How to beat the rock (January 2025)

Pokemon Go Cliff's Shadow Pokemon line-up has changed for January 2025. Cliff has several Shadow monsters, each with amazing abilities and fighting skills. You need to have good meta and counterpick knowledge to beat GO Rocket's team leader.

Pokemon Go The leaders of the GO Rocket team are among the most powerful antagonists in the game. According to Cliff's battle list, it contains 7 Shadow Pokemon. Each of the Cliff's Shadow plays are very powerful and require the right counters, but you should First find the leader to fight him Win against multiple teams of GO Rocket Grunts and Collect 6 mysterious components To make a missile radarwhich can It will direct you to Cliff. This guide explains Cliff's Team GO Rocket Shadow Pokemon for January 2025 and their best counters against them.


Pokemon GO: Mythical, Legendary, And Mega Raid Schedule (January 2025)

This guide explains all legendary, legendary and mega raids in Pokemon GO January 2025 along with the date, time and availability of the shiny.

How to beat Cliff in Pokemon GO? (January 2025)

Beat Cliff in Pokemon GO

Cliff has a total of 7 Shadow Pokemon and each of them is a powerful fighter Pokemon Go. Battle with Cliff has 3 rounds. particle for direct object The first round always starts with one Pokemon. this The second and third rounds are unpredictable; has a leader 3 possible picks for each of these rounds. To win the battle, one needs great knowledge and proper counters.



The first phase

Galarian Shadow Zigzag

The second phase

  • Shadow Venus

  • The shadow of Merwak

  • Aerodactyl shadow

The third phase

  • A tyrannical shadow

  • Shadow Obstagoon

  • shadow robot

Cliff first phase counters

Cliff always starts with Galarian Shadow Zigzagoon for the first phase of the battle. It is a normal Dark Pokemon with enhanced offensive power as a Shadow Monster.

Galarian Shadow Zigzag counter

  • Type: Dark and ordinary
  • Weakness: Fighting, Bug and Fairy-type moves
  • Resistance: Dark, psychic and ghostly movements

Best Galarian Shadow Zigzag counters

Galarian Shadow Zigzag counter

quick attack

Charged attack


two hits (fighting type)

Holy Sword (Combat Type) (Heritage)


Force Palm (Fighting Type) (Legacy)

Aura sphere (war type)


counter (war type)

close combat

Chaldeo (normal form)

low kicks (fighting type)

Holy sword (combat type)


counter (war type)

dynamic punch (fighting type)

The best gallarian shadow zigzag shadow and mega counter

Galarian Shadow Zigzag counter

quick attack

Charged attack

Mega Lucario

Force Palm (Fighting Type) (Legacy)

Aura sphere (war type)

Mega Heracross

counter (war type)

close combat

Mega Blaziken

counter (war type)

Focus Burst (Combat Type)

Shadow of Concaldor

counter (war type)

dynamic punch (fighting type)

Mega Al-Kazem

counter (war type)

Focus Burst (Combat Type)

Cliff's second phase counters

Cliff's Phase II counters in Pokemon GO

The second phase of the battle is associated with considerable uncertainty. Cliff's Pokemon selection is not fixed like in the first phase, so Pokemon Go Trainers should prepare to battle the likes of Shadow Venusaur, Shadow Marowak, and Shadow Aerodactyl. In order to deal effectively with these opponents, the metagame must be analyzed.

Venus shadow counters

  • Type: grass and poison
  • Weakness: Fire, Flight, Ice and Psychic moves
  • Resistance: Electric, full, fighting, blue and grass moves

The best Venus shadow counters

Shadow Venus counter

quick attack

Charged attack


Air Slash (flying type)

Dragon Ascent (Flying Type)


fire bite (fire type)

Fusion Flare (Legacy)


fire bite (fire type)

flight (type of flight)


fire spin (fire type)

Magma Storm (Fire Type) (Legacy)

meow two

Psychic cut (psychic type)

Psystrike (Psychic Type) (Legacy)

The best shadow venusor shadow and mega counter

Shadow Venus counter

quick attack

Charged attack

Mega Rayquaza

Air Slash (flying type)

Dragon Ascent (Flying Type)

Mega Y Charizard

fire spin (fire type)

Explosive Blast (Fire Type) (Legacy)

mega hello

fire bite (fire type)

flight (type of flight)

hello shadow

fire bite (fire type)

flight (type of flight)

Heather's shadow

fire spin (fire type)

Magma Storm (Fire Type) (Legacy)

Marwak Shadow Counters

  • Type: the earth
  • Weaknesses: Grass, ice and water movements
  • Resistances: Poison, stone and electric moves

The best Marwak shade counters

Marwak Shadow Counters

quick attack

Charged attack


waterfall (water type)

Origin Pulse (water type) (Legacy)

baby boy

whip vine (grass type)

electric whip (lawn type)

Dawn Wings Necrozma

Shadow Claw (grass type)

Moongeist Beam (Grass Type)


leaf (grass type)

Madness Plant (Grass Type) (Heritage)


leaf (grass type)

grass knot (grass type)

The best shade counters Marwak shade and Mega

Marwak Shadow Counters

quick attack

Charged attack

Kyogre's shadow

waterfall (water type)

Origin Pulse (water type) (Legacy)

