Fallout 5 needs his “Nick Valentine”

Already, Fallout 5 It is remote, but this does not make the next season's view less exciting. After the first season of the first Amazon series that aired last year Fallout 5 And what may have in the store has been reused. Where to say the next story will happen, but one thing is felt for certainty: companions play an important role in the journey.

With any Bethesda game, the use of companions to help players in the story of their character is one of the main features of the developer. From Swelling To SquareMobile NPCs can be found. Sometimes they are useful, sometimes annoying, but their unique characters and their set of skills choose a variety of players. When talking about Conscious However, games have been one of the companions of a solidarity. Nick Valentine. Nick Valentine who operates as a private detective is one of the most convincing NPCs of voting, and Fallout 5 Benefit from having their own personality.


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Fallout 5 deserves its specific version of Nick Valentine

Nick Valentine's Role is more important than being accompanied

A central moral dilemma offered in Fallout 4The story is whether the artifacts should be welcomed in this post -apocalyptic landscape, making the role of good extremely important. While the creation of traditions is in itself a discussion, the social behavior of a race that has not created anything to create is a completely different argument. As a companion, Nick is smart and thoughtful, always trying to move alongside justice. His presence in the narrative is presented as the main part of weighing ethical questions and Fallout 5 It will be wise to provide another companion to help survive its themes through personality development.

  • Nick Valentine was created by the institute.

  • He is a prototype of generation 2.

  • The 2nd generation prototypes were the first artificial to be able to think independently.

Fallout 5 has attractive options to explore

Anything else Fallout 5The accompanying options include: setting up and storytelling will play an important role in deciding what they like. A race during the series, Zetan's alien race, can be an interesting option for discovery. Conscious It has been annoyed by the presence of aliens over the years, and eventually seeing this with a Zetan companion serving as an important figure, it may be attractive. , For example, if Fallout 5 Decide to bring Outcome 76Seasonal invaders from Beyond Event to one class and their next story focuses on alien invasion, a zeal that seeks to cooperate with humans and is accepted in society can provide the same type of problem.

Nick Valentine's story is even more expanded in Fallout 4's Port away DLC

This is quite speculation, but it is not completely out of the realm. ConsciousAlien clashes can be fun hidden moments, but seeing them into a full -fledged story arc can be a more valuable result for Zetans. , Of course, Conscious It may only continue as a fun Easter egg, and this will still be exciting.

Fallout 5 Story I hope to examine the same ethical problems

Fallout 4 He presented one of the most fascinating ethical problems in the series. Fear of artifacts of groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood can be understandable, but characters such as Nick Valentine show that this is a complex ethical gray area that does not move easily.

From now, there is no way to know what Bethesda has planned for Fallout 5The story of the game is probably still at this stage, which is disappointing, but between Outcome 76 And Chapter 2 of the Prime Amazon series, there is a minimum promise of more content.

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