How to face Floyd in Mortal Kombat 1

Despite the troublesome launch and uncertain future, Mortal Kombat 1 It continues to release great additional characters that push the cast and gameplay to new heights, and Conan the Barbarian is the latest to hit the scene. However, with each release, rumors and searches for Pink Ninja, Floyd always loomed in the background.


Mortal Kombat 1: How To Unlock Every Brutality

Here's how to unlock and perform each character's Brutality in Mortal Kombat 1!

Finally, after months of speculation and hints from Nether Real Studios, the elusive and top-secret pink ninja is in the game, giving you the chance to face them in Mortal Kombat for a chance to unlock a unique stage called Have The Field. The important thing is that you have to jump through a lot of hoops to unlock this fight against Floyd!

How to deal with Floyd

Floyd, the secret pink ninja, appears in Mortal Kombat 1.

Before you can unlock The Field Stage in Mortal Kombat 1, you must First deal with the aforementioned pink ninja named Floyd, which is It is much more complex and complicated than it may seem. To fight Floyd, you have to Complete some of Floyd's challenges. which can range from a walk in the park to very challenging and everything in between.

Caught is that you Floyd's challenges cannot be traced and It will not have access to all of them At once therefore, you You won't know which one you currently have access to until you complete them and receive a notification that Floyd's challenge has been completed.

How do we know you've completed Floyd's challenge?

Completing a Floyd challenge shows one Small pink icon on left side Your screen that simply reads “Floyd” And it will be accompanied by A Playing guitar in the background Some challenges require you to complete the challenge before it appears, while others appear the moment you complete them.

If you Tackle a challenge and know you've completed all the steps but don't see the pink icon Pop up, then challenge Floyd It was not active For you and yours It should go to one of the others. There are a lot of Floyd challenges, so just pick another one, cross your fingers and hope they work.

What are Floyd's challenges?

There is now 37 Floyd's challenge who were Found and tested by the Mortal Kombat 1 community, That came through a series of in-game tips and data mining. to broadcast Tower modes will occasionally have Floyd appears and drops the name of a challenge. As a hint of sorts, they are equally ambiguous.

While Floyd's 37 challenges are many, you You don't have to complete them all. As will Floyd It usually appears when you complete about ten Of them again, you will need Find out which one you currently have access to through trial and error. That takes a lot of time and effort. Luckily, you can find all 37 of Floyd's challenges in the table below!

All of Floyd's challenges

Floyd's challenge


Challenge accepted

In Towers of Time mode, earn 20 points through challenges.

Climb the pyramid

Reach the top of the pyramid during Season 15 of Story Mode.

evil duo

Ashrah, choose Sareena as your Kameo and have her fill your entire Super Meter via Jataaka's Blessing (down + RB/R1).

door breaker

In story mode, complete the Test Your Might challenge with Baraka during Season 5.

Fatal ending

Play a Fatality with five different characters.

fire and ice

Perform a combo that deals over 400 damage as Scorpion with Sub Zero as your Kameo.

fist of rage

Win a match by doing nothing but punching.

Turn out

Do 16 flip moves (LT/L2) during a match and win.


After using Sub Zero's Deep Freeze Kameo action, freeze your opponent by attacking you.

Go through here now

As Scorpion, perform a Fatality or Animality after winning a match.

get horn

As General Shao, choose Motaro as your Kameo and have them perform a deathblow by pressing RB/R1 during the deathblow.

hat trick

As Kung Lao, choose Kung Lao as your Kameo and perform any action that involves you and your Kameo hat.

Hip Hop 4 Forever

Make 22 jumps during a race and win.

I make the rules

Win a match as Liu Kang in Double Flawless.

ice and fire

Perform a five-hit combo as Sub Zero with Scorpion as your Kameo.

I am also down

Win a match with The Klassic Brutality. The final hit should be from Down + 2. After Uppercut lands, hold 2 to transform into Brutality.

inner beast

Run two animals with one character.

Jumping will get you nowhere

Win a match without jumping once.

Ka Balin

Perform seven special roll moves (Back, Down + B/Circle) with Mileena in a match.

Maintain Kalm & Finish

Beat the first round of the match without pressing any buttons, then win the remaining two rounds.

Kick it

Win a match by doing nothing but kicking.

clean sweep

Make 13 moves during a match and win.

Losing is winning

Lose the match by not pressing a single button during the entire match.

No great God

Land the first hit of the match when facing Raiden.

Not Luna

Win a match as Reptile playing Double Flawless.

perfect couple

Win a match with Double Flawless as Johnny Cage with Sonya as a cameo.

Guardian effort

Complete two daily challenges in Towers of Time mode.

No jade

Win a match by doing nothing but front kicks.

Shaolin monks

Clear a classic tower as Liu Kang with Kong Lao as a cameo.

This is where you fall down

He lost a match to Johnny Cage with less than 9 seconds left in the finals.

Time is up

Lost a match due to timeout in both rounds.


As Scorpion, choose Scorpion as your Kameo and cast Aura of Fire (Hold RB/R1) on yourself and the opponent three times.

Complete disrespect

Taunt (spam four times) four times during a match.

up and away

Perform five uppercuts (lower + 2) during the match and nothing else.


Complete seven backflips without a cameo during the match and win the match.

Have you finished yet???

Play five Fatalities with one character.

you suck

Lose the match against General Shao when he has 1% health left.

Many of Floyd's challenges can be completed in Local Versus Mode against Very Easy CPUs to make things much more manageable at your level. Additionally, once you receive a notification to complete a Floyd challenge, revisit previous challenges you've already attempted as they may now be active. It will be a long and tedious process!

How to unlock the field stage

A look at The Field stage in Mortal Kombat 1.

So, now that you know what it is Floyd's challenges are and how you can try to complete them, you are closer to unlocking the hidden stage of the Field. However, before you can do that, you You must complete a handful of the challenges listed above before Floyd appears. He forces you to fight him

Once you start this random encounter, The screen will break. and you will have Three chances to beat Floyd. So make them count you The first encounter with him is with the character you have chosen When completing Floyd's challenge leading up to the fight, So keep this in mind can change Characters, but it will Use one of your three chances

What happens if you lose to Floyd?

As mentioned above, you will have Three chances to defeat Floyd When he appears, he will give you enough time Read his style of play and moves. A A random collection of other ninjas in the Mortal Kombat series. However, it is possible losing all three matches, That will set you back significantly.

Floyd will lose all three matches Reset your Floyd Challenge progress, That means you will have to Go through the whole trial and error process again until it reappears. A process that we all know is very time consuming. So, if you come across a character you are not familiar with, we We strongly recommend that you use one of the conversion attempts To the one you are, because you don't want to go through all that rigamarole again.

Unlock The Field Stage

You've probably guessed by now, but you Once you defeat Floyd, unlock the arena stage. So if you're going to unlock it the first time it appears, make sure you give it all your options. He is one relatively challenging encounter, So don't take him lightly, or you'll have to run the gauntlet again.

Defeating Floyd will The Field is a permanent stage that you can choose and play on whenever you want. That is worth the time and effort gorgeous Unfortunately, Floyd will not become a playable character. But you can be sure that this will not be the last time we see or encounter him!


Mortal Kombat 1: How To Unlock Her Second Fatality

This is what you've been waiting for, right?

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