A new critical role of “Untold Stories” has several views of the Allies and enemies of Vox Machina.
The anthology consists of 10 short stories by various authors that focus on characters such as Rasis and Trinket.
Cover Medallions refers to potential characters for four indescribable stories in anthology.
Critical Role Is publishing a new short story anthology that includes 10 stories from the perspective of the Allies and the various enemies of Vox Machina in them Doubles and dragons Adventure with the title Critical Role: VOX Machina – Stories UntoldThis anthology in Doubles and dragons World of exandria on March 4, only released on time Critical RoleThe tenth anniversary.
The first part of Critical Role Played on March 12, 2015, brought the real game full of sound to Twitch for the first time. Over the next 10 years, Critical Role From the establishment of a publishing company, the Foundation and the Lights Broadcasting Service, it has had unprecedented success to broadcast three seasons from three seasons. The legend of Vox Machina – A moving adaptation of the first campaign.

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Now, Critical Role To celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2025, it publishes a special anthology. Critical Role: VOX Machina – Stories Untold It is a collection of 10 short stories written from allies attached to the adventure party, from allies such as Shauun Gilmore, Trinket, Kaylie and Doty to original evils such as Raisan and Kevdak. Each story by someone else including best -selling writers such as Rory Power and Sarah Glenn Marsh and Dimensions 20 Vat Critical Role Guest of General Motors AABRIA IYENGAR. A member of Liam Obrine also offers a preface, promising a variety of voices throughout the anthology.
Critical Role: VOX Machina – Stories of Uncateful Content
Preview written by Liam Obrine
10 short stories with friends and enemies of Vox Machina, including:
Shauun Gilmore, written by Aabria IyenGar
Roshan, written by Rori Power
Trinket, written by Sarah Glenn Marsh
Stories with Kale, Dati, Kochak and more, written by Jess Barber, Martin Kehil, Rebecca Tabondafar, Sam Flas, Nibdita Sen, Isa Vasrin and Kondra Wells
While the topics of four of the 10 stories have not yet been revealed, cover Critical Role: VOX Machina – Stories Untold For each story he has medals that can point out who may appear. A sword, rifle, dragon, and spider creatures are like Sigils that seem to be not associated with obvious stories, which can be references to other important characters from The legend of Vox Machina Like Sylas Briarwood, Anna Ripley or J'Mon SA ORD.
Critical Role: VOX Machina – Stories Untold It is officially released on March 4, but fans can order anthology today from Amazon, Barnes and Nobel or most of the other places where books are sold. Although prices may vary, it is $ 30 in the Honger, an audiobook for $ 20 and a digital printing with $ 15.
Before that, fans Critical Role You can enjoy a special photo on January 30 to raise money for those affected by the Los Angeles fire. Those who donate can vote that the monsters, the dangers and other obstacles that the actors face during the adventure will donate to the various charities donated to help people recover from this disaster. Become.