How to become a wizard in Crusader Kings 3

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in Crusader Kings 3welcoming the dark arts sorcery It can provide various perks and benefits to your character and their house. While the benefits are huge, unlocking this reputation feature can take a lot of time if you don't know the right way to create it.

However, if you want to become a wizard Crusader Kings 3this guide describes all the correct steps you need to follow to get this feature. In addition, getting this feature can also allow you to create a Witch Coven, which will increase the end game points and benefits even more.


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How to become a wizard in Crusader Kings 3

A character with the sorcerer trait in Crusader Kings 3

Become a wizard in Crusader Kings 3 It's not as easy as you think Unlike other traits, becoming a mage is done by gaining a reputation trait from a random event. While the probability of this event occurring is somewhat random, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of encountering this event.

Related events

During your game, there are a few random events where you do too Encounter a “mysterious book”.or be He has been approached by someone who offers you witchcraft training. You might even Come across “occult knowledge”.. All of these events lead to you achieving the Witch trait.

These events are most likely to be triggered if the following conditions exist:

  1. You are one Active learning focus.
  2. Your character has a High learning statistics.
  3. You participate in activities and events that attract the supernatural, such as “Study of obscure texts”.

if you have

Power roads

then you have a better chance of having a necromancer visit your court and introduce you (or your heir) to sorcery. Once the event occurs, you can adopt her to gain the Witch trait.

Why should you become a witch?

witchcraft in Crusader Kings 3 It's not about indulging in dark rituals. Having this feature in your character brings you tangible points that can have a significant impact on your game. Here's everything you can get from having the Witch feature:

  • Diplomacy-1
  • Conspiracy +1
  • Learning +1
  • Opinion of wizard characters +20

Apart from the above statistics, you will also benefit Access to the “Found Witch Coven” resolution. which can provide additional benefits.

While it sounds great, being a witch is a mystery that is avoided by most cultures and religions in the world.
. In case of disclosure,
Another character can get a hook
Make sure you and your heirs only interact with cultures that accept witchcraft.

How to create a Witch Coven in Crusader Kings 3

Witch Coven in Crusader Kings 3

Getting the Witch trait isn't even the best part if you're on the witch route Crusader Kings 3. The real deal is gaining access to “Found Witch Coven” Decision. While meeting these requirements can be very difficult, the benefits of making this decision make it well worth it.

The decision “Found Witch Coven” becomes available under the title Major decisions Select the tab when you meet the following conditions:

  1. Your character should Has the attribute of a magician or secret
  2. Your character needs it Be the boss of your house.
  3. at least 7 members of the house It must have the sorcerer's trait or secret.
  4. at least 60% of your household members You must have your wizard trait or secret.
  5. you The heir must have the sorcerer trait or secret known by you

To make sure you can meet these requirements quickly, here are some tips to help you start your Witch Coven in CK3:

  1. Using designs: Use the “turn into a witch” plan for your household members. This has a high success rate and ensures that they know your secret and increases the number of witches in your house.
  2. Educate your heirs: When teaching children, you a Option to turn them into witches Make the most of this guaranteed conversion before they hit puberty.
  3. Prioritize sorcery early: Form your pact as Early in your game. Starting early reduces the number of household members you need to convert to reach the 60% threshold.

The benefits of creating a wizard

Creating a Witch Coven allows you, as well as all members of your household, to do this Adjective witch coven. Here are all the pros and cons of getting started “Found Witch Coven” decision in CK3:

  • Health: Moderate increase As long as you live
  • Fertility: +10%, Ensuring a bigger and safer generation.
  • Hostile Design Resistance: +10, It makes it harder for others to plot against you.
  • Hostile Design Power: +10, Increase the probability of success of your plans.

Apart from increasing the direct statistics above, you also have one of the most powerful unique activities CK3:Hosting a big event. Every five years, wizards can host a grand ceremony, a special event that offers Additional stat boosts, guaranteed new skill attributes, and high stress reduction. These perks make the Witch feature very desirable.

Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3

was published
September 1, 2020

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