Dead by Daylight: Taurie Cain's Perks Explained

Taurie Cain is the last survivor to join him Dead by DaylightAnd his perks are as unique as he is. This is significant considering that the game recently celebrated its 8th anniversary Dead by Daylight There are still many new ideas in the works. The Doomed Course chapter shows that with the Taurie as well as its future assassin, the Houndmaster. However, Taurie's scores could end up creating some of the biggest events of the season. Taurie Cain could finally offer some new approaches to Survivor strategy Dead by Daylight.

in Dead by DaylightIn the Doomed Course season, players will encounter Taurie Cain, the last survivor of the Mist. Tauri is the only survivor among her peers who can truly be considered evil. Born and raised in a sect that worshiped the entity, Tauri was a firm believer who would never question them or their tactics. Ultimately, he was to sacrifice someone in a ritual to become an assassin and serve The Entity. Instead, he hesitated and was transferred to The Fog as a survivor.


Dead by Daylight has to deal with a killer problem sooner or later

Dead by Daylight has built hype with licensed killers since the beginning, but it can approach a major problem with these characters.

Taurie perks give survivors an eclectic array of new abilities

Clean Break is a self-healing bonus with risk

Clean Break is as useful as the reverse of one Dead by Daylight Surviving points, for the people. The player can use Clean Break while healing, ending the healing action and causing the user to break at max level for 60 seconds. After this time, they return to full health. This reduces the time the player's allies have to spend healing them, albeit at a risky trade-off. Clean Break has the potential to save teams a lot of testing time, but a timely play can spell disaster for the user.

Summons: Treacherous Spiders provide survivors with a killer radar

Invocation: Treacherous Crows is the game's second Invocation perk, continuing one of them. Dead by DaylightNewer schemes of Imtiaz. Treacherous Crows After 60 seconds of working on a magic circle in the basement, each time they disturb a crow, the killer's aura is visible for up to two seconds, while any survivors are within their terror radius. The presence of crows on the map ensures that treacherous crows are sure to activate at least a few times per match and provide valuable information. As mentioned, it has the same weakness as Invocation: Weaving Spiders, Harming the user for the rest of the trial period.

Combined with Trevor's Eyes of Belmont, Invocation: Treacherous Crows can reveal a murderous aura for up to five seconds at a time.

Shoulder Bag can increase the lifespan of an ally

Shoulder the Burden is one of the most unique perk designs in the game. Survivors in Dead by Daylight You should avoid hooking at all costs, but Shoulder the Burden adds a strange twist. Once per trial, a player equipped with Shoulder the Burden can not only unlock a Survivor, but also transfer one of that Survivor's hook states to themselves. This effectively gives the unhooked Survivor an extra life at the user's expense. For experienced and skilled survivors, a shoulder bag can be a huge advantage. No other perk manipulates hook states like this, so it's worth noting.

Taurie points have the potential to unlock some unusual new strategies and combos Dead by Daylight. With all these points in Dead by Daylightit can be easy for many to get lost in the mix. However, Taurie's perks are all useful in different ways, so she can have something to offer several different playstyles.

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