Explaining the unwritten rules of life is strange

with Life is Strange: Double Exposure On the horizon, now is a great time to reflect on the unwritten rules that define the series. Since the release of the first episode in 2015, Life is strange The franchise has become a staple of the choice-based adventure genre. Each episode introduces a unique story, with the most recent coming in 2021, while maintaining the depth and moral complexity that have become hallmarks of the series. Life is Strange: True Colors.

The franchise currently has six installments, which means that the general rule set for the franchise may not be very specific. However, only two games focus on either Max Caulfield or Chloe Price, although that number will increase as the game releases. Life is Strange: Double Exposure On October 29. Regardless, players should feel when entering the world Life is strange.

Minor spoilers for
Life is strange
next series


How Life is Strange: Max Double Exposure dodges the “you already have” treatment

Life is Strange: Double Exposure marks the return of Max Caulfield and with his arrival there are high expectations for his future story.

How to get the most out of life is strange

The game of order of life is a strange matter

During the game Life is strange Games in release order ensure that the story unfolds as originally intended, the line-up can be changed for an optimal narrative experience. Therefore, the suggested playing order is as follows:

  1. Life is strange – 2015
  2. Life is Strange: Before the Storm – 2017
  3. Life is Strange: Before the Storm Farewell DLC – 2019
  4. Life is Strange 2: Episode 1 – 2018
  5. The Great Adventures of Captain Spirit – 2018
  6. Life is Strange 2: Episodes 2-5 – 2018-2019
  7. Life is Strange: True Colors – 2021
  8. Life is Strange: Double Exposure – 2024
  9. Life is Strange: Double Exposure Wavelength DLC – 2024
  10. Life is Strange: Remastered Collection (Incl Life is strange and Before the storm Renovated) – 2022

Although before the storm before the events of Life is Strange, players may find it more immersive starting with Max's story in the original Arcadia Bay experience and vibrant characters. Life is strange. After playing the first two games and subsequent DLCs, the later installments are mostly self-contained, though they often include ties to Arcadia Bay and its characters. for Life is strange 2it is recommended to complete the opening section and follow The Great Adventures of Captain Spiritwhich features a few familiar faces, before continuing with the rest Life is strange 2. Similarly, players can choose to play Re-exposure to the virusDLC before tackling the base game.

Read the notebooks

Life is Strange Max's Diary

Every main character in Life is strange It has its own version of a magazine. While reading them is not necessary to complete the game, they are useful for providing valuable insight into the protagonist's thoughts and motivations. For example, Max writes in his diary that his parents told him in one loop that he had “all the time in the world”, which could be an indirect way of referring to Max Caulfield's supernatural powers.

Max's diary
Life is strange
It contains 73 pages in total.

Furthermore, on the previous page, Max mentions that he borrowed a copy of it October country by Ray Bradbury If players do a little research, they'll discover that this book is a collection of horror short stories that explore the horrors and demons within humanity. These themes are closely mirrored by those found in the game.

Explore as much as possible

Life is Strange 2 Bear Station

As a general guideline, players should explore every nook and cranny while talking to as many people as possible. Interaction with objects and the surrounding environment can provide valuable context that helps with subsequent decisions. In some areas, scenes may even change, so it's worth revisiting locations to check for any updates. Although there are hundreds of details that could easily be missed, some could even predict future events, such as the altered graffiti on Chloe Price and Rachel Amber's hideout in episode 2.

For characters without Temporal Rewind like Max, engaging with their environment to find the “right” answers when needed is essential. To illustrate, since Chloe has no supernatural powers, her powers come from her ability to play with others through dialogue. Notably, certain options in Chloe's backtalk challenges can only be unlocked by interacting with certain objects.

Avoid reading manuals

Life is Strange True Colors Alex Chen's apartment

Players who read walkthroughs or walkthroughs, unless they're stuck on a difficult puzzle or challenging section, may encounter spoilers that can spoil key moments. In this way, the most effective way to step into the world Life is strange It is possible to have minimal knowledge. Additionally, if players wish to explore alternate endings based on choices made Life is strangeit is recommended to do this only after completing their first game.

Use collect mode

Collectable mode is life is strange

every Life is strange The game includes “Collection Mode”, a feature introduced with the first game. This option is usually located in a separate menu or tab that may not be immediately obvious to players. This feature is extremely useful for the video game completionist as it allows them to replay the game without worrying about losing any achievements during their game. In addition, it provides an opportunity to explore the outcomes of different choices without influencing any of the initial decisions.

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