A strange and giant monster appears in this exhibition Blades The map, the creation of destruction, and this situation requires immediate attention. This is where you enter – your task is to check what happens on the eastern side of the map and discover the chaos source. Despite Godzilla Now in the game, this means that a set of completely new Quests is available.

Fortnite Festival: Season 7 – Pass Music Guide
Here you can get any rewards in Season 7 of the Music Pass for the Fortnite Festival.
The Godzilla Quest series has three sections that each have different challenges that you can complete to win extra XP. If you need help to complete these Quests, this guide will go through them.
You can do these Quests in any way you want, because the order in this guide is not strict.
How to complete any Nyanja effort
Strange footprints appear on the map, and you have a duty Checking the area to the east. All you have to do is to place in Chopped craterHuman as you want, you will see Giant traces on the groundHuman
In one of these traces of land and Effort will be completedHuman
Damages the opponents of a story above or above
The second attempt at Godzilla's sheet requires you Damages the opponents of a story above or aboveThat can be a little difficult because the game doesn't exactly explain what it means.
The easiest way to complete this attempt by Landing in the port city and entering one of the roofs of the buildingHuman beings take a gun attack, then vango for the enemies. You just have to 120 damage to enemies while you are above To complete the work
This can be in Any place or building with roofBut the Seaport City is a great option because it has many buildings and attracts many players.
Find the secrets of the king
This effort requires you Find the three secrets of the monarchy And to do this; You need to investigate One of three placesHuman
- Kapa Kappa Factory
- Pumping power
- Foxy Floodgate
Our choice of choice Kapa Kappa FactoryHuman beings here, you have to interact with three different items:
The first PC screenLocated in The left side of the entrance to the green building to the northeast of the areaHuman
Second in White table on the first floor of the same buildingHuman
The final item is some green barrels where you can find Southeast of the areaWith Near the beachHuman
These are not the only available to check, but when you are close to one, you will see SymbolicThat shows the location of the object needed for interaction.
The distance of traveling during the air
This effort is easy because you can do it right after you Landed from the battle bus and open your gliderHuman
Simple Travel 1,954 units of air distance.
This should naturally be completed by playing the game.
Put KAIJU Diagnosis Lights
The final mission in the Nyanja Quest series requires you Place Kaiju detection lights in two different locations.
If you check Quest markers on the map, you will see Four possible places Where you can place one of these lights, one in every corner of the map. . However, You just have to put twoHuman
The four places are:
- North whiffy wharf
- Southwest
- Northeast of the crushed crater
- Southeast island of hopeful heights
We recommend the ones on the east side of the map (Northeast of Chopped Crack and Southeast Island of Omid High Heights)Since they are relatively close to each other and can be completed quickly.
How to complete any hope effort
Put the signs of Godzilla's drainage shelter
This section is very important for all about the entry of giant monsters, Godzilla. Your task is that Put four signs of Godzilla's drainage shelter in two different locationsHuman
Is the first place East of the brutal boxesWhere you need to put symptoms At the beginning and end of the train tunnel there.
The second place is just East crossing the valleyWhere you will do the same – Put the warning signs at the beginning and end of the train tunnel.
Obtain a Godzilla madonlon by doing the most damage to her
By updating today, Godzilla's portal has the opportunity to attend a random place on the mapHumanity in The first player to come into it becomes a powerful GodzillaHuman
This player will have A large health pool and powerful abilitiesSo you have to work with others to defeat them. . However, All will not be friendlyAnd it is likely that some players will not cooperate, so Be awareHuman
For this challenge, All you have to do is get the most damage to Godzilla to achieve GodzillaHuman
Even if you were not the highest injured player, other people can choose the tender. This still shows their places, like any other other.
So you can track them, defeat them and choose yourself to complete your effort.
Hit Godzilla using a four -launcher or rail gun
You'll find in Godzilla's portal How many drops of kingdom you can interact withLooted. These items Opportunity to give a four -rail gun or rail gunHuman
While you can still get these weapons from the game's breast looting, this is a very low chance.
When you have one of these weapons, all you have to do is Tap Godzilla ten times with each To complete the challenge
Tap Godzilla to obtain the pieces of Godzilla in your weaknesses
If you didn't know, Godzilla has weaknesses and the easiest goal for targeting Pink line on his backHuman
Shooting with these points Trading the critical damage Vat Sometimes drop the pieces of Godzilla You can choose and consume.
If you consume a piece, you gain this ability and give you advantage.
Line using the piece
This is a direct tracking attempt for the previous item because it only requires you Use the dash obtained from consuming Godzilla And run Three linesHuman
Search for a drop in the kingdom
There Two ways To get his hand in the drops of the monarchy.
The first way at the beginning of the race is while you are still on the battle bus. You are able to see King Kong spawnAnd in the area where he will jump, There will be a few drops of king supplyHuman
On the other hand, can Wait for Godzilla's portal to spawnAnd around the portal area, There will be a bunch of ruling supply dropsHuman
All the work you have to do is Plunder two of them And that will be a complete effort, but take care of the surrounding players.
How to complete any Godzilla effort
Send opponents that fly with Stomp Godzilla
Unlike the previous part of the attempt, this set will require you Be the first to enter the Godzilla portal and turn into a capable monsterHuman
Remember that The portal does not appear in any race And it has Less likely to spawnHuman beings. In addition, Its location is randomHuman
Be cautious, because other players will also try to reach the portal, so get ready for a hot fight.
Now, for the first challenge, you must Use Godzilla's powerful ability in playersThat Automatically fly themHuman
You have to do this Five times In order to complete the work.
Destroy the structures using Godzilla's heat beam
For the second challenge, you must Use the ability of Godzilla's heat rays to eliminate structuresHuman
Your abilities have no neighborSo there is no need to worry about expected to charge them.
This can also be the environment, including the environment.
Roar as Godzilla
The last challenge is very simple – you just have to Use Godzilla's third capability, roarHumanity this ability Reveals the surrounding playersSo just use it once, and it's good to go.
For each separate challenge in this guide, You will earn 25,000 xpHuman
Deal the explosive damage
To complete this effort you don't even have to be GodzillaAs it only needs Collision with any type of explosive injuryHuman
The easiest way to do this by Going to any gas station nearby and blowing it and cars thereHuman
Hurts players as Godzilla
This is very simple; All the work you have to do is Target the players and harm them with one of your abilities.
Can use Roars to reveal the surrounding players And then Shoot them using the heat beamHuman. However, if there are close players, Stomp does the job Also
Vehicles injured
The easiest way to complete this challenge by Targeting a gas stationAs There is always a guaranteed vehicle thereHuman
All you have to do is attack Using the ability of heat raysHuman beings probably need the complete destruction of two vehicles to complete this challenge.

The other side
Fortnite: Chapter 6, Chapter 1 – Story Search Guide
The magic is awake!