Dragon Ball DAIMA enters space (as the similarity to another show becomes apparent)

Key foods

  • Dama's resemblance to Dragon Ball GT is uncanny and suggests a possible remake.
  • Glorio offers help and mysterious motivations, adding intrigue to the storyline.
  • A humorous journey into the realm of demons hints at more action to come.

The following contains spoilers for Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 3, “Daima,” which is available to stream on Crunchyroll and Netflix.

By entering the third part DAIMA DRAGON BALLa clearer picture of where the series is headed is emerging. Besides, with this latest episode, it's starting to feel like another episode Dragon ball Closer series (exactly very specific).

It's so close, in fact, that it could be argued in good faith that it's a stealth remake we're now picking up. You may ask what series is it? Let us discuss.


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Previously in…

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Last time we joined our heroes, Gomah and his minions had turned them all into children. However, due to a technical problem, Goma only got one of his wishes and decided to kidnap a baby gear so he could summon the dragon again to get his other two wishes. Goku and his friends have to retrain and get used to their new bodies, causing Goku to take back his Cloud Nimbus and his red staff (which Master Roshi used as a tool to dry his clothes). . As the episode ends, they are approached by a new character named Glorio, who instructs them on Goma's plan and offers to help them in their plight.

Who is Glorio?

When the previous episode ended, we didn't know much about Glorio. We know he was spying on Gomah when he hatched his plan (which is why he wasn't surprised the Z-fighters were all aged), but otherwise we're not sure who he is or what his motivations are. . Needless to say, he has now offered to help Goku and his friends, so we'll have to wait and see what he plans to do in this episode.


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The call of outer space

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In what could be considered another call Dragon Ball GT (And it probably fits the theory that Akira Toriyama wanted to do with the concept Dragon Ball GT right this time), the episode begins with Goku, Kaiyushin, and Glorio leaving Earth behind and flying across the world to the Demon Realm. Like that other show, there's more humor than grand adventure, with the first thing our heroes have to do is find their way into the evil realm by appeasing Warp-sama (who appears to be one of the world's guardians). do Of course, leave it to Goku to cause problems by telling the space god that he looks like a goldfish, prompting Kaioshin to remind him that he needs to show more respect to the gods they ask for help.

A pin number saves the day

In true Toriyama fashion, the solution is far more absurd than you might expect. Glorio has already passed Warp-sama and gets a new passage by giving him the pin number. Yes, you read it right: in the world Dragon ball As long as you have the correct pin number, you can travel around the world through Gods of Tar.


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Satan's realm is very large

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Although DAIMA DRAGON BALL Putting more eggs in the comic basket than most are probably prepared for doesn't mean the show doesn't deliver. Dragon Wing Z Reflecting on the moments when the characters enter Satan's realm, it becomes clear that there are multiple worlds they can visit. New creatures are introduced as well as new dangers. Goku doesn't stand much of a chance with the new gravity though, meaning the unfriendly natives have a rare advantage against him (though Glorio can certainly move much faster thanks to his familiarity with new worlds). However, in terms of proper action, the series takes time to achieve this goal.

Most of the episode involves our three heroes traveling from one destination to another via Bulma's flight capsule (just like Dragon Ball GT). You may have noticed that it has been mentioned several times Dragon Ball GT In this review, and that's because the story beats, the settings, and even some of the jokes are very reminiscent of it. It really feels like it DAIMA DRAGON BALL A replay was not announced Dragon Ball GT. Granted, that series wasn't canceled by the show (it takes place before its final episode Dragon Wing Zwhich means Dragon Ball GT technically it's still a regular), but it shows how good it could be if Toriyama was more involved. Dragon Ball Z fans may still bemoan the lack of action, but if you've watched Super dragon ball This seems a natural consequence.

Always Dragon Ball


Dragon Ball Daima is the latest anime from Akira Toriyama's legendary series. After becoming a child, Goku must travel to a new world to change everything.


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