Devil Fruit users cannot swim. Water weakens them. Some overcome this and travel using powers.
Some Devil Fruit users like Kuzan and Wolf can travel through water with their abilities.
Unique Devil Fruit users like Pizarro merge with islands and allow for water travel.
A common denominator in every known Devil Fruit user is the inability to swim. If enough of a Devil Fruit user's body is submerged in water, it will become severely weakened and lose its power. This flaw disables most Devil Fruit users from traveling directly through water.

One Piece: Nine Red Sheaths, ranked
This list looks at nine of Oden's most reliable keepers and how they stack up against each other.
Some Devil Fruit users are said to overcome this limitation, often with newly acquired powers in exchange for their ability to swim. While most won't be up for submersion any time soon, they are all capable of passing through water.
Cold narrow road
- the first: Chapter 303 (Manga), Episode 225 (Anime)
Kozan was formerly a naval admiral with the honor of “Aokiji”. He has since taken refuge with the Blackbeard pirates and become one of the ten captains of the Titanic's crew. He is decidedly taciturn and lazy, who believed that justice was rarely served after the O'Hara incident. Fittingly, his preferred method of transportation is a fairly simple option—riding a bicycle.
Hie Hie no Mi Kuzan allows him to create, control and transform into ice. With any water freezing, he can simply cross it on his bike, Ao Chari. He used this to fight the Straw Hat Pirates in Long Ring Long Land. It's not clear what happened to Kozan's bike, but he has since traveled on top of a camel, a large penguin that also walks in water. Camels are probably the preferred mode of transport, as it seems to require less effort to ride.
Greg Sanjoan
too big to fail
- the first: Chapter 575 (Manga), Episode 484 (Anime)
Sanjuan Wolf is a giant from the blue west. His past crimes are said to have been so horrific that they necessitated his disappearance from history. He was taken to the secret sixth floor of Impel Down, where the worst prisoners were kept, before Blackbeard survived a free-for-all battle to decide which prisoner would join his crew. He has since become one of the Titanic's ten crew captains, the only giant with that distinction.
The Wolf's Devil Fruit, Deka Deka no Mi, allows him to grow even more, which is probably why his name is “Colossal Battleship”. In this form, he is said to be the largest giant in the world, dwarfing even ancient giants known for their larger size. Unlike most Devil Fruit users, Wolf appears to be able to walk through water with ease. His size probably means his body is dry enough not to directly cause weakness. He does seem to suffer some degree of exhaustion while in the water, but at least it looks like he can be in it for a while, with no consequences mentioned or shown from staying too long. There is no long in it. He was thrown into the ocean by the monkey D. Garp, indicating that the weakness in water was retained, but was partially negated by his size when his Devil Fruit was activated.
Avalo Pizarro
island boy
- the first: Chapter 575 (Manga), Episode 484 (Anime)
Avalo Pizarro was a deposed ruler who, like Wolf, was sent to Impel Down and eventually became one of the ten captains of Blackbeard's Titanic. His own Devil Fruit, Shima Shima no Mi, allows him to effectively become an island by merging with it and subsequently controlling it. This Devil Fruit is remarkably similar to Ishi Ishi no Mei Pika, though it allows him to merge entire islands instead of rocks, making him seem somewhat more versatile than his counterpart. This ability has the unfortunate weakness of allowing it to take damage from any “pain” the island itself receives, something the Pika Devil Fruit does not require. That said, it seems to be stronger than other Devil Fruits in one way.
By transforming into an island and manipulating it, Pizarro can seemingly walk through water. Considering that Shima Shima no Mi is a relatively new Devil Fruit, this isn't explained much. It is possible that Pizarro's body either did not merge with the entire island, or that any “island” object was not submerged enough to be a real threat to the pirates. However, both claims are mere speculation at this time.
Charlotte Prospero
A candy cruise
- the first: Chapter 834 (Manga), Episode 795 (Anime)
Charlotte Prospero is Big Mom's eldest child and an officer in Big Mom's pirate group. He is given the role of the Minister of Candy and, like several of his other siblings in such roles, has the same evil fruit. Pero Pero no Mi allows him to make candy and apparently turn it into an endless variety of objects, including weapons, a prosthetic arm, and apparently even a fully functional laboratory.

One Piece: Big Mom's Stronties Children, Ranked
A look at prominent members of Charlotte's powerful family.
It could be argued that the candy ship itself is probably less impressive next to some of his more complex creations. Perospero created a candy sea snail that proved it could transport people through water. Big Mom helped the creation attack the Straw Hat Pirates by animating it with the Soru Soru no Mi (which allows the user to steal souls and place them in inanimate objects). While this adds to its overall efficiency, it's still worth noting that the original Perospero creation was sea-going before such revisions.
Portgas de As
Its own fuel source
- the first: Chapter 154 (Manga), Episode 91 (Anime)
Portgas D. Ace had Mera Mera no Mi which allowed him to catch fire, control and create. Even if the Devil Fruits didn't take away the ability to swim from their users, Ace probably wouldn't be submerged in water. Fortunately, Ace's colleague, Masked Deuce, was able to build a boat that Ace could use. Striker uses Mera Mera no Mi, Ace's direct method of teleportation. Even as his allies increased, joining the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace used the Striker in various one-man operations that required cutting a path across the ocean. He was specifically seen using the Striker to travel alone both during the Alabasta arc and in the cover story where he tries to hunt down Blackbeard on his own.

One Piece: All members of the Kozuki family
A look at the known relatives and wider history of the Kozuki family.
Ace is not the only Devil Fruit user to use such tactics. Galdino, also known as Mr. 3, used to own a boat that somehow used his own wax as a power source. Enel's flying ship, the Maxim, was basically an electric vehicle specifically powered by Devil Fruit powers.

- Publication date
October 20, 1999
- Studio
Toei animation
- the creator
Ichiro Oda
- Number of episodes