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How to find Bluefang in iron tail 2: winter whistles
Tips on beat HARAT BLUEFANG on Iron Tail 2: Winter whistles
Similar to the optional chief of the first game, Ratnor Rodentson, Iron Tail 2: Winter whistles The optional chief introduces his challenging war for war. Battle against Herat Blue It can be difficult, especially in the case of higher problems, but the real challenge is to find the four Runestone keys needed to unlock the tomb where he resides.
Runes is not only well hidden, but also to achieve new search and the areas where it can be found. This guide provides details of the locations of the Runes keys and tips to defeat HARAT Bluefang inside the tomb.

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How to find Bluefang in iron tail 2: winter whistles
There are four Runes keys located throughout the northern RATDOM:
The location of the Ruvestone Silver key
Ancient Runes from a column that surrounds the tomb. The cream symbol represents metal or treasure.
The first Runestone key is obtained Automatically through the original story When you go to the left of the castle gate on the outskirts. As soon as you enter the tomb for the first time, You will see a blue shiny on the ground– Ruvestone Silver key. You can enter the Runge key anywhere during the game.
The location of the Ruvestone Earth key
Ancient Runes from a column that surrounds the tomb. The worm symbol expresses deep ground.
For the third Runes key, progress through the original story until “A farmer to hold“The main attempt. This is a long mission that includes the rescue of a Badger. Upon completion of the attempt, You will get Wesowl Elder Washow skullHuman
Travel fast to Scale pit And follow the left -hander to arrive The base where you can place the skullHuman beings open this door and gives you the possibility of Grass across the ground and get the Runestone Earth keyHuman beings can also open the chest on the lower platform to get a saphire.
The location of the Death Ruvestone key
Ancient Runes from a column that surrounds the tomb. The worm symbol represents the dead.
Complete the original attempt for the Death Runes key ”Empire of Tuck“This is the ability to build the shop using the manufacturer, Gives you the ability to buy Runes from Tuck For 10 coins. You can upgrade the shop to maximum level, which opens a prize/success, as well as add more items and gears to buy from Tuck.
The main place of Life Runes
Ancient Runes from a column that surrounds the tomb. The worm symbol represents life.
For the last Runes key, collect all the Tarot cards in the game and Complete Marilyn's effort by returning themMarilyn's human then rewards you with the Life Runestone key. Most of these Tarot cards can be purchased from businessmen in different areas of the game, except for cases Knight Card, which can be found in a corpse in the gapHuman beings will only be available after completing their designated efforts.
Tips on beat HARAT BLUEFANG on Iron Tail 2: Winter whistles
Once you've got all the Runes keys, to the tomb of King HARAT Bluefang and Put the Runes in your gapsHuman beings open this door and allow you to come up with the boss and face it. If you are trying to fight after finishing the main story and having a level 3 gear, the battle will be very challenging. The boss deals with poison and electrical damage, so it equips the armor with the resistance to those elements to minimize the impact of his attacks.
HARAT Bluefang is more damage from the fire, so moving to high -level fire weapons and providing fire traps gives you the advantage.
The boss is not very aggressive with slow and simple attacks that can be easily prevented by fooling. . However, Take care of Spit PoisonBecause it can cover a small area of the arena in the poison for a long time and limit your movement. Whenever the boss is away from you, your diverse weapon will be quite useful.
When the boss loses health, he changes his weapon for a variety of attacks and a two -handed ax for close war. He also Calls the lightning strikes from the skyWhich is relatively easy to deceive. Be cautious not to greed for additional visitsAs the most frightening aspect of this boss is how hard his attacks were. If you are unable to close the distance while shooting the arrow, it is It is better to use your shield Continuous blocking rather than the risk of injury.
In some cases, the boss shouts and follows it with a forward charges. Be sure to fool the boss, not away from him, because the Dodging Backward will still lead to the attack.
After the boss's defeat, he abandons the following rewards:
- Bluefang ax (One -handed weapon)
- Wall (Shield)
- Iron point (Two -handed weapon)
- Iron vision (Domain weapon)
- horn (Hat)
- Armored (cuirass)
- Iron shoulders (Paydersters)
- Coin X25
- Bullion X5
- Silver sword X5
- sword X10
- Diamond x2
- Safir X1
- Sapphire X1
- Emerald x3