Could Sanji have defeated the Queen without Germa Tech?

Key foods

  • Sanji's hidden germa genetic changes were awakened during the battle with the Queen and helped him win.
  • Sanji's initial reluctance to use the Raid Suit was inevitably overcome, showcasing his power.
  • Without Germa's passive technology within him, Sanji would have struggled against Quinn's advanced technology.

Without a doubt, the Straw Hat Pirates' eccentric female cook, Sanjay, is an incredibly strong fellow despite her culinary title. each piece. While Sanji could certainly hold his own against enemies as one of the three strong members of the crew, during the battle with Quinn in the Vanoo arc, Sanji didn't fare too well.

During the battle with Quinn, Sanji was fighting a giant and advanced Dragon-Dragon Fruit user. However, while he was not using his Raid Suit, he had awakened his dormant Germa genetic modification, which allowed him to win the battle. Would Sanji have been able to defeat the Queen without the Germa technology sleeping in his body?


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Sanjay's true legacy as a Vinsmoke

Sanjay is more than just a straw hat cook as he comes from a royal family


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825 – 902



Blackleg Sanjay is the mysterious chef of the Straw Hat Pirates. Although it was initially believed that everything about Sanji had already been revealed, during the Zou arc, Sanji was revealed to be the third son of the Vincemoke family. The Vinsmoke family is the royal family of the Germa Kingdom and is known for its scientific and advanced technology.

Sanjay and his four siblings are the result of genetic engineering made possible by their father, Vinsmoke Judge's scientific advances. These genetic changes include human exoskeleton, super healing ability and physical strength. Unfortunately, Sanjay was labeled the failure of the family because he showed none of these changes, thus causing him to be shunned by his family and bullied by his brothers.

However, Sanji didn't care much about strength and power, as his compassion was stronger than his siblings. During a trip to East Blue, Sanji escaped the dungeon with the help of his older sister, Rijo. Sanjay soon meets Zeff and begins to pursue his dream of becoming a chef while working at Baratie.


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Since then, Sanji's genetic change has never been revealed, even after the passage of time and the hard training he went through in Kambaka Kingdom. Although Sanji has become extremely powerful in his battle with the Queen during the attack on Onigashima and is worthy of being one of the top ranks of the Straw Hat Pirates, there is no doubt that Sanji struggled during the fight as the Queen's cyborg body was also very tough. . Technologically advanced

The reason why Sanjay won the battle against the queen

Thanks to the genetic modification he awakened, Sanji was able to defeat the Queen

There are several reasons why Sanji won the battle against Quinn in the attack on Onigashima, and it has a lot to do with his actions before the battle. During the Levely arc, Sanji received his Raid suit from his older brother Neji while escaping Cocoa Island. Neji, knowing that Sanji would not accept anything from the family, put it in Sanji's pocket for later use.

Proving Neji's point, Sanji initially wanted nothing to do with Germa's technology and was eager to throw the can away. However, he was immediately stopped by Luffy and Chopper, who were excited to see Sanji shoot laser beams in Chapter 903. Three were used.


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  • Sanji first used his Raid Suit in Chapter 931, when he took the alias O-Soba Mask to defeat the One Plate.
  • Sanji wears the Raid suit for the second time in Chapter 936 at the Flower Capital Bathhouse while looking at Nami and Robin.
  • Sanji uses his Raid Suit for the last time to save Momonosuke from the King in Chapter 988.

However, after using the Raid Suit several times, Sanji notices that his body feels strange. All the while, Sanji was struggling in his fight against Quinn, unable to land a blow that would knock him down for good. During this time, Sanji also began to wish that Zoro would wake up from his medical sleep and help in the battle. At this point, it's clear that Sanji couldn't have defeated Quinn without any help from his Germa or Raid Suit technology.

Probably because I was wearing this, the “science” that had been in my body since birth was awakened.

However, after receiving a devastating blow from the Queen's Brachiosnakeus attack, Sanji was left with broken bones that would have incapacitated a normal human, which would have ended the fight had Sanji not awakened the changelings. However, after Sanji repeatedly used his Raid Suit, the genetic changes in his body from birth began to awaken during battle, leaving Sanji with a human exoskeleton, exceptional healing, and physical strength.


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If Sanji hadn't awakened this modification, he probably wouldn't have been able to defeat Quinn without a significant advantage. Before Quinn's defeat in episode 1061, Quinn continued to display powerful techniques and attacks, even going so far as to replicate Germa 66's techniques against Sanji, indicating her use of her cyborg enhancements.

Without a suit, you are no match for me!

Although Sanji destroyed his Raid suit during the battle, he didn't want to lose his mind and become cold and heartless like his siblings, but he was still able to awaken some of Germa's changes that were sleeping in his body, though He didn't know. Sanji may not have fully awakened the 'science' in his body. However, these abilities helped him during his battle with the Queen.

While Sanji wasn't satisfied with becoming a creature closer to his brothers, with the additional changes now made to his body, he was able to use more powerful techniques that took the Queen down.

Now that he had a stronger exoskeleton, super strength and speed along with his Haki weapons, Sanji was able to deliver several powerful blows to the Queen that blasted her off Onigashima. Although Sanji won the battle, he quickly passed out, meaning that without Germa's additional modifications, Sanji would have struggled against the technologically advanced Queen.

One Piece is available to read through Viz Media. Those interested can read this collection officially and for free in Shonen Jump and Manga Plus applications. The release date for the next One Piece chapter, One Piece 1133, is set for December 8, 2024.

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One Piece is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. This series is the character of Monkey D. It follows Luffy and his crew of Straw Hat Pirates as they explore the Great Line to find the Pirate King's ultimate treasure, One Piece, to become the next king. The manga's popularity helped it grow into a larger media franchise, including an anime with over 1,000 episodes.


Ichiro Oda

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