Mega Sceptile

Bullet seed (grass type)

Madness Plant (Grass Type) (Heritage)

Mega Rayquaza

Air Slash (flying type)

Dragon Ascent (Flying Type)

Mega Swampert

Mud shot (ground type)

Hydraulic ball (water type) (old)

Mega Abumasno

leaf (grass type)

air ball (ice type)

Aerodactyl Shadow Counters

  • Type: Rock and fly
  • Weaknesses: Electric, ice, stone, steel and water movements
  • Resistances: Bug, fire, flying, ground, normal and poison moves

The best Aerodactyl shade counters

Aerodactyl Shadow Counters

quick attack

Charged attack


shock (electric type)

discharge (electric type)


bullet punch (steel type)

Meteor Mash (steel type)

I mention

charging beam (electric type)

wild charge (electric type)


waterfall (water type)

Source pulse (water type)


Thunder shock (electric)

Double iron plate (steel type)

The best Shadow Aerodactyl Shadow and Mega Counter

Aerodactyl Shadow Counters

quick attack

Charged attack

Early Kyogre

waterfall (water type)

Source pulse (water type)

Shadow of Metagross

bullet punch (steel type)

Meteor Mash (steel type)

Mega Swampert

water gun (water type)

Hydraulic ball (water type)

Shadow of Rampardos

Smackdown (rock type)

rock slide (stone type)

Kyogre's shadow

waterfall (water type)

Source pulse (water type)


Pokemon GO – All Ditto Disguises (January 2025)

By following this detailed guide, you can find and catch a Pokemon GO Ditto and Shiny Ditto in January 2025.

Cliff's third phase counters

Cliff's Phase III counters in Pokemon GO

The third stage is the prediction battle. Cliff has three choices to choose from for the final stage: Shadow Tyranitar, Shadow Obstagoon, or Shadow Crobat. Pokemon Go Coaches should carefully select counters that can align with the GO Rocket team leader list.

Tyranitar Shadow Counters

  • Type: Stone and dark
  • Weaknesses: Movements of shapes, fairy, fight, ground, water, steel and grass
  • Resistances: Psychic, Dark, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Normal, and Poison type

Tyranitar's best shadow counters

Tyranitar Shadow Counters

quick attack

Charged attack


two hits (fighting type)

Holy sword (combat type)


low kicks (fighting type)

Holy sword (combat type)


counter (war type)

Aura sphere (war type)


counter (war type)

dynamic punch (fighting type)


counter (war type)

dynamic punch (fighting type)

Best Shadow Tyranitar Shadow And Mega Counters

Tyranitar Shadow Counters

quick attack

Charged attack

Mega Blaziken

counter (war type)

Focus Burst (Combat Type)

Mega Heracross

counter (war type)

close combat

Shadow of Machamp

counter (war type)

dynamic punch (fighting type)

Shadow of Hariyama

counter (war type)

dynamic punch (fighting type)

Shadow Toxicroak

counter (war type)

dynamic punch (fighting type)

Shade counters

  • Type: Dark and ordinary
  • Weakness: Fighting, Bug and Fairy-type moves
  • Resistance: Dark, psychic and ghostly movements

The best Shadow Obstagoon counters

Shade counters

quick attack

Charged attack


two hits (fighting type)

Holy Sword (Combat Type) (Heritage)


Force Palm (Fighting Type) (Legacy)

Aura sphere (war type)

Chaldeo (normal form)

low kicks (fighting type)

Holy sword (combat type)


counter (war type)

close combat


counter (war type)

dynamic punch (fighting type)

Best Shadow Obstagoon Shadow And Mega Counter

Shade counters

quick attack

Charged attack

Mega Lucario

Force Palm (Fighting Type) (Legacy)

Aura sphere (war type)

Mega Heracross

counter (war type)

close combat

Mega Blaziken

counter (war type)

Focus Burst (Combat Type)

Shadow of Concaldor

counter (war type)

dynamic punch (fighting type)

Shadow of Machamp

counter (war type)

dynamic punch (fighting type)

Crobat umbrella

  • Type: poison and flight
  • Weakness: Electric, ice, psychic and stone moves
  • Resistance: Fairy, Ground, Poison, Bug, Fighting and Grass-type moves

The best shadow crobot counters

Crobat umbrella

quick attack

Charged attack

meow two

Psychic cut (psychic type)

Psystrike (Psychic Type) (Legacy)

hoopa bey

Confusion (psychological)


Sunset Mane Necrozma

Psychic cut (psychic type)

Sunsteel Strike (steel type)

I mention

charging beam (electric type)

Fusion screw (electric type) (old)


Thunder shock (electric)

discharge (electric type)

The best Shadow Krobot Shadow and Mega Counter

Crobat umbrella

quick attack

Charged attack

Meowth's Shadow

Psychic cut (psychic type)

Psystrike (Psychic Type) (Legacy)

Rhyperior shade

Smackdown (rock type)

Ruining Rock (Rock Type) (Legacy)

Mega Al-Kazem

Confusion (psychological)

Psychic (Psychic Type) (Inheritance)

Mega Tyrant

Smackdown (rock type) (heritage)

stone edge

Mega Latios

Zen head kick (psychological type)


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Pokemon GO

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