job well.
Make sure your Pickaxe of choice is repaired before you try to collect from multiple nodes. Also equip your best Plasteel armor to help deal with the attacks of local friends wandering around.
A node gives you a full Hexolite Quartz Up to 80 pieces of hexolite quartzmeaning you don't need to do much exploring to get your hands on this shiny substance. Individual pieces of hexolite quartz can also be found on the ground around the island, and are easy to spot if you're traveling on foot.
Be sure to keep an eye on your carrying capacity when collecting these and more, as hexolite weighs 2.0 per piece and a full knot will weigh 374.0!
Also, while some other sources in Palworld can be found in various areas of Palpagos, remember that hexolite is quartz Found exclusively on Feybreak Islandwhich is located in the southwest of Obsidian Mountain. While exploring, it is recommended to create new fast travel points on the island as soon as possible to make navigation easier – especially when dealing with anti-aircraft bases that prohibit flight until destroyed. Be sure to also explore all the dungeons around Feybreak for precious crafting items like Hexolite Quartz.