Making a great sequel for such a title Ghost of Tsushima Easier said than done, the AAA title hits its stride by plunging players into an accurate depiction of feudal Japan and taking them on a journey full of breathtaking visuals and engagingly diverting battles. However, even the most popular games aren't without their flaws, and Sucker Punch Productions is looking to improve on a few areas in this game. Spirit of Uti Conclusion Although some may consider it as a mistake, it is one of the most important criticisms that have been made to it. Ghost of Tsushima It was the lack of diversity in its architectural design.
While the game's buildings capture the aesthetic of 13th-century Japan, its lush vegetation and mountainous landscape, players often found themselves navigating structures that looked almost identical across the map. For a game with so much emphasis on environment building, this oversight reduced the sense of immersion in a vibrant open world. with Spirit of Uti Due out in 2025, Sucker Punch has a chance to address this while maintaining the historical accuracy that fans of period-based games like this love.

Ghost of Yotei's Dual-Wielding Protagonist is already different from Jin Sakai in One Big Way.
Ghost of Yotei makes bold leaps away from its predecessor, but one particular feature hints at a bigger gameplay change.
Ghost Of Yotei should do a better job of representing human settlements
Despite being published more than four years ago, Ghost of Tsushima It still has some of the best visuals in an open world game. However, after a few hours of riding through the settlements, it became clear that the buildings didn't receive the same meticulous attention to detail that the other components did. Many architectures, from low-lying farms to castles, share the same aesthetic. Now it can be claimed that the landscape accurately depicts the style of feudal Japan. However, there must be some kind of environmental variation to attract attention. When every new city is exactly the same as the last, it can undermine the sense of adventure that open-world games aim to provide.
If Spirit of Uti It is to take up the challenge left by its predecessor, so it must skillfully balance the need to accurately represent the building with diverse designs. The architecture of 17th century Japan is not much different from 13th century and most of the buildings are made of wood, straw and stone.
Hokkaido Island Spirit of UtiThe area is much larger than Tsushima Island. Herein lies the challenge for Soccer Punch. The developer will have to get creative with their building plans with a significantly larger footprint, or else Spirit of Uti It feels even more repetitive than its predecessor.
The 17th century setting of Ghost of Yotei could provide an answer to Soccer Punch's environmental question
The game environment in 1604 provides a golden opportunity to diversify its construction plan. The Portuguese first set foot in Japan in 1543, and their arrival can add exciting things to Japan. Spirit of UtiPortfolio These Portuguese were Catholics who came to Japan to spread the gospel and trade, so it wouldn't be out of place if players encountered churches and priests during their game. Along these lines, there should also be more features that reflect the culture and religion prevalent in the period, such as Buddhist temples and cathedrals scattered across the landscape.
such as Ghost of Tsushima's expansion, which brought Iki Island, Sucker Punch could also create a DLC for its long-awaited sequel that takes place in one of Japan's major cities – preferably Heian-kyō (present-day Kyoto), because the Japanese home was Ruler at the time Exploring this allowed Soccer Punch to create more complex social layouts with architectural diversity, such as palaces, movie houses, markets, and more. While Ghost of TsushimaRereading cities and buildings is not game-breaking in any way and improves its suggestions Spirit of Uti It feels like garbage.

The sequel to Ghost of Tsushima, Sucker Punch's Ghost of Yōtei is a PS5 exclusive game slated for release in 2025. The story takes place in 1603, a new hero and a new Japanese area far removed from the setting of Tsushima.
open world

- was published
- 2025
- Publisher(s)
- Sony Interactive Entertainment